Incoming exchange students

The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) warmly welcomes international students to join us in our work towards our mission: To contribute to the wellbeing of our planet.

Our interdisciplinary research generates innovations in food, health, environmental protection, climate and sustainable use of natural resources. The university has a comprehensive international environment and collaborates with education and research institutions from all over the world.

Nearly 17 percent of NMBU students have foreign citizenship and 43 percent of programs offered at NMBU are in English. Having a history since 1859, it is the second oldest institution of higher education in Norway, and the only educational institution in Norway to provide veterinary education.

NMBU has over 150 exchange agreements with partner institutions from all over the world. Students currently studying at one of NMBU's international partner institutions may apply to become exchange students for one or two semesters.

The application procedures depend on the type of your exchange agreement, eg. if you are traveling through Erasmus+, a bilateral agreement or the NORHED program.

In order to apply for exchange studies, you have to receive a nomination from your home university/institution. Your home university will nominate you through a specific exchange program. For application instructions for your specific exchange program, please select one of the programs below.

The sooner you complete your application, the earlier you can receive your Letter of Acceptance.

If you need asistance determining the type of exchange program, please contact us.

How to apply for exchange studies

  • Erasmus+

    The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has about 140 Erasmus+ partners all over Europe, and welcomes about 200 Erasmus+ exchange students every year. In order to do an Erasmus+ exchange at NMBU, there has to exist an exchange agreement between NMBU and your home university.

    Once you have been nominated by your home university on NMBU's online nomination portal, you automatically receive an email from NMBU on how to proceed with your application. To apply, please follow the steps below.

    Step 1) Nomination

    You will receive an automatic email confirming your nomination as an NMBU exchange student, and another email with a password for entering the application portal.

    Step 2) Register your application

    Register your application in the application portal SøknadsWeb. Before you register your application, please carefully read the information in the chapter "Course levels, packages and teaching periods" below.

    Language requirements: NMBU offers courses taught in English and Norwegian. The English courses require minimum English level B2 (CEFR), and the Norwegian courses require documented fluency in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. Students should choose courses relevant to their academic background and make sure they meet the course prerequisites before applying. Teaching language and course prerequisites are specified in each course description in our course catalogue. 

    Step 3) Online Learning Agreement (OLA)

    All students coming on exchange through Erasmus+ must complete a Learning Agreement. This is a contract that must be signed by the student, the home university and NMBU.

    Some universities are not using the same platform to create an OLA, but you should use the platform from your home university as the data will be exchanged between the various platform systems. Please contact your home university office for more information.

    Information and creation of OLA

    Step 4) Upload documents

    Please upload the following documents to your application profile - Søknadsweb before the application deadlines: 

    • Official academic transcripts in English 
      • - Official transcript is not just a print out, but an official document signed and approved by your home university.
      • - If you are a master student, please upload your bachelor transcripts too, not only results from your master program.
      • - French students also need to download academic transcripts in English from their classe préparatoire).
    • A list of the course you are registered in the current semester - this will, together with your transcripts - give us an idea and more complete picture of your academic background (unofficial list).
    • Copy of passport/ID card.

    When all documents are uploaded to Søknadsweb they will appear on your profile under the window "my documents", and your application is complete.

    Step 5) Deadline and decisions

    OLA and all documents must be created and uploaded before:

    • 1 June (Autumn semester: Aug/Sept - Dec)
    • 1 October (Spring semester: Jan/Feb - May/June)

    When to expect decisions:

    • Autumn semester applications: within 1 July.
    • Spring semester applications: within 15 November.

    Admission to courses is confirmed by OLA, and you receive a digital letter of admission from NMBU. 

    If you have any questions, please contact:


  • From Outside of Europe (bilateral agreement)

    The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) has about 40 bilateral agreements with partner universities from outside of Europe, and welcomes bilateral exchange students as non-degree students every year. In order to do a bilateral exchage at NMBU, there has to exist an agreement of exchange between NMBU and your home university/institution.

    Once you have been nominated by your home university on NMBU's online nomination portal, you automatically receive an email from NMBU on how to proceed with your application. To apply, please follow the steps below.

    Step 1) Nomination

    You will receive an automatic email confirming your nomination as an NMBU exchange student, and another email with a password for entering the application portal.

    Step 2) Register your application

    Register your application in the application portal SøknadsWeb. Before you register your application, please carefully read the information in the chapter "Course levels, packages and teaching periods" below.

     Step 3) Upload documents

    Please upload the following documents to your application profile (SøknadsWeb) before the application deadlines:

    • Application form (The application form must contain: 1) Complete home address, including post code 2) List of courses you want to take at NMBU 3) List of courses you are currently enrolled in at your home university).
    • Official academic transcripts in English (Official transcript is not just a print, but an official document signed and approved by your home university).
    • If you are a master student, please upload your bachelor transcripts too, not only results from your master program.
    • A list of the course you are registered in the current semester - this will, together with your transcripts - give us an idea and more complete picture of your academic background (unofficial list).
    • Copy of passport/ID card.
    • Documentation of English proficiency: Applicants who are native speakers of English do not have to document their English proficiency. All others must see our language requirements for what documentation to upload.

    When all documents are uploaded to Søknadsweb they will appear on your profile under the window "my documents", and your application is complete. 

    Step 4) Deadline and decisions

    All documents must be uploaded before:

    • 1 April (Autumn semester: Aug/Sept - Dec)
    • 1 October (Spring semester: Jan/Feb - May/June)

    When to expect decisions:

    • Autumn semester applications: within 15 May.
    • Spring semester applications: within 15 November.

    Academic Calendar NMBU

    For any questions, please contact:



    The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) welcomes NORHED students every year.

    The Norwegian Programme for Capacity Development in Higher Education and Research for Development (NORHED) is a program launched by Norad, the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation. The program aims to strenghten capacity of higher education institutions in low and middle income countries to educate more and better qualified candidates, and to increase quality and quantity of research conducted by the countries' own researchers.

    To apply for a NORHED exchange, please read the following information.

    Language requirements

    NMBU offers courses taught in English and Norwegian. The English courses require one of the English levels listed below (Please do also see the Higher Education Entrance Qualification for Persons with Foreign Education - The GSU-list), and the Norwegian courses require documented fluency in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. Students should choose courses relevant to their academic background and see if they meet the course prerequisites before applying. Teaching language and course prerequisites are specified in each course description in our course catalogue. 

    Applicants who are not native speakers of English must document their proficiency in English with one of the following tests:

    • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 500 for a paper based test (PBT), or minimum 60 on an internet-based test (IBT).
    • International English Language Testing Service (IELTS), academic, with a minimum score of 5.0.

    Please note that a TOEFL or an IELTS test cannot be more than two years old.

    • Applicants with Norwegian upper secondary school: Foundation/level 1 course in English at upper secondary school (140 hours) with the mark 2 or better. 
    • Pearson PTE Academic test with a minimum score of 51 points.
    • University of Cambridge examinations:
      1. 1. First Certificate in English
      2. 2. Certificate in Advanced English
      3. 3. Certificate of Proficiency in English

    In some cases, applicants can document English proficiency in other ways. Please see the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance Education to find out about other ways to document English language proficiency.

    The academic year at NMBU is organized in five periods

    Spring semester (Jan-Jun): January block, Spring parallel and June block. Application deadline 1 October.

    Autumn semester (Aug-Dec): August block and Autumn parallel. Application deadline 1 April.

    You might  only sign up for one course in each block, since this is an intensive teaching period, and all the exams of the block take place on the same day.

    However, it is not mandatory to sign up for a course in the blocks. You can meet the fulltime studies requirement (30ECTS/semester) without the blocks and only courses in the Spring parallel/Autumn parallel. 

    Academic Calendar: Information of semester start and semester end for block and parallel period.


    About 40% of the courses at NMBU are given in English. Descriptions of all courses can be found in the course catalogue. The courses marked with EN or NO/EN are taught in English. The courses marked with NO are only in Norwegian. The following general distinctions can be made regarding courses at NMBU:

    100-level/lower division bachelor courses focus on basic knowledge and working skills within a subject, as a basis for further studies or work.

    200-level/upper division bachelor courses develop a critical and more in-depth understanding of the field. It is assumed that students have a basic knowledge of the subject at an introductory level before taking the course.

    300-level/master level courses require a greater amount of high-level intellectual skill such as synthesis of knowledge from different fields, evaluation and the ability to conduct critical analysis. 

    400-level/PhD level courses - advanced knowledge in the subject area required and special application procedures apply (see information about PhD candidates below).

    Application procedures

    The application package must be sent to with the following documents:  

    • Official academic transcripts in English. Official transcript is not just a print, but an official document signed and approved by your home university.
    • Copy of passport/ID card.
    • Confirmation of enrollment in a PhD program at the home institution (if applicable).
    • Documentation of English proficiency.
    • Application form

    IMPORTANT: Please complete the application form with your private home address (inclusive postal code), and not the address of your home university or other institution.

    Application deadlines

    Autumn semester: 1 April.
    Spring semester: 1 October.

    Autumn semester applications: You can expect an answer from NMBU 15 May.
    Spring semester applications: You can expect an answer from NMBU 15 November.

    If you have any questions, please contact:


  • Nordplus

    Once you have been nominated by your home university on NMBU's online nomination portal, you automatically receive an email from NMBU on how to proceed with your application. To apply, please follow the steps below.

    Step 1) Nomination

    You will receive an automatic email confirming your nomination as an NMBU exchange student, and another email with a password for entering the application portal.

    Step 2) Register your application

    Register your application in the application portal SøknadsWeb. Before you register your application, please carefully read the information in the chapter "Course levels, packages and teaching periods" below.

    Language requirements: NMBU offers courses taught in English and Norwegian. The English courses require minimum English level B2 (CEFR), and the Norwegian courses require documented fluency in Norwegian, Swedish or Danish. 

    Step 3) Upload documents

    Please upload the following documents to your application profile (SøknadsWeb) before the application deadlines: 

    • Application form (The application form must contain: 1) Complete home address, including post code 2) Email address 3) List of courses you want to take at NMBU 4) List of courses you are currently enrolled in at your home university).
    • Official academic transcripts in English. Official transcript is not just a print, but an official document signed and approved by your home university.
    • Copy of passport/ID card.
    • Documentation of English proficiency (If English is not your first language, ask the Nordplus coordinator at your home university to document that your English level equals B2 or higher. Applicants who are native speakers of English do not have to document their English proficiency).

    When all documents are uploaded to Søknadsweb they will appear on your profile under the window "my documents", and your application is complete.

    Step 4) Deadline and decisions

    All documents must be uploaded before:

    • 1 June (Autumn semester: Aug/Sept - Dec)
    • 1 October (Spring semester: Jan/Feb - May/June)

    When to expect decisions:

    • Autumn semester applications: within 1 July.
    • Spring semester applications: within 15 November.

    If you have any questions, please contact:



    The Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) particpates in several NORPART projects.  In order to do a NORPART exchange at NMBU, there must exist an agreement of exchange and or a NORPART project agreement between NMBU and your home university/institution.

    Step 1) Nomination

    Your home university or the NORPART coordinator at NMBU must first nominate you for exchange on our online Nomination Service. The nomination deadlines are 15 September for studies starting in January and 15 March for studies stating in August.

    You will receive an automatic email confirming your nomination as an NMBU exchange student, and another email with a password for entering the application portal.

    Step 2) Register your application

    Register your application in the application portal SøknadsWeb. Before you register your application, please carefully read the information in the chapter "Course levels, packages and teaching periods" below.

    Step 3) Upload documents

    Please upload the following documents to your application profile (SøknadsWeb) before the application deadlines:

    • Application form: The application form must contain: 1) Complete home address, including post code 2) List of courses you want to take at NMBU 3) List of courses you are currently enrolled in at your home university.
    • Official academic transcripts in English: Official transcript is not just a print, but an official document signed and approved by your home university.
    • A list of the course you are registered in the current semester - this will, together with your transcripts - give us an idea and more complete picture of your academic background
    • Copy of passport/ID card.
    • Documentation of English proficiency: Applicants who are native speakers of English do not have to document their English proficiency. All others must see our language requirements for what documentation to upload.

    When all documents are uploaded to Søknadsweb they will appear on your profile under the window "my documents", and your application is complete. 

    Step 4) Deadline and decisions

    All documents must be uploaded before:

    • 1 April (Autumn semester: Aug/Sept - Dec)
    • 1 October (Spring semester: Jan/Feb - May/June)

    When to expect decisions:

    • Autumn semester applications: within 15 May.
    • Spring semester applications: within 15 November.

    Academic Calendar

    For any questions, please contact:


  • PhD candidates can apply for non-degree studies at NMBU

    For admission to NMBUs courses, PhD candidates from other institutions can apply for non-degree studies at NMBU. 

    PhD students in Norway

    Students admitted to other Norwegian institutions can apply for "enkeltemnerstudier" directly to NMBUs Admission Office by using the application portal - Søknadsweb. Questions can be directed to

    PhD students outside of Norway

    NMBU can accept applications from partner and non-partner institutions for admission to courses. All applications will be evaluated by the relevant Faculty at NMBU, and the Faculty will decide whether or not it has the capacity to admit the student, and if the student meets the necessary prerequisites. All international students not already admitted to another Norwegian university can send their application forms to

    1. Completed Application form
      IMPORTANT: Please complete the application form with your private home address (inclusive postal code), and not the address of your home university or other institution.
    2. Copy of passport/ID card.
    3. Official academic transcripts in English (Official transcript is not just a print, but is an official document signed and approved by your home university).
    4. Documentation of English proficiency.*
    5. Confirmation of PhD status at your home university

    * Language requirements

    NMBU offers courses taught in English and Norwegian. The English courses require one of the English levels listed below (Please do also see the Higher Education Entrance Qualification for Persons with Foreign Education - The GSU-list), and the Norwegian courses require documented fluency in Norwegian, Danish or Swedish. Students should choose courses relevant to their academic background and see if they meet the course prerequisites before applying. Teaching language and course prerequisites are specified in each course description in our course catalogue. 

    Applicants who are not native speakers of English must document their proficiency in English with one of the following tests:

    • University document confirming a completed master's degree with English as the language of instruction.
    • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) with a minimum score of 500 for a paper based test (PBT), or minimum 60 on an internet-based test (IBT).
    • International English Language Testing Service (IELTS), academic, with a minimum score of 5.0.

    Please note that a TOEFL or an IELTS test cannot be more than two years old.

    • Applicants with Norwegian upper secondary school: Foundation/level 1 course in English at upper secondary school (140 hours) with the mark 2 or better. 
    • Pearson PTE Academic test with a minimum score of 51 points.
    • University of Cambridge examinations:
      • 1. First Certificate in English
      • 2. Certificate in Advanced English
      • 3. Certificate of Proficiency in English

    In some cases, applicants can document English proficiency in other ways. Please see the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance Education to find out about other ways to document English language proficiency.

  • Nomination service for partner universities

Courses, levels and teaching periods

Check list for new exchange students

  • Before arrival

    You need to prepare yourself for the points below before going to Norway. This is a list that may help you along the way.

    Norwegian Study Permit

    New international students should apply for a Norwegian study permit (also called residence permit) as soon as possible after admission is granted.

    Study permits are not required for citizens of EU/EEA/EFTA countries. Instead, they should complete a registration process after arrival in Norway.

    Student housing

    If you need student accommodation we recommend you to contact the Student Housing Office as soon as possible after admission is granted. You will need your admission letter from NMBU to be able to apply. When you receive this letter, you will be given further instruction on how to proceed. 

    Key retrieval

    If arriving after opening hours, make sure to contact the Student Housing Office or the House Lady/Man to make arrangements to collect your room keys. This is if you have arranged accomodation through SiÅs student residences.

    Academic calendar

    On this website you will find important dates for the academic year.

    Teaching and exam schedule

    When the course schedules are ready you will be able to look them up by using our online teaching and exam schedule.

    How to find the University

    The Norwegian University of Life Sciences is located in Ås, 40 km south of Oslo. The distance from Oslo Airport Gardermoen to Campus Ås is 80 km. Here you can find a few guidelines on how to get there.

    Budget and cost of living

    Check out the cost of living for the country you are going to, check out this web page for some info.

  • After arrival

    Your contacts at the University

    The Student Information Centre (SIT)

    After arrival international students are welcome to visit SIT to pick up their Welcome Package with useful information about campus, among other things. SIT will be able to answer questions and give further information about important things to remember after arrival to Norway. SIT is located on the ground floor in the Clock building.

    We look forward to meeting you!

  • Useful web pages

Student life at NMBU

NMBU has high ambitions within the fields of research and education, and aims towards research of international excellence and training graduates who have academic depth, a multidiciplinary understanding and an international perspective. 

NMBU is famous for its inclusive and diverse student life. Every other year NMBU students arrange UKA, the second largest cultural event in Norway, and SiÅs sports offers a great variety of sport and training activities. About 20% of all NMBU students are international students.

See Emily Tsang's video on being an exchange student at NMBU.

The Student Union in Ås has roots back to 1864 and is thus one of the oldest in Norway. The house and the organisation have a very rich history that is well documented. Two books are written about the student community in Ås, and one of them can be read in its entirety on the National Library's website. 

  • Student organisations

    There are about 70 different student associations and clubs at NMBU. No matter what your interests are, you will be able to cultivate them: song, music, dance, politics, radio, sports, photography and lots more.

  • SiÅs Sports

    SiÅs Eika sport center offers a variety of different sports and activities, whether you are into teamsports or prefer training on your own.

  • Student newspaper

    The student newspaper "Tuntreet" presents all important news and events at NMBU, so read Tuntreet if you want to stay informed. If you are interested in journalism, graphic design, photography or drawing, you can join the staff and further develop the student newspaper.


  • Student union

    A union of students - for students. The Student Union is the students' own organisation, forming the framework for most of the students' social activities in Ås. 

    The Union is managed by the Student Union board, the sound committee, the bar committee, the disco committee, etc: all are students! As a member of the Student Union, you are committed to work two shifts at various events each semester.

  • Bodega and concerts

    Wednesdays and Fridays are "pub evenings" in the Union's own Bodega. The NMBU student Student Union has a great reputation in the music scene, and Ås has become a popular venue for Norwegian and foregin bands. Each semester, many excellent concerts are arranged - for many different styles of music. The Student Union has three different stages, and can thus house all kinds of bands - from the small and intimate, to the really big concerts. You are guaranteed to experience great concerts as a NMBU student!

  • Café Klubben

    At the café "Klubben", you can meet other students, read newspapers, enjoy a cup of coffee and perhaps a piece of the wonderful cheese cake.

  • Other events

    Each semester, about 3 to 6 small revues are held by various student associations. These are always a success! Debates and lectures are regularly held. Soccer fans enjoy Premier League and Champions League games on the large TV screen. Other events include special evenings, courses, in-house concerts, and more.

Contact us

You are very welcome to contact us at the Student Information Centre (SiT) if you have any questions about exchange to NMBU.

Tel: +47 67 23 01 11

After arrival, you can book an appointment with an incoming exchange coordinator.

Follow our incoming and outgoing exchange students on Instagram @NMBU_Exchange.