TBA320 Structural Design of Buildings, Advanced Course

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Roberto Tomasi

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:A total of approx. 250 hours of work is required, i.e. 10 hours of work must be expected per week in addition to the structured teaching.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring semester. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring semester.

About this course

Principle of structural dynamic for single-degree of freedom (SDOF) and multi-degree of freedom (MDOF) systems. Introduction concepts on seismic design and earthquake engineering.

Learning outcome

Upon course completion, the students should be able to perform structural analysis and engineering design of complex buildings to withstand a variety of loads and loading combinations at a specified reliability level. Furthermore, the student should learn to adapt structural solutions to certain design assignment. The course covers constructions using the 2D-elasticity theory and the students are trained in using FEM-software in the design of building frames (timber, steel and reinforced concrete). Reliability and safety considerations are adapted in compliance with building codes and applicable requirements in general.
  • Learning activities
    The material is presented through lectures, supported by course literature. The theory is being applied to practical engineering design tasks through supervised problem-solving. A certain amount of time is devoted to the application of FEM-software to the solving of engineering tasks, which allows for acquaintance with multiple design alternatives.
  • Teaching support
    Assistant teacher and lecturers will be available for supervision during office hours.
  • Prerequisites
    TBM120, TBA222,TBA223 and TBA224 (or corresponding previous knowledge).
  • Recommended prerequisites
    TBM250 for introduction to FEM-theory.
  • Assessment method
    Continous assessment (20%) with a final 3.5 hour written examination (80%).


    Grading: Letter grades

    Written exam

    Grading: Letter grades

    Permitted aids: B2 Calculator handed out, other aids as specified

  • Examiner scheme
    The external and internal examiner jointly prepare the exam questions and the correction manual. The external examiner reviews the internal examiner's examination results by correcting a random sample of candidates exams as a calibration according to the Department's guidelines for examination markings.
  • Mandatory activity
    Delivery of assignments during the course.
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures: 78 hours (6 hours per week). Exercises: 56 hours (4 hours per week). Unsupervised exercises and construction site excursions are also organised.
  • Admission requirements
    Special requirements in Science