NMBU student

Bilder tatt i Bioteknologibygningen på NMBU høsten 2021

Here you will find most of the tools you need in your education at NMBU, as well as information about exams, administering your studies, exchange, academic calendar, news, social events and student pages.

Useful Tools

Useful links

Deadlines and dates

Student update

Student web pages

Contact the Student Information Center

Opening hours: 10:00-15:00 Monday-Thursday
Location: Urbygningen (the clock building)
Phone: 67 23 01 11
Telephone and e-mail requests during: 08:00-15:00
E-mail: sit@nmbu.no

SIT on Facebook 

SIT on Instagram 

Are you looking for information about coming to NMBU for your exchange?

Go to the web page for Incoming Exchange Students