Health and Wellbeing
NMBU wants all students to thrive during their studies. Here we have gathered information related to health and well-being.
Crisis Hotlines
There are a number of telephone services and webpages where you can get advice, guidance and someone to speak with in case you need urgent assistance and do not have anyone else to speak with.
- Urgent Care Services(Legevakt) - 116117
- Ambulance - 113
- Mental Health Hotline only in Norwegian (Mental helse) - 116 123
- Church Hotline only in Norwegian (Kirkens SOS) – 22400040
- Counsel for Mental Health only in Norwegian (Rådet for psykisk helse) - Overview of resources, telephone numbers and chat functions
- The Follo Crisis and Incest Centre (KISiF) call any day any time +47 64 97 23 00 or send an e-mail to post@kisif.no
Healthcare and Psyche
SiÅs collaborates with the Health Center in Ås offering health services for students at NMBU. Below you will find information that may be relevant for both your physical and mental health.
- The Student Chaplain at NMBU
The Student Chaplain is ready and willing to speak with all students, regardless of background or faith on a variety of topics. - The Health Centre for youth and students - SiÅs (sias.no)
The centre offers services through nurses, psychologists, midwives and family therapists. Their services are free for all students who have paid their semester fees - The Student Life Coordinator
The student life coordinator is located in the Student Lounge and works to increase well-being and inclusion, and to reduce the feeling of loneliness among students - Say it in words
A forum for anyone who would like to share their thoughts with someone or search for friends. Feel free to create a user account and leave a message on the forum - AskMore
An organization that offers a chat service for those who wish to chat anonymously with someone, by chat-function or calling the help-line - ROS - Advice on eating disorders
Free advice service if you or someone you know needs help - Self help - SiO
Developed by the studentsamskipnaden at the university in Oslo (SiO) - Diabilities and Special Needs Arrangements
On this page you will find information on special arrangements during your studies and exams - SiÅs Health website
SiÅs offers individual advice - The Crisis Centre in Follo (KISIF)
The Crisis Centre in Follo offers counsellors that you can talk with especially in a crisis. They offer women, men and children who are exposed to domestic violence or abuse, temporary housing to escape their situation. The Centre in also offers phone counselling for women, men and children. Please read more Information about the Crisis Centre in Follo Brochure in English. - Do you need guidance with your studies?
The student advisors at the various faculties can help you with academic matters or refer you to staff with more specialised knowledge. They can help you plan out your study program and advise you on which courses to take with regards to your intellectual interests. - The Student Information Centre (SIT)
SIT offers diverse services to students and prospective students.- Opening hours: 10:00-15:00 Monday-Thursday
- Location: Urbygningen (the clock building)
- Phone: 67 23 01 11
- Telephone hours: 08:00-15:00 Monday-Friday
- sit@nmbu.no
- The Student Chaplain at NMBU
Doctors, dentist and physiotherapy
- General Practitioner (GP) scheme and the Emergency room at Ski Hospital
General Practitioners in Ås kommune - ÅS KOMMUNE (as.kommune.no) - in Norwegian
Emercency room at Ski Hospital and dentist in Follo (as.kommune.no) - in Norwegian
In the above link, you will find information about who is eligible for a GP, how to chose one and how to contact or visit the Emergency room at Ski Hospital if you do not have a GP. - Overview of physiotherapists offering discounted user fees (in Norwegian)
These services require a referral from a GP and entitle you to a discounted user fee so that you only have to pay a deductible - SiÅs Health website
SiÅs offers individual advice - Diabilities and Special Needs Arrangements
On this page you will find information on special arrangements during your studies and exams - Dentist
21-26-year-olds get a 75 per cent discount on dental services.
Those who turn 21-26 in 2024 will receive a 75 per cent discount on dental treatment and dental health services at the public dental clinics for the rest of the year.
Those who wish to take advantage of the offer must contact their nearest public dental clinic.
- General Practitioner (GP) scheme and the Emergency room at Ski Hospital
Engage Yourself
Surveys relating to students' health and well-being show that students who participate actively in the student environment and who volunteer, are less lonely and feel better at their place of study. That's why it is important for you to take part in the student community and get involved!
Here are tips for some activities you can get involved in:
- Clubs and student associations
Find a club or student association that appeals to your interests - NMBUI
Find a sports team that suits you.
At Eika Sports Center and in the areas around Eika, there are many different activities that have been arranged - SiÅs student mentors (FB)
Follow SiÅs student mentors and participate in their different activities - Library activities
The University Library offers an open, professional and social meeting place for students and others at NMBU - The Student Parliament
Take an active part in the student democracy, which includes all student representatives in the organisation - Mental Health Youth Ås (FB)
A local organization that meets regularly for informal socializing discussions
Surveys relating to students' health and well-being show that students who participate actively in the student environment and who volunteer, are less lonely and feel better at their place of study. That's why it is important for you to take part in the student community and get involved!
Here are tips for some activities you can get involved in:
- Clubs and student associations
Find a club or student association that appeals to your interests - NMBUI
Find a sports team that suits you.
At Eika Sports Center and in the areas around Eika, there are many different activities that have been arranged - SiÅs student mentors (FB)
Follow SiÅs student mentors and participate in their different activities - Library activities
The University Library offers an open, professional and social meeting place for students and others at NMBU - The Student Parliament
Take an active part in the student democracy, which includes all student representatives in the organisation - Mental Health Youth Ås (FB)
A local organization that meets regularly for informal socializing discussions
- Clubs and student associations
Get involved in the local community's arrangements
Fikselauget in Ås (The fixing crew - loosely translated!)
Ås now has one of the country's first Fikselaug! The fixing crew is part of an initiative to increase awareness and knowledge of material use, it's quality and also in teaching techniques for taking care of and reusing clothes. Workshops are organized once a month. These are open to anyone who wants to learn more about repairing clothes and taking care of what they have. For dates and more information visit Fikselauget Ås on Facebook.
The Red Cross is active in the area and needs volunteers, for the activities like 'visit a senior', refugee guide and homework help.
The Ås Volunteer Center is for all residents of Ås municipality, and it is up to you what it can be used for. Do you have a good idea? Or would you like to contribute to one of the existing activities? Contact them! They offer activities such as a language café for those wanting to learn more Norwegian in an informal setting.
The 'the Future in our hands' Ås (Fremtiden i våre hender Ås) is a group working on a food project that focuses on eliminating the waste of food and resources. They have also been initiators of the food cooperative Bua - Bærekraft i butik store on campus. They help promote the reuse of consumer goods.
Other types of voluntary work (Frivillig.no)
Frivillig.no is a portal listing all voluntary work in Norway. On this portal, you can easily search for a city or county and see what kind of opportunities are available near you.
Resources for NMBU Students
- Studentombudet at NMBU
Studentombudet contributes to safeguarding your student rights
- Social Study Lab
The university library invites you to academic and social functions for students and others are NMBU. Tuesdays from 9:00-14:00 at the university library. The Social Study Lab has a safe and calm atmosphere where you can study alongside other students. Writing Advisors from the Writing Centre are also available for questions - Survey Results on student health and wellbeing at NMBU (only in Norwegian)
On this page you can find the NMBU results from SHoT-surveys, but these are only in Norwegian. - Diabilities and Special Needs Arrangements
On this page you will find information on special arrangements during your studies and exams
- Studentombudet at NMBU
Need to see a doctor? Health services information:
Medical Emergency
Call 113 for an ambulance.
Legevakt (Emergency Services)
Call 116117 or 64871930 to find out if you can make an appointment to meet the doctor on duty for the day at Ski hospital. Try to do so as early as possible during the day. It is the same procedure if you are not well outside of working hours and would like medical attention, you can travel to the hospital in Ski. It is advisable that you call the Legevakt number to find out if you should take the trip out to Ski or if they think you should wait until the next day to see the doctor on duty during the day. The hospital address is Vardåsveien 3, 1400 Ski and you can take Bus number 510 SKI which stops at NMBU, you will then get off at the stop "Ski Sykehus" and walk three minutes up the hill to the hospital. You can buy the bus ticket through the Ruter-Billett app (Android App and iPhone App Store) which you can download on your phone, the ticket will be valid for 90 minutes. You can also buy the ticket on the bus but it will cost you more.
Personal Doctor - For those with Norwegian ID numbers
During your study period, it is a good idea to have a GP in the area. You never know when you might need it. If you are eligible for a Norwegian ID number, you can choose a personal doctor (GP) as soon as you receive your Norwegian ID. Most new students who apply for a Norwegian ID are automatically assigned a personal doctor and are informed of this by post. However, if you have received a Norwegian ID number and have not been assigned a personal doctor, you can choose one yourself by going through the list of available doctors in Ås (use Google translate to read the reviews of the doctors to help you decide which one to choose. You can either choose a doctor who has free spots available or choose to be on a waiting list for a doctor who no longer has any free spots). Once you have decided whom you wish to have as a personal doctor, call this number to ask for the doctor to be assigned to you: 23 32 70 00 When you call, just hold the line and eventually someone will answer, please have your Norwegian ID number ready.
For those without a personal doctor (GP)
If you do not have a GP in Ås, because you are not eligible for a Norwegian ID number, you can contact one of the private medical centres in either Oslo or Moss, and use your health insurance that you bring from home.Patient user fee
A patient user fee (egenandel) is required when consulting a doctor, whether you have a Norwegian ID number or not. The patient user fee for an ordinary consultation is NOK 155 (as of 2019). If your patient user fees exceed a certain limit (egenandelstak), you will receive an exemption card (frikort) (helsenorge.no) that entitles you to free health care for the rest of the calendar year. You will receive this exemption card automatically in the post within three weeks from when you have paid more than NOK 2,369 in user fees in 2019.
Ås Health Station
The Health Station provides free services to all NMBU students. Please read more about the their opening hours and the services they provide. If you require psychological support, it is possible to speak with the health care personal who can then refer you to a psychologist. If you just need general counselling or someone to talk to, you can make appointment with the University Chaplain. He welcomes all students regardless of faith, religion or way of life. The University Chaplain is bound by a confidentiality agreement, and has the time to talk! Contact the University Chaplain for an appointment or just drop in.