INF230 Data Handling and Analysis

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Habib Ullah

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk, norsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours: 26 hours of lectures, 26 hours computer lab, 72 hours work on mandatory assignments, 126 hours self study.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in the autumn parallel. This course has teaching and evaluation during the autumn parallel.

About this course

The course is under constant development due to the nature of technology and its development. The basic topics of the course are:

  1. Introduction to databases.
  2. Raw data and data processing.
  3. Analysis and methods
  4. Query and analysis of data
  5. Datalogging from external devices.
  6. Data and security.

See the course web pages for updated information.

Learning outcome

  1. Be familiar with database handling systems and the theoretical foundation.
  2. Master methods and techniques used for structuring raw data.
  3. Be able to model and analyse data located in databases
  4. Be able to program solutions for processlng and analysis of raw data
  5. Be able to use existing analysis software and knowhow the workflow
  6. Be able to use data mining principles
  7. Be familiar with IOT (Internet Of Things)
  8. Be familiar with datalogging and on-line visualisation
  • Learning activities
    1. Lectures.
    2. Group work/exercises with teaching assistant present in selected hours.
    3. Compulsory problem-solving.
    4. Independent study.
  • Teaching support
    Assistant teachers will give professional guidance in groups.
  • Prerequisites
  • Assessment method
    3 hour written exam. A-F.

    One written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids One written exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids
  • Examiner scheme
    An external examiner participates together with the internal examiner in the design of the exam assignments and the examiner's guide. The external examiner checks the internal examiner's assessment of a random selection of candidates as a calibration at certain intervals in accordance with the department's guidelines for grading.
  • Mandatory activity
    Compulsory assignments will be given. The assignments will include all areas that are of importance to the study of the subject. A more elaborate exercice will be given in the last part of the course. The details will be announced at cource startup.
  • Teaching hours
    • Lectures: 2 hours per week for 13 weeks.
    • Exercises: 2 hours per week for 13 weeks.
  • Reduction of credits
    10 credits INF130
  • Admission requirements
    Special requirements in Science.