Meley Mekonen Rannestad

Meley Mekonen Rannestad


  • Seksjon for fornybar energi og skogvitenskap

Jeg er forsker i skog og ressursøkonomi (PhD, NMBU 2015), med bakgrunn i skogbruk, økonomi og internasjonale miljøstudier. Mitt forskningsområde er innen klimasmart og bærekraftig skogforvaltning. For tiden leder jeg det internasjonale tverrfaglige NFR-prosjektet ClimateSmartForest, med et budsjett på 15 millioner NOK, og i 2024 ble jeg tildelt en forskningspris fra Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP). Jeg forsker og publiserer både innen de naturvitenskapelige og de samfunnsvitenskapelige sidene ved klimaendringer knyttet til skog og skogbruk. De siste årene har jeg representert NMBU som observatør på FNs klimatoppmøter COP25, COP27 og COP28.

    • Fagfelt
      • Klimaendringar
      • Skog og klima
      • Forskning innenfor klimatilpasning og samfunnsøkonomi
      • Klimasmart skogbruk
      • Internasjonal klimapolitikk
      • Klimatilpasning
      • Flerbruk i skog
      • Governance • Institusjonell teori og økonomi • Landbruk og utvikling • Livelihood-studier og miljø • Naturressurser og utvikling • Skogpolitikk • Sosial organisering • Tverrfaglighet
      • Skogproduksjon (Growth and yield)
      • Climate & forests (REDD+); poverty & environmental income; experiments & resource use
    • Publikasjoner

      Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

      Kassun, B.W., Kallio, A.M.I., Trømborg, E. and Rannestad, M.M., 2024. Vegetation density and altitude determine the supply of dry Afromontane forest ecosystem services: Evidence from Ethiopia. Forest Ecology and Management, 552, p.121561.

      Tadesse, T., Teklay, G., Mulatu, D.W., Rannestad, M.M., Meresa, T.M. and Woldelibanos, D., 2022. Forest benefits and willingness to pay for sustainable forest management. Forest Policy and Economics, 138, p.102721. DOI:

      Rannestad, M. M., Eid, T., Bollandsås, O.M., Gobakken, T., Tetemke, B., 2022. Aboveground Biomass Prediction Model Using Landsat 8 Data: A Test on Possible Approaches for Seasonally Dry Forests of Northern Ethiopia. In: El-Askary, H., Erguler, Z.A., Karakus, M., Chaminé, H.I. (eds) Research Developments in Geotechnics, Geo-Informatics and Remote Sensing. CAJG 2019. Advances in Science, Technology & Innovation. Springer, Cham. DOI:

      Tetemke, B.A., Birhane, E., Rannestad, M.M. and Eid T.H., 2021. Species diversity and stand structural diversity of woody plants predominantly determine aboveground carbon stock of a dry Afromontane Forest in Northern Ethiopia. Forest Ecology and Management,500, p.119634. DOI:

      Tadesse, T., Berhane, T., Mulatu D.W. and Rannestad, M.M., 2021. Willingness to accept compensation for Afromontane Forest ecosystems conservation. Land Use Policy, 105, p.105382. DOI:

      Noulèkoun, F., Birhane, E., Kassa, H., Berhe, A., Gebremichael, Z. M., Adem, N. M., Syoum, Y., Mengistu, T., Lemma, B., Hagazi, N., Mensah, S, Rannestad, M.M. and Abraha, H., 2021. Grazing exclosures enhance carbon sequestration at a rate greater than “4 per 1000” per year across agricultural landscapes in Northern Ethiopia. Science of the Total Environment, 782, p.146821. DOI:

      Wassie, Y.T., Rannestad, M.M. and Adaramola, M.S., 2021. Determinants of household energy choices in rural sub-Saharan Africa: An example from southern Ethiopia. Energy 221, p.119785. DOI:

      Rannestad, M.M. and Gessesse, T.A., 2020. Deforestation and subsequent cultivation of nutrient poor soils of miombo woodlands of Tanzania: long term effect on maize yield and soil nutrients. Sustainability, 12(10), p.4113. DOI:

      Tadele, M., Birhane, E., Kidu, G., G/wahid, H. and Rannestad, M.M., 2020. Contribution of parkland agroforestry in meeting fuel wood demand in the dry lands of Tigray, Ethiopia. Journal of Sustainable Forestry, 39(8), pp.841-853. DOI:

      Birhane, E., Ahmed, S., Hailemariam, M., Negash, M., Rannestad, M. M. and Norgrove, L., 2020. Carbon stock and woody species diversity in homegarden agroforestry along an elevation gradient in southern Ethiopia. Agroforestry Systems, 94(3), pp.1099-1110. DOI:

      Rannestad, M.M., Eid, T., Bollandsås, O.M., Gobakken, T. and Tetemke, B., 2019, November. Aboveground Biomass Prediction Model Using Landsat 8 Data: A Test on Possible Approaches for Seasonally Dry Forests of Northern Ethiopia. In Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (pp. 383-386). Springer, Cham. DOI:

      Tetemke, B.A., Birhane, E., Rannestad, M.M. and Eid, T., 2019. Allometric models for predicting aboveground biomass of trees in the dry Afromontane forests of Northern Ethiopia. Forests, 10(12), p.1114. DOI:

      Birhane, E., Mengistu, T., Seyoum, Y., Hagazi, N., Putzel, L., Rannestad, M.M. and Kassa, H., 2017. Exclosures as forest and landscape restoration tools: lessons from Tigray Region, Ethiopia. International forestry review, 19(4), pp.37-50. DOI:

      Rannestad M.M. & Hofstad O. 2017.  The Opportunity Cost of Reducing Deforestation in Morogoro Region and its Policy Implications. Chapter 14, pp 327-345. In: Kulindwa, K.A., Silayo, D., Zahabu, E., Lokina, R., Hella, J., Hepelwa, A., Shirima, D., Macrice, S, and S. Kalonga (eds). Lessons and Implications for REDD+: Implementation Experiences from Tanzania. CCIAM-SUA, Morogoro, Tanzania: E&D Vision Publishing Ltd. ISBN 9789987735532.

      Araya, M.M. and Hofstad, O., 2016. Monetary incentives to avoid deforestation under the Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) climate change mitigation scheme in Tanzania. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Chang, 21(3), pp.421-443. DOI:

      Hofstad, O. and Araya, M.M., 2015. Optimal wood harvest in miombo woodland considering REDD+ payments - a case study at Kitulangalo Forest Reserve, Tanzania. Forest Policy and Economics, 51, pp.9-16. DOI:



      Rannestad M.M. 2015. Economic analysis of carbon sequestration and storage in Tanzanian forests. Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) (PhD thesis: 2015:23).

      Araya M.M.  2009. Above Ground Carbon Stock Assessment and Economic Analysis of Eucalyptus globulus plantations and Exclosures in the Highlands of Tigray, Ethiopia. Norwegian University of Life Science (NMBU) (M.Sc. thesis).

    • Undervisning

      Jeg har undervist en rekke kurs, både ved NMBU som gjesteforeleser og ved partnerinstitusjonen Mekelle University (MU), Etiopia, som hovedlærer og kursansvarlig:

      • SKOG302 Flerbruk i skog
      • SKOG300 Skogplanlegging
      • NATF320 Ecology and Management of Natural Resources in the Tropics
      • MINA321/PHI404 Interdisciplinarity and Expert Disagreement on Sustainability
      • GRDCM 4113 Carbon management (MU)
      • GRDCM 4114 Ecosystem Services (MU)
      • FONC 411 Applied Statistics (MU)
      • FONC 311 Introduction to Environmental Science and Impact Assessment (MU)
      • FONC 451 Management of Dryland Forest and Woodland (MU)
      • Forest Economics (MU)
      • Forest Mensuration and Biomass Inventory (MU)
      • Plant Identification (MU)