Gold rush in the AmazonWhy have indigenous people turned to gold mining in the Ecuadorian Amazon when they previously opposed it?
13 September - Gard Frækaland Vangsnes (LANDSAM)Doctorate: Trial lecture and thesis defence. On 13 September, Gard Frækaland Vangsnes (Faculty of Landscape and Society) will defend his thesis 'We are all miners: An ethnography of gold mining in the…
New book: Bridging the Gap Between Philosophers and ScientistsIn a collaborative effort to bridge the gap between philosophy and science, Rani Lill Anjum and Elena Rocca have written a new book that explores the intersection between these disciplines and highlig…
13 September - Filip Rotnes (KBM)PhD degree - Public defence: Filip Rotnes, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend his PhD thesis "Metabolic modeling for aquaculture" Friday September 30th, 2024.Englis…
NMBU students design their own course through student led educationIn June 2024, three students seized the opportunity to create their own course at NMBU. When they found no existing course on the topic of their interest, the students took the lead in designing a stu…
Historical Archive of Norwegian Landscape Architecture in an Exhibition in the National Museum - ArchitectureIn 2019 it is 100 years since landscape architecture was taught for the first time in Ås Norway. The National Museum – Architecture in collaboration with the School of Landscape Architecture at NMBU m…
30 August 2024 - Mette Hofossæter (VET)PhPhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public DefenseMette Hofossæter, Department of Preclinical Sciences and Pathology (PrePat), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend her PhD thesis "Effects on intest…
30 August - Johanna M. Liberg Krook (KBM)PhD degree - Public Defence: Johanna M. Liberg Krook, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Science (KBM) will defend her PhD thesis "Kelp as food ingredient - processing and product evaluation…
27 August 2024 - Anniken Jerre Borge (VET)PhD degree - Trial Lecture and Public Defense. Anniken Jerre Borge, Department of Production Animal Clinical Sciences (ProdMed), Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will defend her PhD thesis "Serological …
This is how strawberries turn out when the insects haven't been at work long enough You have probably seen a nice red strawberry that has a slightly knotty and bumpy centre. This is the result of insects responsible for fertilisation have left a half-finished job.