14 February - Bolette Bele (MINA)

By Cathrine Glosli

Kvinne med briller og skjerf
Ph.d.-kandidat Bolette Bele (MINA)Photo: Privat

Bolette Bele (Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management (MINA)) will defend her PhD thesis “Nature-culture interactions in Norwegian summer farming landscapes – an integrating approach to the past and for the future” February the 14th, 2025.

Dr. Philos. degree – Trial Lectures and Public Defence 

English title of thesis:

“Nature-culture interactions in Norwegian summer farming landscapes – an integrating approach to the past and for the future”

Norwegian title of thesis:

"En integrert tilnærming til samspillet mellom natur- og kultur i norske seterlandskap – betydningen av fortida for framtida"

Title of trial lecture on a chosen topic:

"Etnobotanikk – om de tause plantetradisjonene i jordbrukslandskapet"

Title of trial lecture on a (by the evaluation committee) specified topic:

"Drøft utviklingen av norsk seterlandskap og svensk fäbodslandskap etter andre verdenskrig, i lys av nasjonal landbrukspolitikk og virkemiddelapparat samt relevante internasjonale avtaler. Hovedvekten skal legges på siste tiår."

The trial lectures and public defence will be held in Norwegian.

Time and place for the trial lectures and the public defence:

14 February 2025 at 10:45 in Gullvepsen, Bikuben

Evaluation committee:

First opponent: Professor emeritus Urban Emanuelsson, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Sweden

Second opponent: Dr Inger Auestad, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Norway

Committee coordinator: Professor Øystein Aas, MINA/NMBU

The doctoral thesis is available for public review at the NMBU library.
Thesis number 2025:1, ISSN 0809-6392, ISBN 978-82-575-2202-5

Published - Updated
