About the PhD Programme

The objective of the PhD Programme in Veterinary Science is to provide candidates with knowledge, skills and expertise in line with the Norwegian qualifications framework.

PhD Programme in Veterinary Science

Here you will find step-by-step information regarding the PhD Programme in Veterinary Science.

  • Quality assurance

    At the University level, it is the NMBU University Board (Universitetsstyret) who has the overall responsibility for PhD education, while the NMBU Research Council (Forskningsutvalget), as authorized by the Rector, is tasked with quality control and assurance, including identifying areas for improvement and taking necessary measures to enhance the quality of PhD education at NMBU.

    At the Faculty level, the PhD programme in Veterinary Science is governed by the VET Research Council (FU-VET) and the VET PhD Programme Council (Ph.d.-programråd VET), while the Unit for PhD and Research (Enhet for ph.d. og forskning) is responsible for the day-to-day administration and management of the PhD programme. The VET Research Council, which comprises faculty members from VET’s four Departments as well as representatives from technical staff and PhD candidates, is the faculty's strategic body within research and provides advice and input to the Dean in matters related to research, innovation, external research collaboration and research training. The VET PhD Programme Council, on the other hand, is responsible for the structure, content, and quality of the PhD programme. The VET PhD Programme Council includes one academic representative from each of VET’s four Department, two PhD candidates, one specialist candidate and one veterinary student.

    • Annual programme evaluation

      The PhD Programme Council conducts an annual assessment of the PhD programme, from October to January, to identify relevant issues as well as areas for improvement. Both PhD candidates and supervisors are actively involved in the process through survey questionnaires (annual progress report) and seminars. The annual assessment process results in a report to be submitted to the NMBU Research Council and details the specific measures to be taken to mitigate the issues and follow up on the areas for improvement identified during the process.  

      Here are the annual programme reports from the past three years.

    • Periodic evaluation of the PhD programme

      In addition, we are subject to a formal evaluation every 7 to 10 years where NMBU appoints an external committee comprising at least three faculty members and PhD candidates at other universities to conduct an independent assessment of the PhD programme in veterinary science.  

Information for supervisors

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Information for third opponents

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Current PhD positions

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Documentation requirements for education obtained outside Norway

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Kontakt oss

Marianne Tandberg

PhD Advisor

Oliver Li Xingwen

Oliver Li Xingwen

PhD Advisor
