PhD Forms
This web page provides a list of all PhD forms to be used by PhD candidates and staff during the PhD education, from start to finish.
Application and admission
- NMBU 1.1 Application for admission to PhD programme at a NMBU faculty (doc)
- NMBU 1.2 PhD Contract (doc)
- NMBU 1.3 Education plan (doc)
- NMBU 1.4 Cotutelle agreement
- Data Management Plan (DMP)
- Template for project outline and project description
- Digital form for your personal information
- Establishing a good relationship (between supervisor and candidate) (pdf)
- Timeline of mandatory PhD activities
- Proposal for the composition of the supervisory team
- Evaluation of applicant with external funding
- Approval of PhD candidate 4 months after start-up
- NMBU 2.1 Progress report for PhD candidate
- NMBU 2.2.1 Changes contract period (word document)
- NMBU 2.2.2 Changes required coursework component (word document)
- NMBU 2.2.3 Changes supervisory team (word document)
- NMBU 2.4 Midtveisevaluering (word-skjema)
- Rutiner for gjennomføring av obligatoriske seminarer (PDF-dokument)
Coursework component
- Agreement for Special Syllabus (word document)
- NMBU 3.2 Application approval completed coursework 15.03.2021
- NMBU PhD thesis template (17x24) (word document)
- NMBU English PhD thesis title/ front page template (word document)
- NMBU Norwegian PhD thesis front page template (word document)
- NMBU 4.1 Proposal for evaluation commitee (doc)
- NMBU 4.2 Submission of thesis
- NMBU 4.3 Co-authorship declaration (word document)
- NMBU 4.4 Assessment of PhD thesis (word document applicable for all NMBU faculties)
- NMBU 4.5c Evaluation of trial lecture and public defence (word document applicable for all NMBU faculties)
- NMBU 4.6 Errata - Application to correct formal errors in an approved PhD thesis (word document)
- Declaration of impartiality for members of the evaluation committee (word-dokument)
- Order printing of approved PhD thesis - Andvord Grafisk AS (word document)
- Press release form (word document)