Sarah Paule Dalle

Sarah Paule Dalle


  • International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric

I joined Noragric in December, 2021, as Researcher on the Biodiversity for Opportunities, Livelihoods and Development (BOLD) Project. Noragric's Seed System Lab is leading the “Genebanks and Seed Systems” component, in which we are collaborating with national partners in Bhutan, Ecuador, Tanzania and Uganda to examine how to strengthen the linkage between national genebanks and other seed system actors to increase farmers’ access to crop diversity.

Trained in ethnobotany, plant and landscape ecology, and conservation biology, my research interests lie in understanding local and indigenous people’s knowledge, use and management of both cultivated and wild plant resources in agricultural landscapes. My M.Sc. and Ph.D. research examined dynamics of change in the availability of culturally important plant resources on territories of the Tule (Kuna) people in Panama and the Yucatec Maya of Mexico. In the past decade, I have worked with non-profit organizations such as SeedChange (formerly USC Canada) and The Development Fund of Norway (Utviklingsfondet) on programs aimed at strengthening the food and farming systems of smallholder farmers in Central America, Africa and Asia. Through this work I have developed experience in seed system development, as well as skills in project management, monitoring and evaluation.

    • Ethnobotany
    • Landscape Ecology
    • Sustainable use and management of plant resources
    • Agri-food systems
    • Project management
  • List of publications from my research. (Cristin)

    Westengen, O. T., Dalle, S. P., & Mulesa, T. H. (2023). Navigating toward resilient and inclusive seed systems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(14), e2218777120. 

    Mulesa, T. H., S. P. Dalle, C. Makate, R. Haug, and O. T. Westengen. 2021. 'Pluralistic Seed System Development: A Path to Seed Security?', Agronomy, 11.

    Dalle, S. P., and O. T. Westengen. 2020. Seed security in theory and practice : a comparative study of seed security frameworks and their use (Norwegian University of Life Sciences: Ås, Norway).

    Teshome, A., D. Patterson, Z. Asfaw, S. Dalle, and J. K. Torrance. 2016. 'Changes of Sorghum bicolor landrace diversity and farmers’ selection criteria over space and time, Ethiopia', Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 63: 55-77.

    Dalle, S. P., and S. Walsh. 2015. 'USC Canada’s experience in supporting community seed banks in Africa, Asia and the Americas.' in Ronnie Vernooy, Pitambar Shrestha and Bhuwon Sthapit (eds.), Community seed banks: Origins, evolution and prospects (Routledge).

    Dalle, S. P., M. T. Pulido, and S. de Blois. 2011. 'Balancing shifting cultivation and forest conservation: lessons from a "sustainable landscape" in southeastern Mexico', Ecological Applications, 21: 1557-72.

    Dalle, S. P., and S. de Blois. 2006. 'Shorter fallow cycles affect the availability of noncrop plant resources in a shifting cultivation system', Ecology and Society, 11.

    Dalle, S. P., S. de Blois, J. Caballero, and T. Johns. 2006. 'Integrating analyses of local land-use regulations, cultural perceptions and land-use/land cover data for assessing the success of community-based conservation', Forest Ecology and Management, 222: 370-83.

    Ticktin, T., and S. P. Dalle. 2005. 'Medicinal plant use in the practice of midwifery in rural Honduras', Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 96: 233-48.

    Dalle, S. P., and C. Potvin. 2004. 'Conservation of useful plants: An evaluation of local priorities from two indigenous communities in eastern Panama', Economic Botany, 58: 38-57.

    Dalle, S. P., H. Lopez, D. Diaz, P. Legendre, and C. Potvin. 2002. 'Spatial distribution and habitats of useful plants: an initial assessment for conservation on an indigenous territory, Panama', Biodiversity and Conservation, 11: 637-67.