
Experience the world while you study Abroad


The world is waiting for you! At NMBU, you can do parts of your degree abroad through our many established cooperation agreements all over the world. An exchange stay can be an incredible opportunity not only academically and personally but also enhances future career possiblities. Studying and living in another country offers a unique opportunity to see the world from a new perspective, form friendships and networks across national borders while also perhaps learning a new language!

Apply for exchange!

Deadlines for exchange:

  1. 1. February for fall, summer or whole year exchange (main application deadline)
  2. 15. September for Spring semester

Apply via Søknadsweb

Kontakt oss

Adress: Studentenes informasjonstorg: Urbygningen, Ole Sverres plass 1, 1433 Å
Åpningstider: Mon - Thurs 10 - 15 

Before booking, you must read:

Exchange A to Z

Make an appointment

Exchange - Select country and institution

Alternative types of exchange/mobility


NMBU exchange blog


Are you looking for information about coming to NMBU for your exchange?

Incoming Exchange Students