
'Søknadsweb' - instructions

Applications for exchange are made through 'Søknadsweb'.

    • You must have a minimum of 60 credits at the time of application.
    • You are allowed to apply and prioritize a max. of 3 different institutions in the application
    • It is the students' responsibility to ensure the exchange agreement applies to their faculty/programme and that the institution offers relevant courses in line with their study programme. This applies to all 3 application alternatives.
    • It is important to make sure you meet the admission requirement of the institution; all will have specific language requirements and several require a minimum of B or C grade average.
    • Study plan (subjects) abroad must become part of your degree at NMBU.
    • Applicants who have not been nominated or on exchange previously will be prioritised.
    • A letter of motivation for your first priority must be uploaded in the application. The motivation letter should not be more than one A4 page. It should say something about your motivation for the university you set as first priority (academic content, academic relevance, expectations etc. and must be written in English if you are applying for an appointment outside Europe).
    • If you are nominated, your email address may be used to establish contact with students who are considering studying at the same institution. If you do not want this, please contact us at utksvellings@nmbu.no.

  • Deadlines to apply for exchange:

    • 1 February for the autumn semester, spring semester or the entire academic year.
    • 15 September for the spring semester (residual admission)
    • Go to  Søknadsweb, and choose the exchange application option (you may first be asked to fill in some personal information before seeing application options. Do so and save to move on).
    • Remember to upload a letter of motivation (max one A4 page and write only about the university you set up as 1st priority).
    • What should the comment field be used for? Here you write briefly about your language skills (does not apply to English-language studies) and whether there is particular student who is also applying that you would like to travel with.
    • NOTE: Submitting the application in 'Søknadsweb' is only the first step in the application process. If you are selected by NMBU, the next step in the process is to directly apply for admission to the institution you have been nominated for. You will receive information and help from NMBU to do this.

    If you have any questions about 'Søknadsweb', contact utveksling@nmbu.no