Speak up!

Megafon med snakkeboble uten tekst

We want our students to be safe. Speak up and report unwanted incidents or if something doesn't work!

  • Important information if you are a victim of rape or other sexual assault

    The sexual assault centre

    The sexual assault center, located at the Oslo accident and emergency outpatient clinic (Legevakten), is a 24/7 service. The center provides immediate care and help to those who have experienced rape, attempted rape or other kinds of sexual assault, even if you don’t remember what happened. The service is available for persons from 14 years and older, of all genders. 

    The center offers emergency medical and psychosocial treatment, and forensic examination. They also provide additional medical and psychosocial follow-up for up to 3 months.


    • Do not shower
    • Keep your underwear and clothing
    • Save SMSs and communication on social media
    • Try to write down what happened. Make a note of the time and place, what happened and how you reacted 
    • Tell a person you trust about your situation as soon as possible. Ask the person you are talking to, to write down what you have said.

    Other resources

  • Notification of censurable conditions or behaviour/Whistleblowing

    If you have been exposed to or become aware of something you perceive as censurable conditions, we encourage you to report this. Regardless of your role, censurable conditions should be reported immediately. If you report (whistleblowing), the case will be treated confidentially. As a student, you shall not experience any negative consequences as a result of your report.

    Censurable conditions may be the breach of laws, regulations, internal guidelines and instructions, or the breach of the general perception of what is justifiable or ethically acceptable. This may include sexual harassment, bullying, substance abuse, theft, financial infidelity and discrimination. All criminal offences must be reported to the police

    If you wish to report a case, please contact someone on the whistleblowing secretariat: 

    More information about notification (Feide login)

    Form for reporting censurable conditions

    You can also read more on sikresiden.no, where you will receive preventive training and advice on what to do in acute situations such as violence, threats, fire, sexual harassment, first aid etc.

    Advice and help can also be given by:

  • Educational quality and the psychosocial learning environment

    NMBU is to be characterized by a high quality of education and a good psychosocial learning environment. In order to achieve this, active and committed students are encouraged to contribute constructively to the learning environment.

  • Health, safety and the environment (HSE)

    Undesirable incidents, accidents, dangerous situations or rule violations must be reported as nonconformities.


    • If damage occurs to people, infrastructure or the environment
    • In the absence of protective devices
    • If the training does not comply with laws and regulations

    Use this HSE nonconformity form to report unwanted incidents, accidents or near misses, dangerous situations or rule violations.

    The form can also be used to suggest improvements regarding health, safety and the environment.

    There are designated HSE persons at your faculty who will receive the discrepancy report. You are not anonymous when you report discrepancies, but the case will be treated confidentially.

  • Buildings and infrastructure

    You can report errors and shortcomings related to the physical or digital learning environment.

    For example:

    • Ventilation
    • Cleaning
    • Illumination
    • Errors and defects in ICT-equipment

    Errors and deficiencies are submitted via NMBU help.

    SiÅs, the welfare association for students at NMBU, is responsible for student housing, Eika sports center and the cafeterias. Contact SiÅs for feedback. (SiÅs.no)

  • Information security and privacy

    If you have experienced a breach of information security or privacy at NMBU, NMBU encourages you to report this.

    For example:

    • Incorrectly sent e-mail, especially where there is personal information
    • Sharing of usernames and passwords
    • Routines that don't work

    Form for reporting violations (only in Norwegian)

If your report is not being followed up, submit a form to report discrepancy

Form for reporting discrepancies

The form will be sent to the archive, and the secretary of the learning environment committee will be the recipient of the form. You are not anonymous when you report discrepancies, but the case will be treated confidentially.