University of Alaska Fairbanks

About the study place
University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) was founded in 1917 and offers exciting environmental academic subjects of high quality. In its scenic surroundings UAF offers opportunities to achieve new scientific insights, at the same time as one can get wonderful experiences in a wild and beautiful countryside with a lively wildlife.
Who can apply
Bachelor and Master
Applicants with the best average grade at the time of application.
All exchanges require a completion of 60ECTS prior to a stay abroad.
Language requirements (English)
Upper Secondary school (‘videregående’ in Norwegian): Average minimum grade of 4, or
TOEFL score 230 (computer based test).Confirm requirement with institution: English Language Requirements UAF
Semester Timing
Fall semester: mid September - December.
Spring semester: January - MayRecognition of study credits
Bachelor level: 15 UAF credits correspond to 30 NMBU credits.
Master level: 9 UAF credits correspond to 30 NMBU credits.
Tuition fees
Exchange: There is the possiblity of applying for tuition free spot via the n2n mobility programe.
Study abroad:
*100- and 200-level (1st and 2nd year) courses: $165 base tuition + $415 non-resident surcharge.
*300- and 400-level (3rd and 4th year) courses: $200 base tuition + $415 non-resident surcharge.
*600-level (graduate-level) courses: $383 base tuition + $400 non-resident surchargeAccomodation
Health Insurance in the US
American universities have strict requirements for students’ health insurance. All students are studying in the USA should expect to purchase private health insurance recommended by the host university. This health insurance might be in addition to other (travel) insurances purchases by the student in Norway or abroad. University health insurance plans range from USD$ 500-1200 but can cost more. Read more about what health benefits you might be entitled to while studying in the USA on exchange from a Norwegian institution on HelseNorge.
All students who intend to study in USA must have student visa.
It is the student’s own responsibility to apply for a visa. A first step would therefore be to acquire information from the relevant country’s embassy.
Study visa: A student visa is necessary in order to study in the USA. You have to first receive a letter of acceptance from the host university before you can apply. The visum processing fee is currently USD $160, and the SEVIS registration fee is USD $350 for F-1 applicants and $220 for J-1 applicants. The universities in the USA will issue a document for students to obtain either the F1 or the J1 visa.
The universities in the USA require that students use either the F1 or the J1 visa.
NOTE J1 visa: Be aware that this carries a clause whereby the applicant faces a two-year ‘quarantine’ period after the initial residence period, in which the applicant cannot apply for a permanent work or residence permit in the USA. However, this does only apply if the student received public funding, such as from Lånekassen.More information: The US Embassy’s website
Further note: The US universities with which NMBU has agreements with, require evidence which shows that you can finance your studies there. If you use Lånekassen, then they can issue a guarantee for you. Information about what you probably can get in support can be found here (in Norwegian).
Courses taken previously by NMBU students
BIOL F418 Biogeography
GEOS F120X Glaciers/Earthquakes/Volcanoes
MSL F449 Biological Oceanography
NRM F161 Wilderness Leadership Education
WLF F421 Ecology and Management of Large Mammals
BIOL F486 Vertebrate Paleontology
FISH F427 Ichthyology
MSL F212 Introduction to Marince Science II
ECON F100X Political EconomyBIOL F481 Principles of Evolution
BIOL F426 Ornithology
WLF F425 Ecology and Management of Birds
NRM Introduction to Conservation Biology
CEF334 Properties of Materials
CEF437 Design of Engineered Systems
CHEM105 General Chemistry
BIOL486 Vertebrate Paleontology
FISH427 Ichthyology
MSL212 Introduction to Marine Science II
PS100 Political Economy
ABUS F273 Managing Small Business
GEOS F494 Permafrost
NRM366 Survey Research in Natural Resource
NRM F464 Wilderness Management
NRM F277 Introduction to Conservation Biology
NRM F290 Resource Management Issues at High LatitudesNRM F435 GIS Analysis
NRM F630 Resource Management Planning
NRM F697 Survey Research in Natural Research Management
MSL220 Scientific Diving
WLF425 Ecology and Management of Birds
WLF469 Landscape Ecology/Wildlife Habitat
WLF494 Human Dimensions of Wildlife Management
NRM F161 Wilderness Leadership Education
ATM F656 Climate and Climate Change
FISH F110 Fish and Fisheries in a Changing World
GEOG F302 Geography of Alaska
NRM F210 Principles of Sustainable Agriculture
WLF F421 Ecology and Management of Large Mammals
BIOL F692 Seminar: Climate ChangeM-SF
GEOG F307 Weather and Climate
NRM F435 Resource Management Planning