
RovQuant provides quantitative information and tools to improve the management of large carnivores in Scandinavia.

The Project

  • Description

    Large carnivores are rare, elusive, and controversial. Their populations are difficult to monitor and manage. For over 10 years, Swedish and Norwegian authorities have been accumulating monitoring data in Rovbase, an international large carnivore database. Today, the database contains records from thousands of genetic captures, observations, and dead recoveries of bears, wolves, and wolverines, collected by managers, researchers, hunters, and other members of the public in Scandinavia. This international research project uses these data to estimate population sizes, survival, and reproduction of carnivores in Sweden and Norway.

    wolf pack
  • Objectives

    1. Develop monitoring protocols

    We study monitoring designs and help authorities develop protocols for the cost-efficient collection of non-invasive sampling data. Properly designed and executed monitoring leads to reliable data, and reliable data are a pre-requisite for producing trustworthy estimates and conclusions. This is particularly important when scientific results inform policy decisions and wildlife management. RovQuant uses existing data in combination with simulations to develop protocols that allow managers to collect reliable data, while at the same time making monitoring more cost-efficient. This work is done in collaboration with those leading the data collection effort in Scandinavia, including Rovdata, Wildlife Damage Centre (VSC), The Swedish Museum of Natural History (NRM), and other organizations. 

    2. Monitor carnivores at large spatial scales

    We develop and test statistical methods for the analysis of carnivore monitoring data at very large spatial scales. Spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models use the spatial information of detections, for example, DNA samples left behind by wildlife, to estimate the location of activity centers of individuals. SCR models produce density estimates and density surfaces, accounting for the fact that not all individuals are detected. Furthermore, abundance estimates produced by SCR models take into account that animals move across the landscape and may be detected in multiple locations – for example, a bear living near the Swedish-Norwegian border may contribute partially to population size estimates in both countries.

    3. Map carnivore densities

    RovQuant generates carnivore density surfaces - maps of the density of wolverines, wolves, and bears - across Norway and Sweden. These maps and the underlying data are freely available.

    4. Estimate carnivore population sizes

    “How many are there?” This is one of the main questions asked by wildlife managers and policy makers. RovQuant provides population size estimates for wolves, bears, and wolverines throughout Norway and Sweden. We estimate carnivore population sizes at regional and national levels, as well as for subnational jurisdictions such as carnivore management units and counties

    5. Estimate population vital rates

    Population vital rates drive the change in wildlife population over time. These dynamics are the result of a combination of mortality, recruitment, immigration, and emigration. Monitoring conducted over multiple years allows RovQuant to estimate vital rates of large carnivores in Scandinavia. These estimates, in turn, are a prerequisite for population forecasting.

    6. Collaborate with managers

    The project results are published annually in technical reports. In addition, we attend meetings and workshops to ensure that RovQuant remains up-to-date on current and emerging challenges in large carnivore monitoring and management.

    Cyril Milleret presenting
  • Team Members

    NMBU Team Members

    Former NMBU Team Members

    Mahdieh Tourani

    Mahdieh Tourani

    University of Montana

    Joseph Chipperfield

    Jospeh Chipperfield

    Norsk institutt for naturforskning

    Ehsan Moqanaki

    Ehsan Mohammadi Moqanaki

    University of Montana

    External Team Members

    Jonas Kindberg

    Jonas Kindberg

    Norsk institutt for naturforskning

    Henrik Brøseth

    Henrik Brøseth

    Norsk institutt for naturforskning

    Perry de Valpine

    Perry de Valpine

    UC Berkeley

    Daniel Turek

    Daniel Turek

    Williams College


