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Master in Sustainable Food Systems
Apply for a master in sustainable food systems! The master will focus on systemic knowledge of food systems and give the students experience working in interdisciplinary teams to propose solutions that can change our food systems today. The master will give the students an overview of the systems both locally and globally and equip them with tools to combat challenges in today’s food systems, as well as learn how to develop solutions for the future.
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Call for student led activities about Sustainable Food Systems
It is now possible for students to apply for funding for student led activities and events related to sustainable food systems.
To apply, fill out and submit an application to the arena no later than one month before the event starts.

Article: If interdisciplinarity is the goal, what can the means be?
Interdisciplinarity is necessary to solve society's complex challenges. But when academia is largely organized into distinct disciplines and structures do not facilitate interdisciplinarity, how can we encourage more collaboration across fields?
Read article (Norwegian)Research on the Sustainability of Food Systems
Travel Report from the EAAP Congress in Florence by Paule Bhérer-Breton, PhD student, NMBU
Read the article from FHI here (Norwegian)
When Norway said no to dietary guidelines with sustainability
Was the debate on whether Norwegian dietary guidelines should include environmental considerations driven by powerful special interests? Marte Østbye Larsen has written a master's thesis on how political actors use the media to promote their narrative, and whether we as consumers are influenced.
The article is in Norwegian
Read the article here
Food & Society Conference
On April 30th 2024, the arena organized the Food & Society conference in Oslo. Two hundred individuals chose to gather at the Litteraturhuset on this warm and sunny day to discuss one of the most important issues of our time.
The arena invited researchers from various fields, with representatives from all faculties at NMBU, to share their expertise with experts and stakeholders in the field.
As our keynote speaker, we had food systems researcher Kate Schneider from Johns Hopkins University (USA). The conference concluded with a panel discussion featuring the State Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Wenche Westberg, and representatives from industry, academia, and civil society.
Read about the conference here
Article: Can we get beans from norwegian farmers?
Researchers from NMBU, Anne-Kjersti Uhlen and Paula Varela Tomasco, talks about the possibilities and difficulties for Norwegian farmers to grow legumes in Norway.

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Four times per year we send out a newsletter to our email list.
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The Sustainability Arena is established.
1. september 2022
Verdens matfat trues av klimaendringer og konflikter
5. desember 2022. USAs spesialutsending for global matsikkerhet, Cary Fowler besøkte NMBU. Verdens matfat trues av klimaendringer og konflikter | NMBU
13th of april 2023
Sustainable Diets - Accounting for sustainability in Nordic Nutrition Recommendations
May 2nd 2023
Diets of the Future
September 21st 2023
Doughnut festival - Redesign of a Food System
September 23rd 2023
Pecha Kucha - Utopia/Dystopia
11. Oktober
Verdens matdag - Frokostseminar med Utviklingsministeren
16. Oktober
Seminar with Donald Huisingh
27. Oktober
Sustainability & Urban Development
29. November
Open Seminar - Redesigning Foodsystems in Different Parts of the World
26. January
Harvest Hope
2. Mars
Future Food Festival
14. Mars
Fagprat: Husdyr og dilemmar in fremtiden matsystemer
3. April
Panel discussion
Food & Society
30. April
Husdyr i Framtidas Matproduksjon
30. May
Ending seminar - LIVESTOCK project
Breakfast seminar: 79 years with UN's Food and Agricultural Organization – More food related problems than ever?
16. October