Hogstmasking doing its thing

We will improve forest resilience to climate change, and contribute to reduced GHG emissions by substituting fossil based products with forest products, and at the same time, provide increased and sustainable economic returns to forest owners.

01 Jan 2020 - 31 Dec 2024

BIONÆR, Norges forskningsråd gjennom Forskningsmidler over jordbruksavtalen (JA)

  • Background

    Forests are important for the climate. The current net growth of Norwegian forest sequesters CO2 equal to 45-50% of the annual GHG-emissions. However, Norway’s and Europe’s forests are showing signs of a decreasing sink strength due to maturing forests. An ageing forest is not only associated with slower growth rates, but also higher risk of significant carbon emissions and economic losses due to natural disturbances that are likely to increase in frequency and severity.

    Climate Smart Forestry Norway (CSFN) will address key research gaps, specifically related to the risk analysis and modelling. At the heart of CSFN is the identification of robust management approaches that lead to win-win situations from multiple perspectives. The project will provide management guidelines and advice that aim to reduce risk, mitigate climate change and ensure economic returns to the forest owner.

  • Objectives

    The main objective is to develop a scientific framework for holistic assessments of forest management that simultaneously consider carbon, other biophysical forcings, substitution, and risk of natural disturbance while acknowledging forest owners to have a sustainable income from their forests.

    The project has five secondary objectives that will form the basis for CSFN implementation: 

    • Develop a framework for quantifying probability and effects of natural disturbance linked to forest structure and CC
    • Develop a holistic climate impact assessment framework including both radiative- and non-radiative biogeophysical climate forcing’s
    • Develop a framework for assessing substitution benefits related to relevant forest product life cycles, and assess market and resource potentials for a more climate friendly product palette
    • Develop an analytic framework and tools for integrating risk of natural disturbance in forest management decision making
    • Develop the CSF Norway assessment framework combining 1-4, and provide and design specific guidance for implementing CSF in Norway at stand- and landscape-level
  • Participants

    CSFN consists of leading forest scientists at the two main forest research institutions in Norway (NMBU and NIBIO) in collaboration with internationally leading experts from Luke, Finland and Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands. The reference group consists of key stakeholders that will provide valuable input and relevance to the project.

    Prof. Sjur Baardsen is project leader.

    Clara A. Fernández


    Ryan Bright


    Annika Kangas

    Natural Resources Institute Finland

    Rasmus Astrup


    Gert-Jan Nabuurs

    Wageningen University and Research