Plant Cell Lab
The Plant Cell Laboratory at Biovit is a research laboratory for the research and teaching done by the plant biology research groups.

Contact info
E-mail Manikandan Veerabagu
Phone: 67232631
Visiting and mail addressOpening hours
Kl 08:00 - 15:45
15. May - 14. September:
Kl 08:00 - 15:00
Welcome to work in the Plant Cell Lab
Contact: Lab. coordinator Manikandan Veerabagu 67232631
The Plat Cell Lab is located at Faculty of Biosciences
Field of work and laboratory analysis
- Cell- and tissue culture (solid- and liquid cultures, bioreactors)
- Molecular biology (gene sequences and gene transcript sequences, analyses of gene expression, copy number variation (CNV), CPD-DNA, in situ hybridization, and other standard molcular work)
- Protein (Western-blot analyses, ELISA)
- Cell biology ( preparation for microscopy, immunolocalisation, light microscopy)
- Biochemistry analysis (carbohydrates, enzymes (Catalase, SOD etc), antioxidant, pigments and other metabolites)
- Transgenic organisms (create and working with GMOs, gene editing/CRISPR)
Teaching in Plant Cell Lab
Instruments and equipments
Cell- and Tissue cultures
Instruments - microcopes
Instruments - molcular biology
Instruments - Spectrophotometers
Instruments - Freeze drier
Various instruments
Staff in the laboratory
Besøksadresse : Kirkeveien 16 A, 1433 Ås Postadresse : Postboks 5003 1432 Ås