The research unit for aqua medicine is concentrated on interactions between host and pathogen. We are also responsible for teaching veterinary students in aqua medicine.
About the unit
Our research is concentrated on studies of interactions between host and pathogen. This is related to viral infection mechanisms and cellular responses of both congenital and adaptive nature at the cellular and genetic level, and also includes vaccine development.
Reverse genetics methods have been established for several viruses and include IPNV, SAV and VHSV. Since 2006, the research group has focused on research related to the three most important viral infections that damage the salmon's heart: CMS, PD and HSMB.
In recent years, salmon lice have also been prominent in research, and the research group is a partner in the Sea Lice Research Center, where we focus on host-parasite interactions and the salmon's associated immune responses.

We also have overall responsibility for the teaching of aqua medicine for the veterinary students and have supervisor responsibility for a number of veterinary students with specialization assignments or research line studies, as well as Norwegian and international PhD students. In addition, together with the Center for Continuing and Further Education (SEVU) at NMBU, we offer an online course in Fish Health.
We also work through several projects with capacity building in aqua medicine in African countries by teaching scientific staff / PhD and MSc students at universities and for people related to fish health services and the aquaculture industry.