The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

About the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Our subjects and activities
NMBU's The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is Norway's only veterinary educational institution and educates veterinarians, veterinary nurses and doctoral students in Veterinary Science and researches veterinary medicine and related biomedical disciplines. We have 500 students and 430 employees.
We also run our Animal Hospital, which is closely linked to our research and education and accepts patients from all over the country.
Studies at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Research at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Our social mission
This is how we are organized
Services and laboratories
News from the faculty
Phone number: + 4767 23 00 00
Email, general inquiries:
Email, The Academic and Research Administration:
Email, NMBU Sandnes:
Visiting address Ås: Elizabeth Stephansens vei 15, 1433 Ås
Postal address Ås: Enhet (faggruppe/seksjon/lab) NMBU Veterinærhøgskolen, Postboks 5003, 1432 Ås
Delivery, postal and visiting address NMBU Sandnes: Svebastadveien 112, 4325 Sandnes
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