Anatomy is one of the oldest disciplines in medicine and is the study of the structure of the body and structure of humans, animals and other organisms.
- The Research Gruoup for Defense Mechanisms and Genetics
- The Research Group for Immunbiology in production animals
- Teaching
- Anatomic collections, dissection hall and microscope hall
- Laboratories
- Employees
- Publications
- PhD candidates and dissertations from our unit and dissertations where we have participated since 2000
- News from the unit
About the Anatomy Unit
At our unit, we research the structure of the immune system in fish and domestic animals. The focus is on the structure and function of the mucous membrane and the pigment system.
The research is divided into two research groups, one led by Håvard Bjørgen (Immunoanatomy of fish) and the other led by Charles McL. Press (Immunobiology of production animals).
The Research Gruoup for Immunoanatomy of fish
Group members: Håvard Bjørgen, Malin Brimsholm, Fran Barac, Thea Hjemsæter and Erling Olaf Koppang.
Our research projects:
The immune-associated pigment system in salmonoids
In cold-blooded animals, there are leukocyte populations that can produce melanin. The cause and function of this pigment production is unclear. However, this situation can have highly undesirable consequences for the aquaculture industry.
The most important quality problem in Norwegian farmed salmon is the occurrence of black spots of varying size in the fillet. This leads to quality loss and downgrading of the product with consequent significant losses for the industry. We have discovered that these spots are due to the presence of pigment-producing immune cells.
In several studies, we have also examined these cells, both in cell culture and in various organs in fish where they normally occur as well as in the unwanted spots in the fillet. We had an important breakthrough in this activity in 2006 where we showed that these cells have their own machinery for pigment production, and we identified which genes were involved in the process (Haugarvoll et al. 2006; Throsen et al. 2006).
With this as a starting point, we could then address and characterize the spots in the filet with. This activity has been going on steadily in the following years. In recent studies, we have shown that severe spots are associated with viruses and how the spots develop in character over time (Bjørgen et al. 2015; Bjørgen et al, 2019). But still we cannot give any reason why these spots form, nor can we explain why melanin is synthesized in leukocyte populations in fish.
We continue our activity in this In 2019, we found that fish also have a structure that has great similarities with the bursa Fabricii in birds (Løken et al. 2020). This structure is found in the hole area of salmon and develops from skin just like in birds. It has a dynamic lymphepithelium that disappears in sexually mature individuals just like in birds. Previously it was thought that such a structure only existed in birds. Our findings show that this structure appears to have developed earlier in the development series than previously thought.
Pigmentflekk i laksefilet Photo: Håvard Bjørgen Mucosal surface in fish
The surfaces of animals differ self from non-self. For a microorganism or a foreign substance to be able to establish itself in the animal, it must first pass through a body surface. Animals have developed advanced mechanisms in these surfaces to protect themselves against unwanted elements. Some surfaces such as the intestinal surface are selective, i.e., it lets through nutrients and fluid, while on the other hand it strives to keep unwanted elements out. Such surfaces have a very complicated anatomical structure. Other surfaces are simpler, such as skin. Their function is not the uptake of liquid or nutrients, but simply to form as protective a border against the outside world as possible.
Our research has concentrated on mapping and understanding the function of mucosal surfaces in fish with a special intestine, but also in focus. We have described the main features of the microscopic and macroscopic structure of the intestinal system in salmon and on this basis proposed a detailed anatomical naming of different segments (Løkka et al. 2013) and we have identified special cells involved in the transport of foreign matter in the intestinal surface (Fuglem et al., 2010). We have been involved in research on chronic intestinal inflammation in salmon and how this can affect the animals, for example with the development of cancer (Dale et al. 2009; Bjørgen et al. 2018).(Dale et al. 2009; Bjørgen et al. 2018).
I 2008 fant vi en tidligere ubeskrevet struktur i gjellene hos laks (Haugarvoll et al. 2008). Denne strukturen består av immunvev og ser ut til å være det første forsøk naturen gjør i utviklingsmessig sammenheng på å danne organisert mucosa-assosiert lymfatisk organ. Vi har arbeidet lenge med denne strukturen, og i den siste tid har vi også tatt i bruk in situ hybridisering i karakteriseringsarbeidet. Dette indikerer at strukturen kan oppfattes som et eget organ (Bjørgen et al. 2019). Disse arbeidene har i hovedsak vært finansiert gjennom egne midler og Norges Forskningsråd.
I 2019 fant vi at også fisk har en struktur som har store likeheter med bursa Fabricii hos fugl (Løken et al. 2020). Denne strukturen finnes i gattområdet hos laks og utvikler seg fra hud akkurat som hos fugl. Den har et dynamisk lymfoepithel som forsvinner hos kjønnsmodne individer akkurat som hos fugl. Tidligere har man trodd at en slik struktur bare fantes hos fugl. Funnene våre viser at denne strukturen ser ut til å ha utviklet seg tidligere i utviklingsrekken enn før antatt.
Schematic illustration comparing the sewer region of fish and birds. Photo: Illustrasjon: Kine Bjerke Bjørgen (Løken et al., 2020). Sources
Bjørgen H, Haldorsen R, Oaland Ø, Kvellestad A, Kannimuthu D, Rimstad E, Koppang EO (2019) Melanized focal changes in skeletal muscle in farmed Atlantic salmon after natural infection with Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV). Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 935-945.
Bjørgen H, Koppang EO, Gunnes G, Hordvik I, Moldal T, Kaldhusdal M, Dale OB (2018) Ectopic epithelial cell clusters in salmonid intestine are associated with inflammation. Journal of Fish Diseases 41, 1031-1040.
Bjørgen H, Løken OM, Aas IB, Fjelldal PG, Hansen T, Austbø L, Koppang EO (2019) Visualization of CCL19-like transcripts in the ILT, thymus and head kidney of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 93, 763-765.
Bjørgen H, Wessel Ø, Fjelldal PG, Hansen T, Sveier H, Sæbø HR, Enger KB, Monsen E, Kvellestad A, Rimstad E, Koppang EO (2015) Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) in red and melanised foci in white muscle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Veterinary Research, Sep 8;46:89. doi: 10.1186/s13567-015-0244-6.
Dale OB, Tørud B, Kvellestad A, Koppang HS, Koppang EO (2009) From chronic feed-induced intestinal inflammation to adenocarcinoma with metastases in salmonid fish. Cancer Research, 69, 4355-4362.
Fuglem B, Jirillo E, Bjerkås I, Kiyono H, Nochi T, Yuki Y, Raida M, Fischer U, Koppang EO (2010) Antigen-sampling cells in the salmonid intestinal epithelium. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 34, 768-774.
Haugarvoll E, Bjerkås I, Nowak BF, Hordvik I, Koppang EO (2008) Identification and characterisation of a novel intraepithelial lymphoid tissue in the gills of Atlantic salmon. Journal of Anatomy, 213, 202-209.
Haugarvoll E, Thorsen J, Laane M, Huang O, Koppang EO (2006) Melanogenesis and evidence for melanosome transport to the plasma membrane in a CD83+ teleost leukocyte cell line. Pigment Cell Research 19, 214-225.
Løken OM, Bjørgen H, Hordvik I, Koppang EO (2020) A teleost structural analogue to the avian bursa of Fabricius. Journal of Anatomy, 236, 798-808.
Løkka G, Austbø L, Bjerkås I, Koppang EO (2013) Intestinal morphology of the wild Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Journal of Morphology 274, 859-876.
Thorsen J, Høyheim B, Koppang EO (2006) Isolation of the Atlantic salmon tyrosinase gene family reveals heterogenous transcripts in a leukocyte cell line. Pigment Cell Research, 19, 327-336.
The Research Group for Immunbiology in production animals
Our Research Projects
Impact on Fish and Animal Health - Foods of Norway
«Foods of Norway» is a center for research-driven innovation (SFI) funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR).
The center's main goal is to develop sustainable feed resources from underutilized biomass such as forests, macroalgae (seaweed and kelp) and roughage using new technology. The center will also develop robust livestock with high feed efficiency to increase production of milk, meat and fish based on local feed resources.
The group Immunobiology assesses the health of salmon, chicken and pigs that are fed with new feed resources. The group uses infection models on pigs and model fish to assess the health effects of new feed resources.
Resilient Salmon
The Immunology group is a partner in the NFR project - Resilient Salmon which aims to understand the effect of individual feed components on the microbiota, host expression and metabolism and the interaction with host genetics in salmon at different life stages and rearing environments
A multi-omics approach will not only identify links between feed components and the microbiota but will also determine their impact on fish health at the gene, protein and metabolite levels. The Immunobiology group works with evaluation of health, especially the fish's response to stress.
The Immunobiology group participates in the PLASTPATH project (led by Prof Y. Wasterson, PARAFAG) which will evaluate the potential of microplastics in wastewater and freshwater environments to act as transport vectors for food and waterborne pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
PLASTPATH- microplastic as an emerging vector for foodborne pathogens in the food chain. | NMBU
Visualizing Death Inducing Protein Complexes (VIDEC)
NMBU is a partner in the EU RISE project VIDEC which will address mechanisms for cell death. Regulated cell death as exemplified by apoptosis, necroptosis and pyroptosis is induced by the formation of protein complexes.
In the VIDEC project, new molecular tools will be developed to visualize the formation of the protein complexes in living cells and tissues and then used to study cell death in normal and disease processes. The VIDEC consortium includes experts in cell death, bioluminescence experts, zebrafish experts, as well as structural, evolutionary, molecular and cell biologists in industry and academia.
The proposed research network will provide cross-sectoral mobility between laboratories expert in complementary skills. This exchange of personnel will drive the development of the new tool and improve the researchers' career opportunities. The Immunobiology group will host visits by 2-3 researchers during the project period.
Intestinal disorders in horses
We examine the intestinal immune system and enteric nervous system responses to inflammatory bowel disease in horses
Our unit teaches veterinary students and veterinary nursing students in the field of anatomy, histology and embryology. Furthermore, we are involved in continuing education courses. The teaching is given in the form of lectures, demonstrations of material, dissection courses, histology courses and colloquia and group work. This activity is carefully integrated with the teaching of physiology so that the students get a holistic picture of structure and function. Teaching is given in Norwegian.
We teach «VET420 Writing a PhD dissertation »which is a separate course for the research fellows and in continuing education courses for veterinarians and veterinarians.
Anatomic collections, dissection hall and microscope hall
Ever since the Norwegian Veterinary College was established in 1935, the teaching of anatomy has been a very central part of the veterinary medicine program. The employees put a lot of work into establishing the collection we now have of relevant preparations for use in both research and teaching. The collection is roughly divided according to organ system in relevant livestock species. For example, the collection for the urinary system will contain preparations from pigs, cattle, sheep, dogs, horses and cats. Some curiosities occur, but it is mostly these animal species that are covered in addition to fish. The skeleton collection is large and includes all the mentioned animal species.
In recent years, new plastination techniques have been introduced, and in our unit, Associate Professor David Griffiths has been responsible and a driving force for this. The result is several pedagogically very useful preparations. The plasticized preparations retain color and contour even though they basically consist of soft tissue. They are not toxic to handle, and they do not vaporize either alcohol or formalin as jar preparations do. The students therefore appreciate these preparations very much during the learning process and in connection with exam reading. The preparations are available to students and staff in separate gatherings in the dissection hall and in adjoining rooms.
An important part of the teaching at the unit takes place in the dissection hall. Here, students receive practical training in finding and identifying structures in dissected material. In the dissection hall we have an extensive course in dog dissection. We also have courses in horse head dissection, ruminant dissection, and horse bone dissection. In connection with the organ-based teaching, we have separate courses for each individual organ system where the dissection course is combined with courses in microscopic anatomy. The latter takes place in the microscopy room. In this way, we can systematically review organ system for organ system with lectures and courses in macro- and microanatomy as well as in physiology.
We have laboratories for the production and assembly of anatomical preparations. Plasticization is also included here. These facilities are used to prepare dogs and other animals before our dissection courses and to create other teaching materials. This activity is very important for the operation of the subject section.
Vi deler laboratorier for histologisk prosessering og avansert billedanalyse med We share laboratories for histological processing and advanced image analysis with a professional group for pathology. The laboratory has a research microscope, a confocal microscope, and a laser dissection microscope. The laboratory is a node in NMBU's «Imaging Center» . Here we have access to several specialized instruments for morphological research. In recent times, we have invested heavily in establishing in situ hybridization techniques at the laboratory. Here we notice specific expressed genes on the section. This is important to be able to circumvent the relatively difficult path of producing antibody.
Academic staff
Technical staff:
IgD-transcript positive cells suggest hypersensitivity in feed-related intestinal inflammation in the Atlantic salmon.
Bjørgen H, Oaland Ø, Midtllyng P, Tafalla C, Krogdahl Å, Koppang EO.
Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2023 Jan;132:108469.
Anatomical and pathological characteristics of ribs in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) and its relevance to soft tissue changes.
Brimsholm, M., Fjelldal, P. G., Hansen, T., Trangerud, C., Knutsen, G. M., Asserson, C. F., Koppang, E. O., & Bjørgen, H.
Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, 00, 1– 16.
Diffuse melanization of the red skeletal musculature in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).
Brimsholm M, Rønning L, Rimstad E, Koppang EO, Bjørgen H.
J Fish Dis. 2023 Apr;46(4):453-458.
The Distribution of IgT mRNA+ Cells in the Gut of the Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.).
Castro PL, Barac F, Hansen TJ, Fjelldal PG, Hordvik I, Bjørgen H, Koppang EO.
Animals (Basel). 2023 Oct 12;13(20):3191.
Genomic analysis of firework fear and noise reactivity in standard poodles.
Handegård, K.W., Storengen, L.M., Joergensen, D. et al.
Canine Med Genet 10, 2 (2023).
Cyberlindnera jadinii yeast as a functional protein source for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Early response of intestinal mucosal compartments in the distal intestine.
Hofossæter, Mette Eline; Sørby, Randi; Göksu, Aleksandra Bodura; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Øverland, Margareth; Press, Charles McLean.
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 2023 ;Volum 137. s. 108758
Effect of Cyberlindnera jadinii yeast on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and gut health of broiler chickens from 1 to 34 d of age.
Itani, Khaled; Marcussen, Caroline; Rocha, Sergio Domingos Cardoso; Kathiresan, Purushothaman; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Press, Charles McLean; Xie, Zhuqing; Tauson, Anne Helene; Øverland, Margareth.
Poultry Science 2023 ;Volum 102.(12) s. 103127.
Genomic analysis and prediction of genomic values for distichiasis in Staffordshire bull terriers.
Jørgensen, D., Ropstad, EO., Meuwissen, T. et al.
Canine Med Genet 10, 9 (2023).
Tumor-associated macrophages in canine visceral hemangiosarcoma.
Kerboeuf M, Haugeberg DA, Olsen T, Sørling LK, Koppang EO, Moe L, Haaland AH.
Vet Pathol. 2023 Jun 21:3009858231179947.
In-depth health surveillance and clinical nutrition in farmed Atlantic salmon: a strategic attempt to detect and mitigate an HSMI outbreak
Rennemo, J., Myrvold, S., Berge, K. et al.
Vet Res 54, 3 (2023)
Identification of a pharyngeal mucosal lymphoid organ in zebrafish and other teleosts: Tonsils in fish?
Resseguier J, Nguyen-Chi M, Wohlmann J, Rigaudeau D, Salinas I, Oehlers SH, Wiegertjes GF, Johansen FE, Qiao SW, Koppang EO, Verrier B, Boudinot P, Griffiths G.
Sci Adv. 2023 Nov 3;9(44):eadj0101.
Norway spruce extracts (NSEs) as bioactive compounds in novel feeds: Effect on intestinal immune-related biomarkers, morphometry and microbiota in Atlantic salmon pre-smolts.
Rocha, Sergio Domingos Cardoso; Morales_Lange, Byron Maximiliano; Montero, Ruth; okbayohanese, dawit; Kathiresan, Purushothaman; Press, Charles McLean; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Øverland, Margareth.
Journal of Functional Foods 2023 ;Volum 111. s. 105888.
Development of a shared item repository for progress testing in veterinary education.
Schaper, Elisabeth; van Haeften, Theo; Wandall, Jakob; Iivanainen, Antti; Penell, Johanna; Press, Charles McLean; Lekeux, Pierre; Holm, Peter.
Frontiers in Veterinary Science 2023; Volum 10. s. 1296514.
Effects of Yeast Species and Processing on Intestinal Health and Transcriptomic Profiles of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Fed Soybean Meal-Based Diets in Seawater.
Agboola, Jeleel Opeyemi; Mensah, Dominic Duncan; Hansen, Jon Øvrum; Lapena, David; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Arntzen, Magnus Øverlie; Horn, Svein Jarle; Øyås, Ove; Press, Charles McLean; Øverland, Margareth.
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2022 ;Volum 23.(3) s. 1675.
The teleost polymeric Ig receptor counterpart in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) differs from pIgR in higher vertebrates"
Angela Etayo, Håvard Bjørgen, Erling O. Koppang, Ivar Hordvik.
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 2022, 110440, ISSN 0165-2427
IgD-transcript positive cells suggest hypersensitivity in feed-related intestinal inflammation in the Atlantic salmon
Bjørgen H, Oaland Ø, Midtllyng P, Tafalla C, Krogdahl Å, Koppang EO
FIish Shellfish Immunol. 2022 Dec 14;132:108469.
Diffuse melanization of the red skeletal musculature in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.).
Brimsholm, M., Rønning, L., Rimstad, E., Koppang, E. O., & Bjørgen, H.
Journal of Fish Diseases, 00, 1– 6.
Heritability estimates of distichiasis in Staffordshire bull terriers using pedigrees and genome-wide SNP data.
Joergensen, D., Madsen, P., Ropstad, EO. et al.
Acta Vet Scand 64, 30 (2022).
Dietary Inclusion of Hydrolyzed Debaryomyces hansenii Yeasts Modulates Physiological Responses in Plasma and Immune Organs of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Parr Exposed to Acute Hypoxia Stress.
Morales_Lange, Byron Maximiliano; Djordjevic, Brankica; Gaudhaman, Ashwath; Press, Charles McLean; Olson, Jake; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Mercado, Luis; Imarai, Monica; Castex, Mathieu; Øverland, Margareth.
Frontiers in Physiology 2022 ;Volum 13. s. 836810.
Anatomy of teleost fish immune structures and organs. Immunogenetics
Bjørgen, H., Koppang, E.O.
Immunogenetics (2021) 73:53–63
High-Resolution, 3D Imaging of the Zebrafish Gill-Associated Lymphoid Tissue (GIALT) Reveals a Novel Lymphoid Structure, the Amphibranchial Lymphoid Tissue.
Dalum AS, Kraus A, Khan S, Davydova E, Rigaudeau D, Bjørgen H, López-Porras A, Griffiths G, Wiegertjes GF, Koppang EO, Salinas I, Boudinot P, Rességuier J.
Front Immunol. 2021 Nov 16;12:769901.
Early immunohistochemical detection of pulmonary micrometastases in dogs with osteosarcoma.
Kerboeuf M, Koppang EO, Haaland AH, Lingaas F, Bruland ØS, Teige J, Moe L.
Acta Vet Scand. 2021 Nov 3;63(1):41.
PRV-1 infected macrophages in melanized focal changes in white muscle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) correlates with a pro-inflammatory environment.
Malik MS, Bjørgen H, Nyman IB, Wessel Ø, Koppang EO, Dahle MK, Rimstad E.
Front. Immunol
IgM+ and IgT+ B cell traffic to the heart during SAV infection in Atlantic salmon.
Bakke AF, Bjørgen H, Koppang EO, Frost P, Afanasyev S, Boysen P, Krasnov A, Lund H.
Vaccines, Aug 31;8(3):E493.
Immunorganer hos fisk
Bjørgen H, Koppang EO
Naturen 144:160-163.
Immunopathological characterization of red focal changes in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) white muscle.
Bjørgen H, Kumar S, Gunnes G, Press CM, Rimstad E, Koppang EO
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, Apr;222:110035. doi: 10.1016/j.vetimm.2020.110035.
Anatomy, immunology, digestive physiology and microbiota of the salmonid intestine: Knowns and unknowns under the impact of an expanding industrialized production.
Bjørgen H, Li Y, Kortner TM, Krogdahl Å, Koppang EO
Fish and Shellfish Immunology, S1050-4648(20)30655-0. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2020.09.032.
Dissemination of Piscine orthoreovirus-1 (PRV-1) in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) during the early and regenerating phases of infection.
Dhamotharan K, Bjørgen H, Malik MS, Nyman IB, Markussen T, Dahle MK, Koppang EO, Wessel Ø, Rimstad E
Pathogens, Feb 20;9(2):143. doi: 10.3390/pathogens9020143
Gene expression and gastrointestinal function is altered in piglet small intestine by weaning and inclusion of Cyberlindnera jadinni yeast as a protein source.
Håkenåsen, I. M., Øverland, M., Ånestad, R., Åkesson, C.P., Sundraram, A., Press, C.McL. and Mydland, L.T.
Journal of Functional Foods. 73, 104118.
13 Apr 2023
Effect of Cyberlindnera jadinni yeast as a protein source on intestinal microbiota and butyrate levels in post-weaning piglets.
Iakhno, S., Umu, Ö.C.O, Håkenåsen, I.M., Åkesson, C.P. Mydland, L.T., Press, C.McL., Sørum, H. and Øverland, M.
Animal Microbiome. 2, doi: 10.1186/s42523-020-00031-x.
Cyberlindnera jadinii Yeast as a Protein Source for Weaned Piglets—Impact on Immune Response and Gut Microbiota
Lagos, L., Kashulin, A., Skugor, A., Ånestad, R., Åkesson, C.P., Press, C.McL. and Øverland, M.
Frontiers of Immunology. Doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2020.01924.
A teleost structural analogue to the avian bursa of Fabricius.
Løken OM, Bjørgen H, Hordvik I, Koppang EO
Journal of Anatomy, 236, 798-808
Vertebral column deformity with curved cross-stitch vertebrae in Norwegian seawater-farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L.
Trangerud C, Bjørgen H, Koppang EO, Grøntvedt RN, Skogmo HK, Ottesen N, Kvellestad A.
Journal of Fish Diseases 43, 379-389
Variations in mucous cell numbers in gills of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) presmolt in commercial freshwater farms in Norway
Persson, D, Bjørgen, H, Figenschou, A, et al.
J Fish Dis. 2020; 00: 1– 8.
Lymphoid tissue in teleost gills: variations on a theme.
Rességuier J, Dalum AS, Pasquier LD, Zhang Y, Koppang EO, Boudinot P, Wiegertjes GF
Biology, doi: 10.3390/biology9060127.
Rapeseed-based diet modulates the imputed functions of gut microbiome in growing-finishing pigs.
Umu ÖCO, Mydland LT, Øverland M, Press CMcL, Sørum H
Scientific Reports, doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-66364-4
Immune protection is dependent on the gut microbiome in a lethal mouse gammaherpesviral infection.
Yaron JR, Ambadapadi S, Zhang L, Chavan RN, Tibbetts SA, Keinan S, Varsani A, Maldonado J, Kraberger S, Tafoya AM, Bullard WL, Kilbourne J, Stern-Harbutte A, Krajmalnik-Brown R, Munk BH, Koppang EO, Lim ES, Lucas
Scientific Reports 11;10(1):2371. doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-59269-9.
Injection vaccines formulated with nucleotide, liposomal or mineral oil adjuvants induce distinct differences in immunogenicity in rainbow trout.
Villumsen KR, Kania PW, Christensen D, Koppang EO, Bojesen AM
Vaccines Feb 25;8(1):103. doi: 10.3390/vaccines8010103
Melanized focal changes in skeletal muscle in farmed Atlantic salmon after natural infection with Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV)
Bjørgen H, Haldorsen R, Oaland Ø, Kvellestad A, Kannimuthu D, Rimstad E, Koppang EO
Journal of Fish Diseases 42, 935-945.
Tumor microenvironment and stroma in intestinal adenocarcinomas and associated metestases in Atlantic salmon broodfish (Salmo salar).
Bjørgen H, Hellberg H, Løken OM, Gunnes G, Koppang EO, Dale OB
Veterinary Immunology and Immunopahtology – Epub 2019.
Visualization of CCL19-like transcripts in the ILT, thymus and head kidney of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L). Fish and Shellfish Immunology
Bjørgen H, Løken OM, Aas IB, Fjelldal PG, Hansen T, Austbø L, Koppang EO
Fish and Shellfish Immunology 93, 763-765.
Candida utilis yeast as a protein source for weaned piglets: Effect on growth performance and digestive function.
Cruz A, Håkenåsen IM, Skugor A, Mydland LT, Åkesson CP, Hellestveit SS, Sørby R, Press CMcL, Øverland M
Livestock Science, 226, 31-29.
Myenteric networks of interstitial cells of Cajal are reduced in the ileum of horses with inflammatory bowel disease.
Fintl C, Lindberg R, Press, CMcL
Equine Veterinary Journal, DOI: 10.1111/evj.13160.
Effect of Candida utilis on growth and intestinal health of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) parr.
Hansen JØ, Hofossæter M, Sahlmann C, Ånestad R, Reveco-Urza FE, Press CMcL, Mydland LT, Øverland M
Aquaculture, 511, 734239.
Erythroid progenitor cells in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) may be persistently and productively infected with piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV).
Malik MS, Bjørgen H, Dhamotharan K, Wessel Ø, Koppang EO, Di Chicco E, Hansen EF, Dahle MK, Rimstad E
Viruses 5;11(9).
Candida utilis yeast as a protein source for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.): Local intestinal tissue responses and plasma protein profiles
Reveco-Urzua FE, Hofossæter M, Kovi MKR, Mydland LT, Ånestad R, Sørby R, Press CMcL, Lagos L, Øverland M
PLoS One
Yeast as a protein source during smoltification of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) enhances performance and modulates health
Sahlmann C, Djordjevic B, Lagos L, Mydland LT, Morales B, Hansen JØ, Ånestad R, Mercado L, Bjelanovic M, Press CMcL, Øverland M
Aquaculture, 513, 734396.
Ectopic epithelial cell clusters in salmonid intestine are associated with inflammation
Bjørgen H, Koppang EO, Gunnes G, Hordvik I, Moldal T, Kaldhusdal M, Dale OB
Journal of Fish Diseases 41, 1031-1040.¨
Time after seawater transfer influences immune cell abundance and responses to SAV3 infection in Atlantic salmon.
Jarungsriapisit J, Moore LJ, Fiksdal IU, Bjørgen H, Tangerås A, Köllner B, Koppang EO, Patel S
Journal of Fish Diseases 23
Dietary seoxynivalenol (DON) may impair the epithelial barrier and modulate the cytokine signaling in the intestine of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar)
Moldal T, Bernhoft A, Rosenlund G, Kaldhusdal M, Koppang EO
Toxins 14, 10(9). pii: E376. doi: 10.3390/toxins10090376.
Gut microbiota profiling in Norwegian weaner pigs reveals potentially beneficial effects of a high-fiber rapeseed diet
Umu ÖO, Fauske AK, Åkesson CP, Pérez de Nanclares M, Sørby R, Press, CMcL, Øverland, M. and Sørum, H.
PLoS One, 13(12): 30209439. Doi: 10.1371/journal.prone.02098439. eCollection 2018
The interbrancheal lymphoid tissue likely contributes to immune tolerance and defense in the gills of Atlantic salmon.
Aas IB, Austbø L, Falk K, Hordvik I, Koppang EO
Developmental and Comparable Immunology, 76, 247-254.
Contrasting expression of immune genes in scaled and scaleless skin of Atlantic salmon infected with young stages of Lepeophtheirus salmonis.
Holm HJ, Skugor S, Bjelland AK, Radunovic S, Wadsworth S, Koppang EO, Evensen Ø.
Developmental and Comparative Immunology, 67, 153-165.
Translocation of nanoparticles and Mycobacterium marinum acros the intestinal epithelium in zebrafish and the role of the mucosal immune system.
Løvmo SD, Speth MT, Repnik U, Koppang EO, Griffiths G, Hildahl J.
Developmental and Comparable Immunology, 67, 508-518.
Granulomatous enteritis in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) associated with soybean meal regardless of water dissolved oxygen level
Mosberian-Tanha P, Landsverk T, Press C.McL, Mydland LT, Schrama JW, Øverland, M
Journal of Fish Diseases, 41, 269-280.
High-fiber rapeseed co-product diet for Norwegian Landrace pigs: Effect on digestibility.
Pérez de Nanclares, Trudeau M, Hansen JØ, Mydland LT, Urriola PE, Shurson GC, Piercey Åkesson C, Kjos NP, Arntzen MØ, Øverland M
Livestock Science, 203, 1-7.
Passive immunization of farmed fish.
Rajan B, Løkka G, Koppang EO, Austbø L
Journal of Immunology 198, 4195-4202.
Alternatives to mineral oil adjuvants in vaccines against Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida in rainbow trout offer reduction in adverse effects.
Villumsen KR, Koppang EO, Christensen D, Bojesen AM
Scientific Reports, Jul 19;7(1):5930. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-06324-7.
PhD candidates and dissertations from our unit and dissertations where we have participated since 2000
Organizations outside our own in parentheses.
- Ragna Heggebø Uptake and dissemination of the scrapie agent from the gut of sheep. Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae. Oslo, 2003. Main supervisor: Charles McL.Press Co-supervisor: Thor Landsverk.
- Atle Løvland Necrotic enteritis in broilers. Disease monitoring, performance losses and maternal vaccination. Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae Oslo, 2003. Main supervisor: Magne Kaldhusdal (National Veterinary Institute). Co-supervisors: Liv Jorun Reitan, Atle Lillehaug, Charles McL. Press.
- Gjermund Gunnes Quantitative evaluation of leukocyte markers in the ruminant lymph node using computer-assisted image morphometry. Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae. Oslo, 2004. Main supervisor: Thor Landsverk. Co-supervisor: Charles McL. Press
- Mette Valheim Aspects of pathology and immunology in goats infected with or vaccinated against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae. Oslo, 2004. Main supervisor: Thor Landsverk. Co-supervisor: Charles McL. Press, Anne Storset.
- Nina Santi Studies of mechanisms related to virulence and persistence of IPN virus infection in Atlantic salmon. Doctor Medicinae Veterinariae. Oslo, 2005. Main supervisor: Øystein Evensen, Co-supervisors: Bjørn Bratberg (VI), Charles McL. Press.
- Jim Thorsen, M.Sc. “Isolation, characterization and expression studies of the tyrosinase gene family in Atlantic salmon”. Oslo, 2006. ISBN: 82-7725-127-0. Hovedveileder: Bjørn Høyheim. Biveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang
- Søren P. Grove Immune response in Halibut. Doctor Scientiarum Oslo 2006. Main supervisor: Liv Jorun Reitan (VI), Co-supervisor: Charles McL. Press.
- Oløf Sigurdardottir Mycobacterium paratuberculosis infection (Paratuberculosis) in goats. Doctor Scientiarum Oslo 2007. Main supervisor: Øystein Evensen, Co-supervisor: Charles McL. Press.
- Erlend Haugarvoll, ”Novel leukocyte localisations and characteristics in the Atlantic salmon”. Oslo, 2008. ISBN 978-82-7725-158-5. Hovedveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang. Biveiledere: Inge Bjerkås og Morten Laane (Universitetet i Oslo).
- Lars Austbø mRNA expression of PrP and other relevant genes during infection and disease development. Doctor Scientiarum Oslo 2008. Main supervisor: Ingrid Olsaker, Co-supervisors: Grethe Skretting, Arild Espense, Charles McL. Press.
- Lindsey Moore, M.Sc. (Universitetet i Bergen). «Molecular characterisation of T cell co-receptors CD3, CD8 and CD4 in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Bergen, 2009. ISBN: 978-82-308-0761-8. Hovedveileder: Ivar Hordvik (Universitetet i Bergen). Biveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang
- Caroline Piercey Åkesson Studies on the uptake of prions and their early interaction with immune cells of the sheep gut. Philosophiae Doctor Oslo 2011. Main Supervisor: Arild Espenes, Co-supervisor: Mona Aleksandersen, Charles McL.Press
- Maria Aamelfot, (Veterinærinstituttet). “Tropism of infectious salmon anaemia virus and distribution of the 4-O-acetylated sialic acid receptor”. Oslo, 2012. ISBN: 978-82-7725-243-8. Hovedveileder: Knut Falk (Veterinærinstituttet). Biveilderere: Ole Bendik Dale (Veterinærinstituttet), Simon Weli (Veterinærinstituttet) og Erling Olaf Koppang.
- Mona Gjessing, (Veterinærinstituttet). “Morphological characterisation of inflammatory responses in Atlantic cod. Oslo, 2012. ISBN: 978-82-7725-222-3. Hovedveileder: Agnar Kvellestad. Biveiledere: Erling Olaf Koppang og Knut Falk (Veterinærinstituttet).
- Hilde Anette Søiland Fagerland, ”Studies of extracutaneous pathological pigmentation – black spots – in Atlantic salmon”. Oslo, 2013. ISBN 978-82-7725-253-7. Hovedveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang. Biveiledere: Lars Austbø og Espen Rimstad.
- Agnar Kvellestad,”Gill inflammation in Norwegian seawater-farmed Atlantic salmon – a study of aetiology and manifestation.” Oslo, 2013. ISBN 978-82-7725-265-0. Dr.philos.
- Atif Kamil (Universitetet i Bergen). Analysis of IgM sub-variants related to ancestral tetraploidy in salmonid fish. Bergen, 2013. ISBN: 978-82-308-2257-9. Hovedveileder: Ivar Hordvik (Universitetet i Bergen). Biveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang
- Guro Løkka, M.Sc.: “From morphology to function: intestinal studies of wild and reared Atlantic salmon”. Oslo, 2014. ISBN 978-82-575-1941-4. Hovedveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang. Biveiledere: Lars Austbø og Ivar Hordvik (Universitetet i Bergen).
- Karin Olofsson Immunopathological aspects of equine inflammatory bowel disease. Ph.D Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Uppsala 2016. Main supervisor: Ronny Lindberg (SLU), Co-supervisors: Caroline Fossum (SLU), Charles McL. Press.
- Alf Seljenes Dalum, “Studies on the interbranchial lymphoid tissue in the gills of Atlantic salmon and common carp”. Oslo, 2017. ISBN 978-82-575-1989-6. Hovedveileder: Agnar Kvellestad. Biveiledere: Charles Press, Gareth Griffiths (Universitetet i Oslo) og Erling Olaf Koppang.
- Martin Speth, M.Sc. (Universitetet i Oslo): “Development of immunostimulatory nanoparticles: A new strategy for improving the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis and beyond.” Oslo, 2018. ISBN: 1501-7710/NO. 1833 (ISSN). Hovedveileder: Gareth Griffiths (Universitetet i Oslo). Biveiledere: Erling Olaf Koppang og Bo Nyström (Universitetet i Oslo).
- Ida Bergva Aas, “Gene transcription studies on the interbranchial lymphoid tissue of Atlantic salmon – with emphasis on its role in the immune system”, Oslo, 2018. ISBN 978-82-575-1757-1. Hovedveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang. Biveiledere: Lars Austbø og Knut Falk (Veterinærinstituttet).
- Sumaira Bilal, M.Sc. (Universitetet i Bergen). «Molecular characterization of key components of the adaptive immune system in ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta). Bergen, 2019. ISBN: 978-82-308-3558-6. Hovedveileder: Ivar Hordvik (Universitetet i Bergen). Biveiledere: Odd Arne Karlsen (Univerisitetet i Bergen) og Erling Olaf Koppang.
- Hege Hellberg, ”Teleost gut morphology in sickness and in health, with emphasis on mast cell ontogeny and alimentary canal development in common wolfish, Anarhichas lupus Linnaeus, 1758”, Oslo, 2019. ISBN: 978-82-575-1619-2. Hovedveiledere: Inge Bjerkås og Erling Olaf Koppang.
- Torfinn Moldal, (Veterinærinstituttet). ”Impact of dietary plant oils and the mycotoxin deoxynivalenol on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) with emphasis in the intestine”. Oslo, 2019. ISBN: 978-82-575-1625-3. Hovedveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang. Biveileder: Magne Kaldhusdal (Veterinærinstituttet).
- Bjørn Håkon Wormstrand, “The role of the blood supply to growth cartilage in physeal osteochondrosis and septic arthritis/osteomyelitis in foals and pigs”. Oslo, 2019. ISBN: 978-82-575-1633-8. Hovedveileder: Kristin Olstad. Biveiledrere: Sigrid Lykkjen, Cathrine Fjordbakk og David Griffiths.
- Dhamotharan Kannimuthu, M.Sc. “Molecular characterization of Piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) and its pathogenesis in salmonids”. Oslo, 2019. ISBN: 978-82-575-1639-0. Hovedveileder: Espen Rimstad. Biveiledere: Øystein Wessel og Erling Olaf Koppang.
- Hanne Friis Berntsen: “Mixtures of persistent organic pollutants and single perfluorinated compounds: Do they adversely affect nerve and immune cell function in vitro?”. Ås, 2021. ISBN 978-82-575-1785-4. Hovedveileder: Erik Ropstad (Parafag). Biveiledere: Charles McL. Press, Magnar Bjørås (Rikshospitalet, Universitetet i Oslo), Steven Verhaegen (Parafag) og Mona Aleksandersen (Prepat).
- Silje Granstad: “Impact of feed composition on rearing of broiler chickens without in-feed antimicrobials”. Ås, 2021. ISBN 978-82-575-1811-0. Hovedveileder: Magne Kaldhusdal (Veterinærinstitutt). Biveiledere: Charles McL. Press, Filip Van Immerseel (Ghent University, Belgium), Birger Svihus (IHA, NMBU) og Arne Holst-Jensen (Veterinærinstitutt).
- Håvard Bjørgen, "Melanised focal muscle changes in Atlantic salmon – Interactions between infection and immunity”, Ås, 2021. ISBN: 978-82-575-1859-2. Hovedveileder: Erling Olaf Koppang. Biveiledere: Espen Rimstad, Charles Press, Gjermund Gunnes.
News from the unit
New research shows that the salmon industry can get ahead of HSMB disease
A collaborative project between the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Skretting and Elingsen Seafood shows that it is possible to predict HSMB disease in salmon in the sea before the outbreak occurs. And by introducing nutritional measures, the extent of the disease became milder than normal.

Several causes of melanin spots in salmon
Malin Brimsholm is a research fellow and has in her work delved deeply into the problems with melanin spots in salmon.
Melanin spots in salmon fillets have for a long time been the industry's biggest quality problem. Several breeders are now reporting increased levels of melanin, both in Norway and in Chile. New findings by researchers at NMBU show that different types of melanin changes in the fillet probably have several different causes.
New textbook on fish immunology
The textbook "Principles of fish immunology" will be published in April. The book provides a comprehensive overview of the immune system of fish. Håvard Bjørgen and Erling Olaf Koppang have written the chapter "Anatomy of Teleost Fish Immune Structures and Organs".
You can read summaries of all chapters and order the book at
New project for the Anatomy Unit.
The Green Platform project "Low-emission value chain for offshore aquaculture" has been approved.
The Anatomy Unit, NMBU faculty of Veterinary Medicine, is a co-actor in the sub-project "Better fish welfare and increased survival" through assistant professor Håvard Bjørgen.

Appointed as meritorious teacher
As one of only 2 at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine (the other was Prof. Peter Aleström, also from Prepat) and 9 at the entire university, Charles McL. Press was awarded status as Merited Teacher at NMBU.
Obtaining the status of Merited Teacher means that over time and systematically you have further developed the teaching competence to a level that is significantly higher than the expected basic competenc
Read more here (in Norwegian)Read more about the Merited Teacher scheme here (in Norwegian)
Review-artikkel på immunorgans in fisg published in Immunogenetics.
Following an invitation to contribute a review article on immune organs in modern bony fish, the article "Anatomy of teleost fish immune structures and organs" was published in the special issue Fish Immunology in the journal Immunogenetics in January 2021.
The article summarizes the current knowledge about the structure of the immune system in teleoster and is available as an open access article.
The article received the following review on the website of Immunogenetics.
Bjørgen and Koppang contributed a review titled “Anatomy of teleost fish immune structures and organs.” Professor Koppang is considered one of the leading experts on the anatomy of teleost fish immune tissues. Whereas many others only search for tissues already known in mammals, or speculate, Koppang has made solid contributions to the field by diligently identifying several previously unknown immune tissues. Besides providing clear descriptions and figures on the anatomy of the teleost fish immune system, the review also contains a critical evaluation of the field. It is a nice article for anyone with an interest in fish immunology, including experienced researchers.

Anne Clementine (30) researches salmon
When the researchers were looking for immune cells in the butt of the salmon, they found an undescribed organ.
Participating in the research project is Anne Clemetine Linde (30) from Drammen. (For subscribers)

Lecture at HAVBRUK 2020 Digital - Salmon has en analogue to the bird'sbursa Fabricii
The aquaculture conference was canceled earlier this year due to the COVID19 pandemic. It was later decided that the conference would go digital over the communication tool ZOOM on June 9-10.
The Anatomy Unit by Håvard Bjørgen gave a lecture on the discovery of a structural analogue to the bird's bursa Fabricii in the hole in salmon.