Research ethics
Research ethics is a set of values and norms intended to ensure that research is conducted with high integrity and in an ethically responsible manner.
This includes norms for good scientific practice, protection of persons and animals affected by research, and respecting the ethical obligations of research to society.
Research at NMBU must be conducted in accordance with recognised ethical norms and applicable legislation.
Ethical guidelines
Employees and students at NMBU have a responsibility to ensure that research is conducted in accordance with recognised ethical norms. The national research ethics guidelines are central in defining ethical norms, and in addition NMBU has its own ethical guidelines.
The university's ethical guidelines shall form the basis for reflection on ethical issues, and guide students and staff when they face ethical dilemmas in research and need to manoeuvre in situations where it is not obvious what is right and wrong.
Research at NMBU must be conducted in accordance with recognised ethical norms and applicable legislation.
Ethics on the Agenda
Research Ethics Committee
Research ethics for employees at NMBU
Misconduct in research
Free and independent research