Skatteforsk - Centre for Tax Research is excited to announce the availability of 1-2 PhD positions within the topics "Real Tax Policy for the Real World" and "International Economics, Business, and Policy" at our amazing NMBU campus outside of Oslo. The application deadline is 4th of March. More info on wage levels and formalities can be found through the links at the end of this article.
The sucsessfull candidate for "Real Tax Policy for the Real World" will have the opportunity to work within tax, inequality, and climate-related projects. As part of the central research group based at NMBU, you will collaborate with our international network of more than 70 researchers hailing from prestigious institutions around the world. Our dynamic and interdisciplinary environment fosters direct interaction between established scholars and early-career researchers utilizing our amazing micro data to analyze individuals' and firms' responses to taxes. At Skatteforsk, we place strong emphasis on dissemination and active engagement with academics, policy makers, and journalists. An example of this is the Atlas of the Offshore World, a new effort in collaboration with the EU Tax Observatory to inform the global debate around international tax evasion and avoidance. The candidate will work closely with Porfessor Annette Alstadsæter and others.
The candidate for the position within "International Economics, Business, and Policy" will investigate the struggles of multilateral institutions to adapt in the face of globalization. Current geopolitical challenges and overlapping crises are disrupting supply chains, energy markets, and trade patterns. You will have access to extensive administrative micro data on firms, trade and investment transactions which, in combination with other datasets, can be used to address tariff barriers, excise taxes, customs-related procedures, and other non-tariff barriers that affect trade and investment. The position will be supervised by Roberto J. Garcia and Ron Davies.
Candidates will be hired by the School of Economics and Business Administration at NMBU and part of its PhD-program, with great flexibility in course attendance and research stays at other institutions. Both candidates will have exclusive access to the Centre for Tax Research's comprehensive collection of administrative register data, enabling groundbreaking research that is directly relevant to societal and public discourse.
Apply here. More information on the topics can be found here. For more info, contact Professor Annette Alstadsæter, Director of Skatteforsk: annette.alstadsæ