SIKT, the state administration agency that negotiates with various knowledge publishers on behalf of the Higher Education sector, reports Feb 4th that unfortunately, they have not succeeded in agreeing with Wiley on a new read and publish agreement. Sikt and SIKT's negotiation council have therefore decided that the agreement will not be continued from 2025.
Access to archive, but publishing for a fee
Archive rights continue. This means that there is reading access to Wiley's journals that are included in the package, and for the years the institution has subscribed. For NMBU, this will likely apply for the period 2006-2024.
Wiley contains 1430 journals and 104.000 downloads are carried out from Wiley's journals each year at NMBU. In the period 2020 to 2024, 140 open access articles have been published under the Wiley agreement.
From 2025, researchers at member institutions will not be able to use the agreement to publish articles openly without paying a publishing fee.
Wiley reports that they will contact member institutions to inform them about what alternatives the institutions have regarding further access to and publishing in Wiley's journals.