Refurbishing the University Library at Sørhellinga

By Birgit Hvoslef Dahl

Naturlandskap med skog, sol og himmel
The color scheme for the library at Sørhellinga has been chosen from nature, the forest and the sky.Photo: Shutterstock

We are refurbishing the library at Sørhellinga with new colors and furniture. The Library will therefore be closed occasionally in the weeks to come, due to this work.

Progress plan

(Subject to changes.)

  • 28.11 - The library is closed due to the installation of a new glass wall. There may be some noise in the rest of the building because of this.
  • TBA - Date for painting work has not been set
  • 22.12 – last opening day before the Christmas holidays
  • 2.1 - first opening day after the Christmas holidays

See also the library's opening hours on our frontpage.

Nice, new surroundings for studies

The university library strives to provide good physical and digital learning environment that promotes learning, well-being and belonging. Through this refresh of the premises at Sørhellinga, we hope to contribute to this.

The premises at Sørhellinga have been dominated by glass, metal and gray colours. Now we add more colours, green like the trees, blue like the water and yellow like the sunrise, and open up the room with more lounge furniture and greater variety in the seating.

There will also be more power outlets, which the students have requested.

The university library as a social arena

After the refurbishing, we have room to create academic and cultural experiences for students, staff and guests at Sørhellinga, similar to what we offer in the Veterinary Building. In this way, we can be a door opener for the outside world into NMBU, and an inclusive arena for knowledge exchange, reflection and critical thinking.

If you have an idea for an event that suits Sørhellinga, please get in touch.

The library premises at Sørhellinga before renovation.

Photo: NMBU

Published - Updated
