About Towards
Interdisciplinary Masterproject - Lillestrøm
International Master Course: Disability, Social Justice and Climate-Resilient Development

Article: If interdisciplinarity is the goal, what are the means?
Interdisciplinarity is necessary to solve society's complex challenges. But when academia is largely organized into distinct disciplines and structures do not facilitate interdisciplinarity, how can we encourage more collaboration across fields?
Read article (Norwegian)
The IPBES NEXUS Report was launched on December 17th
With contributions from TOWARDS members Siri Eriksen and Frode Degvold, the report highlights how climate change and biodiversity loss are mutually reinforcing crises with significant negative impacts on health, water resources, and food security. The report identifies 71 concrete actions to promote integrated progress across sectors and outlines the necessary changes in financial, economic, and governance systems to ensure a sustainable and just future.
Find the report here
The Sustainability Festival - In pictures
On November 5th, the library at NMBU buzzed with activity as the
university hosted its third annual Sustainability Festival. This year, students from the EDS355 course – Climate change and society –organized events that explored climate-resilient development in both local and global contexts.

Siri Eriksen and Frode Degvold with article in Nature climate change
Read the paper hereSiri about COP29: "NMBU Researchers on Climate Financing: – Far From Enough" Read the article here (Norwegian)

Are area neutrality and ecological compensation the path toward sustainable land management?
In collaboration with the Follo region, TOWARDS and KRED held a policy dialogue on area neutrality and ecological compensation, gathering experts to discuss challenges, solutions, and legal frameworks.
Read about it here
Center for Climate Resilient Development – CRED
The Center for Climate-Resilient Developemnt (CRED) is a collaboration between NMBU, the Follo region, politicians, businesses, and civil society in the Oslofjord area, with the goal of creating local solutions to climate challenges.
Read about CRED here
New TOWARDS Policy Brief: Jelle Philippus Ronaldus Buijs - former NMBU Master student - writes about his research on the lived experiences of protesters and how it can lead to a better understanding of the personal sphere of transformations.

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Here we share the latest updates and events from the first quarter of 2024.
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On the 19th of March, researchers from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST) convened a policy dialogue on climate resilient development in Laikipia County in Nanyuki, Kenya. NMBU and JOOUST have been jointly conducting research in Laikipia North around the Mukogodo forest since 2017. Read more about the policy dialogue here.

During COP28, an agreement was reached with funding pledges to help countries at the frontline of climate change and with limited capacities pay the costs of the irreversible impacts of climate change. In January, TOWARDS organized a seminar in collaboration with C-Hub (Learning Hub for Climate Change Adaptation in Development) on climate loss and damage in January at Litteraturhuset in Oslo. Read more about it here.

Klimaforsker Siri Eriksen om robust utvikling - NMBU podcast