Department of Property and Law
National expertise in property registration, valuation, expropriation, land consolidation and the legal aspects of property and physical planning.
About us
Contact us
NMBU's Department of Property and Law provides robust education and research that is adapted to future competence requirements within our areas of expertise.
Our teaching is also an important part of NMBU's 5‐year master's degree in Urban and Regional Planning, as well as other degrees at the university. Over 500 students take courses delivered by the Department of Property and Law every year, including further education in law, land acquisition and property development.
Teaching at the Department is professionally oriented, and therefore combines several different disciplines. Expertise at the department is multidisciplinary. We provide robust education that is continually adapted to the current and future skills required within our disciplines.
Circus building (3rd floor)
Universitetstunet 3
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
1433 Ås
Interactive Map
Contact our staff
NMBU central switchboard: +47 67 23 00 00