Publications 2025
Latest academic journal articles, books and book chapters from NMBU's Faculty of Landscape and Society.
International Environment and Development Studies, Noragric
On industrial pasts and futures: Imagining a large-scale battery industry in Norway
Hobi A-SArticle in The Extractive Industries and Societies (June 2025)
Contribution of community seed banks to farmer seed systems and food security in Northern and Central Malawi
Tione G, Westengen OT, Holden ST, Katengeza SP & Makate CArticle in Food Policy (May 2025)
‘Sowing and harvesting water’: Revisiting forest restoration in the Peruvian Andes through a multi-stakeholder analysis
Christmann T, Cuni-Sanchez A. et al.Article in People and Nature (January 2025)
Navigating “Promising Victimhood:” Discretionary Practices of UNHCR Caseworkers in Rwanda’s Refugee Resettlement Process
Bækkevold KM, Bjørkhaug I, Irankunda J & Divon SA
Article in Journal on Migration and Human Security (January 2025)
Perceived climate change impacts and adaptation responses in ten African mountain regions
Cuni-Sanchez A,...Batumike R,...Jha N,...Leite A et al.Article in Nature Climate Change (January 2025)
Manual or Motorized Postharvest Operations of Pearl Millet in Maradi, Niger: Effects on Time and Energy Use, Profitability, and Farmers' Perceptions
Nourou AIM, Garba M, Grimsby LK & Aune JBArticle in Food and Energy Security (January 2025)
Ikke-antroposentrisme som grønn nykolonialisme
Benjaminsen TAArticle in Nytt Norsk Tidskrift (January 2025)
Defining a safe and just operating space for the Norwegian economy
Røkås T & Gómez-Baggethun E
Article in Ecological Economics (January 2025)Landscape Architecture
Property and Law
Eigedomsteori: Innføring i eit samfunnsvitenskapeleg teoritilfang for utøving av eigedomsfag
Sevatdal H, Sky PK, Berge E & Holsen T
Book published by Karnov Group (February 2025)
Jordskifteloven lovkommentar. Ajourført utgave på Juridika. A jour pr. 1. desember 2024.
Bjerva ØJ, Holth F, Reiten M, Sky PK & Aasen I.Book published by Universitetsforlaget (January 2025)
Public Health Science
Association between urban green space and transmission of COVID-19 in Oslo, Norway: A Bayesian SIR modeling approach
Kjellesvig H, Atique S, Böcker L & Aamodt GArticle in Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology (February 2025)
Health among youth and young adults born in the nordic countries to immigrant parents- a scoping review
Sheikh NS, Biele G, Straiton ML & Kjøllesdal MKR
Article in BMC Public Health (January 2025)
Vaccination in the post pandemic era - a qualitative study of the experiences of Somali immigrants
Gleditsch RN, Ofitserova TS, Winje BA, Sheikh NS, Skogheim TS & Hansen BT
Article in European Journal of Public Health (January 2025)
Green care farms and other innovative settings
Verbeek H, Pedersen I, de Boer B & de Bruin SChapter in Creating Empowering Environments for People with Dementia: Addressing Inclusive Design from Homes to Cities
K Charras, Hogervorst E, Wallcock S, Kuliga S & Woods B (eds)Book published by Routledge (August 2024)
Urban and Regional Planning
Multipal departments
Pathways for urgent action towards climate resilient development
Eriksen SH (Department of Public Health Science), Simpson NP, Glavovic B...Degvold F (Department of Landscape Architecture), et al.
Article in Nature Climate Change (January 2025)