VET357 Veterinary Microbiology

Credits (ECTS):16.5

Course responsible:Øystein Wessel

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:90

Course frequency:Yearly

Nominal workload:412,5 hours

Teaching and exam period:This course has teaching and evaluation in the spring semester

About this course

The course comprises a comprehensive introduction to the principles of microbiology, and an overview and detailed knowledge of a broad range of agents relevant to veterinary medicine.

The course is organized into the following three subject areas:

  • Bacteriology/Mycology
  • Parasitology
  • Virology

Teaching in each subject area is divided into a general and a special part. The general section focuses on the general principles including properties of the agents (structure, propagation/replication/life-cycle), epidemiology (distribution, hosts/reservoir, transmission), disease development (pathogenesis, virulence) as well as sampling, diagnostics and prevention/control. This forms the foundation for the special part in which specific agents are though in more detail. The special section focuses on agents relevant in veterinary medicine that causes disease in animals or that cause disease in humans through food and water.

The overall aim of the course is to understand the key principles in microbiology and be able to use that to understand properties of specific agents that are important for transmission and disease, and how this can be used in diagnostics and prevention/control. The course uses a combination of lectures, practical laboratory work and case-studies/groupwork as well as self-study and QA sessions.

The course forms the foundation for the understanding of veterinary microbiology and is an important prerequisite for the organ-based studies in Level 2, the course in food safety as well as the clinical teaching in Level 3.

Learning outcome

After completing the course the student should have the following knowledge, skills and general competence:


The student should be (able to)

  • familiar with the taxonomy used for the grouping of microorganisms and parasites
  • explain the structure and reproduction / replication / life cycle of microorganisms and parasites, both on a general basis and for selected agents
  • explain the epidemiology, including prevalence, hosts/reservoirs, and routs of transmission for microorganisms and parasites, both on a general basis and for selected agents
  • explain the pathogenesis and virulence for microorganisms and parasites, both on a general basis and for selected agents.
  • explain the choice of sample material and diagnostic methods for microorganisms and parasites, both on a general basis and for selected agents.
  • explain the principles for the prevention and control of microorganisms and parasites, both on a general basis and for selected agents.
  • familiar with important zoonotic microorganisms and parasites.


The student should be (able to)

  • handle potentially infectious material safely
  • utilize a microscope as a working tool
  • perform selected diagnostic methods and interpret the results


The student should have the general competence to

  • reflect on the associations between properties of microorganisms and parasites, epidemiology (prevalence, routs of transmission, hosts), and disease (pathogenesis, virulence)
  • apply knowledge about microorganisms and parasites to choose suitable sample materials and diagnostic methods
  • apply knowledge about microorganisms and parasites to break chain of transmission
  • Learning activities
    The course uses different learning activities in line with NMBUs learning philosophy. This includes lectures, self-study and student active learning like practical laboratory courses, case studies / group work and QA sessions. During the course the student will have regular access to teachers.
  • Teaching support
    The course will promote interaction between students and teachers. During lectures and laboratory courses there will be room for questions and discussions. In addition, the student will have regular access to teachers both digitally (zoom), canvas room and through plenary QA sessions. Together this will ensure that the student have access to the support needed to meet the learning outcomes.
  • Prerequisites
    Completed the first year at the program
  • Recommended prerequisites
    The course is especially based on VET356 Principles of Immunity and Disease
  • Assessment method


    The course is evaluated by an oral exam. The student is assessed in the three subject areas bacteriology/mycology, parasitology and virology. The student will be given a preparation time of 30 min without support material. The preparation time is followed directly by examination in the tree subject areas, with 10 minutes in each.


    The three subject areas are weighted according to the amount of teaching in the course:

    • Bacteriology, mycology (4/10)
    • Parasitology (3/10)
    • Virology (3/10)

    A score is given in each subject area. These are weighed as described above, merged and converted into grading scale A-F.

    The student must pass all subject areas to pass the course. Students who fail in one (or more) of the subject areas must be assessed again, but only in these specific subject area(s).


    A1: None


    Grading scale A-F based on the score from the oral exam.


    It is not possible to appeal a grade in an oral exam. Students with valid absences may in special cases, if there is capacity, be allowed to take a postponed examination during the same examination period. Application is sent to the Department of Studies.

    Oral exam day 1 Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids Oral exam day 2 Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: A1 No calculator, no other aids Oral exam Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    The oral exam is with external sensor.
  • Mandatory activity


    Safety requirements make the introductory course mandatory to participate in the rest of the courses. In case of absence from the introductory course, the student must contact the course leader to assess the situation.


    The course includes laboratory courses in bacteriology, mycology, parasitology and virology. All lab courses are mandatory. One day valid absence is allowed in bacteriology and parasitology. Absence is not permitted in mycology or virology.

    In the event of absence above the permitted limit, a customized program may be offered, or if the absence is extensive, the course must attend next year's course. It is up to the course teacher to assess the extent of the absence. Students will generally take the exam even though not all mandatory teaching has been approved. The grade will not be valid until the program requirements are approved.


    The course includes Canvas Quiz in bacteriology/mycology, parasitology and virology. All Canvas Quizzes are mandatory. The students have unlimited attempts to finish the quizzes, but they all need to be passed before the exam.

  • Notes

    Requirements for personal equipment:

    Lab coat is mandatory in course-related teaching (on loan at the laboratory).


    Laboratory: Please see the instructions for the laboratory (Canvas). It is mandatory with lab coats. There is a clean and unclean zone by the entrance to the laboratory. Hand wash and coat change is required at entry and exit.

    Training in fire protection is provided. It is mandatory with lab coats when working with gas. A first aid kit and an emergency shower are available. Gas plants are centrally controlled with a stopcock. The stopcock is demonstrated to the students at the first visit. The number of gas units is reduced to a minimum. Gas plants are checked prior to the instruction 2 times a year. There are separate fume hoods used where chemicals are used. Since working with infection subjects represent a real risk of infection, thorough training and a variety of security measures are initiated:

    Intro Course:

    • Security policies and safety procedures are presented.
    • Routines are taught and rehearsed. Demonstrations and practical training, many supervisors present to supervise and guide.
    • It is not permitted that students are absent in this part.

    Main courses:

    • Safety procedures are repeated. The review of safety procedures in the intro course and in the main course are held by two different people, which is considered to be an advantage when the same points are rendered slightly differently and it sits better with the students afterwards.
    • Introduction of discrepancy log - in other words spills and other incidents are logged; what happened, which students were involved and which follow-up were given.

    Changes and procedures to prevent zoonoses: The following measures were introduced 2007-2009, to reduce the risk of laboratory infection in the course in infection learning:

    • Listeria monocytogenes replaced with Listeria ivanovii (Listeria ivanovii is not human pathogenic).
    • Salmonella Typhimurium replaced with Salmonella diarizonae (S. diarizonae is not human pathogenic).
    • Practical execution of the typing of Salmonella bacteria is not done anymore (now only demonstrated by the instructor).
    • Streptococcus pneumoniae (human pathogenic, especially for those with weak immune systems) is not used more.
    • Liquid culture has been replaced with Campylobacter sp. (human pathogenic) and we have minimized the use of other types of liquid media (cultures in liquid media involves greater risk for spillage than cultures on solid media).

    Students with compromised immune systems or who are pregnant are particularly susceptible to infections, and special care must be taken when working with biological agents. This applies particularly to Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella pathogenic biovar, and Streptococcus pneumoniae. None of these agents are used further in the courses.

  • Teaching hours
    20-30 hours per week.
  • Preferential right
  • Reduction of credits
  • Admission requirements
    Admitted to the Veterinary Medicine Program and completed minimum 30 ECTS the first yeat at the program