TIP300 Concept and Product Realization
Credits (ECTS):15
Course responsible:Shailendra Singh
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Engelsk
Limits of class size:24
Course frequency:Annually.
Nominal workload:Lectures, tuition and homework, approx. 60 hours. Individual project work and presentation, approx. 315 hours.
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Autumn parallel.
About this course
The course consists of three main parts:
Part 1: Lectures with advanced topics in modern concept development and product realization. Key words are sustainable product development and industrial ecology, integrated product development (IPD), development- and selection models, functional analysis and specification, steps in the conceptualization process, regimes for screening and external testing, selection criteria, treatment of data and results, quality assurance etc. Furthermore, important standards and aspects of ergonomics and safety, regulations, legal product responsibilities and documentation, modern industrial production systems and methods, guidelines and data for pre-production, cost estimates for prototypes and limited series etc.
Part 2: Individual project work, which will be the major part of the workload in the course, with training in time limited development projects, organizing project work, and writing project reports as basis for later master projects. The project work starts by identifying a number of potential development tasks, where these may consist of own ideas, smaller industrial development projects, R&D at the Faculty, or a pre-project leading to a subsequent master project. One of these tasks is then evaluated and chosen for further project planning and development within the given timeframe.
Part 3: Project report and project presentation. The project work shall result in a written project report comprising all parts of the development process, which is to be submitted for evaluation. Finally, a short oral lecture is prepared where the student presents key project results.
Learning outcome
Learning activities
Teaching support
Recommended prerequisites
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Teaching hours
Preferential right
Admission requirements