TIP300 Concept and Product Realization

Credits (ECTS):15

Course responsible:Shailendra Singh

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Limits of class size:24

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:Lectures, tuition and homework, approx. 60 hours. Individual project work and presentation, approx. 315 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Autumn parallel.

About this course

The course consists of three main parts:

Part 1: Lectures with advanced topics in modern concept development and product realization. Key words are sustainable product development and industrial ecology, integrated product development (IPD), development- and selection models, functional analysis and specification, steps in the conceptualization process, regimes for screening and external testing, selection criteria, treatment of data and results, quality assurance etc. Furthermore, important standards and aspects of ergonomics and safety, regulations, legal product responsibilities and documentation, modern industrial production systems and methods, guidelines and data for pre-production, cost estimates for prototypes and limited series etc.

Part 2: Individual project work, which will be the major part of the workload in the course, with training in time limited development projects, organizing project work, and writing project reports as basis for later master projects. The project work starts by identifying a number of potential development tasks, where these may consist of own ideas, smaller industrial development projects, R&D at the Faculty, or a pre-project leading to a subsequent master project. One of these tasks is then evaluated and chosen for further project planning and development within the given timeframe.

Part 3: Project report and project presentation. The project work shall result in a written project report comprising all parts of the development process, which is to be submitted for evaluation. Finally, a short oral lecture is prepared where the student presents key project results.

Learning outcome

Having finished TIP300, the students will have gained key knowledge and experience in planning and implementing a time-limited engineering and product development-task. Their knowledge shall span from an early idea and conceptual stage, with screening and mission statement, identifying and describing relevant methodology and tools for development, analysis and evaluation, to ISO-quality assurance and product liability. Furthermore, the design of necessary technical drawings, descriptions and production recommendations, and brought to a stage where digital drawings (CAD) and ISO-data for automated production (CAM) to a stage where they can be transferred to a professional branch/mechanical workshop/industry for a price estimate and production. Also, the students will have gained important knowledge of framework, rules and demands for the writing of industrial development-project reports, and later development-oriented master-reports.
  • Learning activities
    The course is based on a combination of lectures on selected topics, class-tuition and project-work with individual or group tuition, where the project-work, report and presentation constitutes the larger part (approx. 80%). The project work is carried out on an individual basis, or preferably, in smaller groups of 2 students, dependent on size and complexity of the task. The project work is supported by lectures and tuition in project planning, execution and how to organize and write reports at the early master level (IMRaD-structure).
  • Teaching support
    The projects are followed up with guidance from the responsible lecturer, but also with support from technical expertise at the Faculty, on an individual basis or in groups by rotation, and as often as time permits. Date, time and duration are to be agreed upon by e-mail on basis of time-schedules at the TIP300-NMBU-Canvas webpage, which is updated regularly. During the lecture period and the project-period, the responsible lecturer and assisting teachers are also accessible via e-mail and telephone/Teams at given office hours.
  • Prerequisites
    Bachelor-degree in engineering, or at least 3 years of study in technology and/or product development at university colleges or universities. The following NMBU-courses must be covered: TMP160 - Engineering design, TIP150 - Modern workshop technology, TIP200 - Product development and product design with 3D, TBM200 - Materials Science and Engineering, TBM250 - The FEM-method, or similar.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    TIP100 - Industrial innovation and technology, IND200 - Practical project management, BUS240 - Operations management.
  • Assessment method
    Submitted project report and oral presentation/exam with external sensor and grading. The presentation will be done for a selected audience for confidential projects. Grading A-F, based on the project report as well as quality of the presentation. The project report must be submitted for evaluation at least two weeks before the project presentation/oral exam.

    Portfolio Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    The external examiner has worked with product development, engineering design and project evaluation for several years. Course evaluations, teaching arrangements, contents of the course, project criteria and demands are discussed at regular intervals as part of preparations and quality assurance. The project work and presentation is evaluated by a set of criteria, which are based on recommendations from UHR (the Norwegian Association of Higher Education Institutions) for master reports. This however, with some adaptions to the time available and the complexity of each project. The examination-criteria are made known and available for the students when the course opens. A standardized form describes the project evaluation points and procedure for each student/group of students.
  • Notes
    The course TIP300 (15 ECTS) is taught in parallel with TMP301 - Machinery- and product development (15 ECTS), and is recommended in combinations with this course, and IND300 - Experts in team.
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures: 34 hours. Week 36 to 40: 2+2+2 hours/week. Week 41 to 44, 2 hours/week. Project work: Week 38 to 49: with rotating tuition, individual/groups. Up to 24 hours/week is available for rotating tuition (approximately 6-8 hours of individual tuition per project throughout the project-period). Appointments via the TIP300-CANVAS webpage and e-mail.
  • Preferential right
    This course has limitations of class size, and you will be notified of admittance. The following ranking is applied: 1. Students who have the course as mandatory in their study plan. 2. Students on the following study programmes: M-MPP and M-IØ-MP. 3. Students with the most ECTS credits. If there are not enough slots in group one, the students will be ranked by their ECTS credits.
  • Admission requirements
    Special requirements in Science.