PPUN400 Teaching and Learning in Higher Education - Scientific Staff

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Knut Omholt

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Limits of class size:20

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:250 hours.

Teaching and exam period:The course starts in autumn parallel. The course has teaching in autumn parallel and spring parallel. Evaluation in spring parallel.

About this course

The course deals with central perspectives, theories and principles related to teaching at the university/university college level. The course is highly experience-based, and the knowledge is tested in practice through the participants' own arrangement and accomplishment of teaching under the guidance of other participants and the teachers.

Learning outcome


The candidate

- knows the essential learning theories and perspectives on teaching and learning

- knows the principles of how to design teaching and promote learning

- knows the national qualification framework

- can describe types and levels of learning

- knows a broad specter of teachng methods, first and foremost those which activate the students

- knows methods of supervision and how to further the development of groups

- knows different forms of evaluation of learning

- knows how to get feedback on one’s own teaching

- can describe specific ways of teaching in one’s own field

- can describe how the curriculum of one's teaching relates to principles of education for sustainable development


The candidate

- can choose, give the grounds for and evaluate objects, content, and methods of teaching and evaluation in one’s work

- can develop new courses

- can supervise individual students and groups of students and facilitate supervision among colleagues

Generic competencies

The candidate

- can develop relations to students and colleagues to promote a good learning environment

- can ask for feedback on one’s own teaching and take actions to improve the teaching

- can develop one’s over all competence as a teacher

- can implement adequate corrections and innovations in a course

- can see how one’s own course is related to other courses in the study programme and take part in the development of the programme as a whole

- can take part in discussions of questions regarding teaching in higher education in relevant fora

- can share one’s experiences as a teacher with colleagues and improve the learning environment at one’s institute and at the university

- can do research on one’s own teaching and get it published.

  • Learning activities
    Lectures are given to introduce and give an overview of central pedagogical principles, theories and ideas. There will be group work, seminars and conversations making the participants aware of their own relation to the theoretical material. There will be exercises to get practical experience and an assignment to develop the teaching in their own subject area.
  • Teaching support
    Teachers and peer students give feedback to exercises and assignments during gatherings. The essay for the exam is also supervised.
  • Prerequisites
    Teaching experience from university or university college. The participants must have a scientific position.
  • Assessment method

    Individual written assignment.

    Assessment term is Passed/Fail

    A participant who has less than 80% attendance in the teaching cannot submit an examination paper.

    Assignement Grading: Passed / Not Passed
  • Examiner scheme
    The external examiner controls and approves the examination questions and the examiner guidance, and take part in the assessment of a random selection of the papers.
  • Mandatory activity

    80% attendance required.

    Observe a colleague teaching and provide feedback as well as receive feedback from a colleague that observe your teaching.

  • Notes
    Information about the course on NMBU's internal website the semester before start up. There must be at least 12 registered for the course to run.
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures: 20 hours. Group work: 15 hours. Seminars/conversation: 20 hours. Supervised exercises: 15 hours.
  • Preferential right
    Newly employed, permanent scholars with teaching duties and requirements to achieve basic competence in university pedagogy. Participants must have a certain amount of teaching during the course period to be able to try out measures.
  • Admission requirements
    Minimum requirements for entrance to higher education in Norway (generell studiekompetanse)