PPPE302 Student, school and society in Agriculture, Fishing and Forestry

Credits (ECTS):30

Course responsible:Nina Marie Storborg

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Norsk

Course frequency:Annual

Nominal workload:Rated workload is 25 hours per credit.The work consists of gatherings and work with compulsory activities outside gatherings.

Teaching and exam period:The course starts in August block. This course has teaching/evaluation in August block, Autumn parallel, January block, Spring parallel, June block.

About this course

The subject is anchored in "National guidelines for practical-pedagogical education for vocational subjects grade 8-13" with the main emphasis on the subject group student, school and society. The subject is based on subject group 1, Management of learning processes

The students must be able to further develop their teaching competence and vocational teacher identity. A key area is to improve one's own practice and the school's operations, and to carry out systematic research and development work in schools, in companies and in alternative learning arenas.

Central to the subject is also developing the students' relational skills in such a way that they are able to build a constructive and inclusive learning environment and meet pupils, apprentices, parents and colleagues and other actors in the subject and vocational training with professionalism and interpersonal competence. The subject pupil, school and society should contribute to the student experiencing progression, wholeness and coherence in the study.

After completing the course, students have the following learning outcomes defined as knowledge, skills and general competence.

Learning outcome



  • can explain strategies for leading diverse learning communities, in the school and in various nature-based arenas
  • can reflect on students’ development, motivation, learning and socialization with support from research-based knowledge
  • can discuss connections between individual, social and cultural factors in a diverse and multicultural learning community, including upbringing cultures, agricultural occupational cultures and life forms
  • can explain strategies for relationship building with and between students, colleagues and parents
  • can account for connections between educational history, including Sami educational history, the school's mandate, the vocational training in nature use and the teacher's role in the school and society
  • can describe the school organization, as well as relevant laws, conventions and curricula that are central to the vocational education in nature use
  • can discuss the role of nature management education in Norwegian society
  • have knowledge of how societal trends affect nature use in business and leisure and the need for competence in school, work and community life
  • have knowledge of difficult life situations and issues that children and young people may encounter and what rights and support bodies it may be relevant to cooperate with
  • know research-based knowledge about education and training in a society based on visions of democracy, diversity, and equality.



  • can create a motivating, constructive and inclusive learning environment that considers student diversity
  • can analyze and discuss content and challenges in legislation and curricula as a starting point for their own professional practice
  • can guide and provide learning-promoting feedback and help students to reflect on their own learning and professional development
  • can guide students in making further educational choices from the lower secondary level to vocational training
  • can build relationships with, communicate, and collaborate with students, colleagues, parents, and other bodies associated with the school
  • can participate in and plan research-based development work in the school, as well as evaluate the work critically
  • can critically assess adapted vocational education in the light of perspectives on life skills, citizenship, democracy and sustainable management of natural resources

General competence


  • can meet all students, parents and colleagues through dialogue and respect
  • can further develop their own competence as vocational teachers and contribute to both colleagues' and the school's professional development
  • can orientate themselves in professional literature, raise relevant questions, explore, and discuss these critically and develop their own professional practice
  • can reflect on how emotional and willful aspects in students can affect their learning and collaboration with others
  • can contribute to a good psycho-social learning environment as well as prevent bullying and perform the activity duty.
  • Learning activities
    The main focus is a practice- and experience-based introduction to professional analyses, discussions and reflections on theory related to vocational education. Working in different groups where the students learn from and guide each other as well as being guided by staff are key approaches. Inquiry methods are used in the student's assignments.
  • Teaching support
    Teachers and fellow students will supervise the students during the compulsory activities.
  • Prerequisites
    The course is for everyone who has competence in Programme for Agrigulture, Forestry and Fishery. Good Norwegian skills, oral and written, are required.
  • Assessment method
    The exam consists of two parts. Part one is a pedagogical reflection paper that is assessed for pass/fail. Passing the reflection note is a prerequisite for taking the oral exam, which is assessed on a grade scale of A-F.

    Oral exam Grading: Letter grades Written hand-in Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    An external examiner approves the examination scheme and evaluates the written as well as the oral examination.
  • Mandatory activity

    I. A vocational pedagogical development project that is group-based.

    Assessment: Approved / Not approved. Supplementary information is provided in Canvas.

    II. Participation in a minimum of 80% of the teaching.

    Prerequisite for taking the exam are that all compulsory activities have been approved.

  • Teaching hours
    The course consists of gatherings, each gathering 4 - 5 days.
  • Preferential right
    Admitted to PPU, with teaching competence in Programme for Agrigulture, Forestry and Fishery, or a combination of Agrigulture, Forestry and Fishery and science, borth part-time and full-time
  • Admission requirements
    Admitted to PPU, with competence in Programme for Agrigulture, Forestry and Fishery, or a combination of Agrigulture, Forestry and Fishery and science.