GEO300 Advanced Hydrogeology

Credits (ECTS):10

Course responsible:Helen Kristine French

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk, norsk

Course frequency:Annually.

Nominal workload:Total 250 hours. Theory: 110 hours. Exercises and hand-ins: 40 hours. Modelling: 100 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/avaluation in Autumn parallel.

About this course

This course covers advanced methods for mapping and predicting water and solute transport in the subsurface. The course emphasizes a good understanding of the connection between geological conditions, groundwater flow and the interaction between solutes transported in the water phase and particle surfaces. The following topics are covered: the groundwater flow equation, the importance of spatial variability and the application of geostatics, the choice of conceptual model, including boundary conditions, the physical and chemical properties of the subsurface. The latter includes equilibrium considerations and sorption properties. The course includes lectures, exercises, model exercises in the computer room, this can be done in smaller groups. Practicals using groundwater models such as Visual Minteq and MODFLOW will enable the student to apply theories to test water flow and solute transport in groundwater systems.

Learning outcome


The student should through the course have acquired knowledge about quantitative methods for describing water and solute transport in the unsaturated and saturated zones. Knowledge obtained about geo-chemical processes, dispersion, diffusion, retardation and degradation should be sufficient for the student to be able to evaluate the effect of human activities on the aquifer system. Students will become familiar with methods to describe the subsurface, including geophysical methods and geostatistics, as well as the use of groundwater models for quantitative prediction of changes. The student should be able to evaluate the risk of changes of groundwater resources quantitatively and qualitatively in view of sustainable management of groundwater.

Skills The student should, on the basis of available national databases and information on geological conditions combined with a specific type of pollution, be able to set up a conceptual model for pollution transport in groundwater. Based on a known situation, the student should be able to suggest methods to characterize a pollution situation, and be able to predict/estimate the outcome of such a situation using model tools tought in the course, and uncertainties / limitations of measurement methods (field and laboratory) and model calculations.

General competence Analyze a complex situation, spatially and over time. Be able to present a problem, explain methods, data, analysis results and discuss these with people both with and without backrgound on groundwater .

  • Learning activities

    1. Lectures - theory of flow in unsaturated and saturated flow and geochemistry.

    2. Exercises including application of the theory in calculations and numerical modelling (ICT).

    3. Assignments and student presentations (assessment included in the final grade).

    4. Practicals including the use of the models Visual Minteq, MODFLOW and MT3DMS

  • Prerequisites
    GEO220 or equivalent.
  • Recommended prerequisites
    GEO320, MILJØ200, JORD310, KJM100.
  • Assessment method

    Oral examination counts 100 %.

    Grading scale A-E / Not passed.

    Oral exam Grading: Letter grades Home exam Grading: Letter grades Permitted aids: C3 All types of calculators, all other aids – including digital aids Oral exam Grading: Letter grades
  • Examiner scheme
    An external examiner at the oral exam.
  • Mandatory activity
    One mandatory exercise and a modelling report.
  • Teaching hours
    Lectures and introductions: 40 hours. Exercises: 8 hours. Modelling: 20 hours.
  • Admission requirements
    Special requirements in Science