EDS203 Introduction to International Relations

Credits (ECTS):5

Course responsible:Kirsti Stuvøy

Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås

Teaching language:Engelsk

Course frequency:Annually

Nominal workload:125 hours.

Teaching and exam period:This course starts in August block. This course has teaching/evaluation in August block.

About this course

This course provides students with an introduction to the field of International Relations, emphasising the significance of concepts and theories as essential analytical tools. Theories facilitate empirical analysis and shape particular perspectives on global affairs. While some theories prioritise the role of states, other theories engage a plurality of actors in international relations, including civil society, businesses, criminal or terrorist organisations, and individuals. While conventional security paradigms highlight state interests and actions such as deterrence and alliance-building, constructivist theory sees state interest as shaped by interaction and emphasises how identity is shaped historically, which often leads to different perceptions of security.

To navigate the theoretical plurality in international relations, this introductory course explores fundamental questions such as the interplay of structure and agency, the flexibility in the interests and identities of state and non-state actors, the contrasting frameworks used to make sense of international relations, and the theoretical debates addressing how to makes sense of contemporary war and geopolitical uncertainty.

The course delves into core concepts central to the study of international relations, including global order, institutions, identity, war and violent conflict, security, diplomacy, and global governance. It familiarises students with realist, liberalist, constructivist, and critical theories of international relations, while also incorporating feminist and de-colonial perspectives. Emphasising the interconnectedness of the global and the local in international relations, the course underscores the implications of this relationship for the study of political, economic and social transformation on a global scale.

Moreover, students are introduced to basic research skills relevant to studying international relations, including how to search for sources, assess sources, apply academic reference technique, and academic writing conventions.

Learning outcome

After completion of this introductory course, students can identify international relations as a diverse field of study, encompassing a multitude of actors, events, and processes. Students can articulate the diversity of theories in the discipline.

Students are able to define selected concepts in international relations and can relate them to theories such as realism, liberal-institutionalism, constructivism, and critical theory. Moreover, students recognise the contested nature of concepts in international relations and the social sciences.

Students can demonstrate the ability to apply concepts and theories to analyse empirical developments in international relations. To facilitate this, students possess a basic understanding of relevant research techniques, can identify relevant sources, show good referencing skills, and make use of various theoretical perspectives.

Students can communicate clear expectations regarding collaboration and peer support, fostering a collaborative ethos. They engage as team players and actively participate in class discussions, demonstrating their competence in academic referencing and documenting good writing skills.

  • Learning activities

    A variety of learning methods are used, including lectures, discussions, group work, oral presentations, role play-exercises, and consultations with the academic advisor. Students are expected to engage with course readings prior to class sessions. During class activities are designed to facilitate discussion, reflection, and the development of understanding regarding core concepts and theories in international relations. Group work serves multiple purposes, including fostering connections among students and promoting collaborative skills, a trait highly valued by employers. In group work students can process more information than in individual work, it stimulates creativity, and often helps students remember and find better solutions. The overarching goal of group work is to deepen conceptual comprehension and apply theoretical approaches to empirical analysis of international relations.

    Attendance: Generally speaking, and across academic disciplines, there is a strong correlation between lecture attendance and a student's final mark for any given course. Despite one or two exceptions, poor attendance usually translates into poor final marks. This is because you will not have had the forum to discuss ideas, nor will you have had a comparable guide to the ideas and problems discussed during the lecture course. It is therefore strongly recommended that you attend all lectures. Students are encouraged to organise so-called colloquies - discussion groups where they explore ideas related to concepts, theories and empirical developments in international relations.

    Part-time Students & Attendance: To facilitate for part-time students, lectures are recorded and seminar questions are posted for individual study and for collaboration in colloquies. Lectures are 45 Minutes and usually once daily during this introductory course.

    Independent study is crucial. Students are advised to engage in broad reading, dedicating approximately two hours per day to self-study on this course. Good preparation and active participation in class will prepare you well for your written school exam.

    Furthermore, the course includes sessions focused on developing essential academic skills. Students are introduced to the NMBU Learning Centre, the NMBU library, as well as the university regulation on plagiarism and other study specific questions regarding studies at NMBU.

  • Teaching support

    Students are introduced to a detailed course outline (syllabus) for the course at the beginning of the term. This course outline is presented in the digital learning platform Canvas, and shows the day-to-day plan for the course, its activities, and relevant reading for each class/day. Students have access to Canvas once they have registered for studies at NMBU, usually early in August. Information about time and place of classes in EDS203 is available in Time Edit, accessible on NMBU's website.

    The course reponsible is available for supervision during class and in individual sessions. Office hours are presented at the beginning of the course.

  • Prerequisites
    Bachelor degree
  • Assessment method

    Evaluation will be based on two assignments graded pass or fail:

    1. Group work: Students work in groups on an assigned topic and prepare a delivery (for instance, an oral presentation, podcast, etc.). The group distribution will be selected by the module convener and the group self-organises its collaboration, when to meet and how to work.
    2. Written School Exam: A 3,5 hours school exam on concepts, theories and empirical developments in International Relations covered in the course.

    Exam only in English.

  • Examiner scheme
    External evaluation shall be used in connection with the assessment arrangements.
  • Mandatory activity

    1. Compulsory attendance in workshop on academic referencing.

    2. Submit signed plagiarism declaration (on Canvas).

  • Teaching hours
    This course has teaching activities daily during the August-block (before or after lunch), and includes one excursion (long day).
  • Preferential right
  • Admission requirements
    This course is for students with admission to the Master of Science program in International Relations. Students on exchange, such as Erasmus-students, are welcome to attend, and to do so, exchange students can contact course responsible on e-mail.