AOS121-B Sustainable Marketing Management
Credits (ECTS):7.5
Course responsible:Thore Larsgård
Campus / Online:Online
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:Annually
Nominal workload:187.5 hours
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Autumn parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in the Autumn parallel. 8 weeks teaching in period 2/Autumn, week 43-50.
About this course
This online course covers basic concepts and theories in marketing, with an emphasis on the consumer market.
- Marketing, marketing management and marketing planning
- Marketing plan, segmentation, relationships, product concept
- Identification of green values and segments
- Price, marketing communications and marketing network
- Brands, brand architecture, brand communication and brand management
- The purchasing process, consumer attitudes and buying behavior in businesses
- Factors affecting the business, market knowledge
Learning outcome
Knowledge: The student has a basic understanding of the marketing areas of operation, is familiar with key concepts, theories and methods of marketing, and is familiar with examples of marketing in some firms. The student will furthermore understand how marketing can contribute to a more sustainable society by creating changes in consumer behavior.
Skills: The student can find, assess and refer to information relevant to marketing and present this so that it sheds light on basic issues in marketing. The student can participate in the solution of simple marketing challenges in practice.
General competence: The student can apply knowledge and skills in marketing, and is able to reflect and think critically about basic marketing problems.
Learning activities
Teaching support
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Mandatory activity
Teaching hours
Preferential right
Reduction of credits
Admission requirements