Lillehammer is a stronghold for outdoor sports and recreation. The town hosts several events and competitions annually, like the 86 km long classic MTB race Birkebeinerrittet.
Photo: Birken

NMBU-BIL is the corporate sports team at Campus Ås, which includes the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) and most adjacent institutions.

Find and join your training group!

  • The floorball team trains hard and rests hard! Short sessions give plenty of time to chat during the breaks. Who said interval training is boring!!??!!

    We, a slightly unceremonious and hard-working group, meet on Monday at 15:00-16:00 in the GG hall for training. Free entrance for members of NMBU-BIL.

    We also often meet in the employment training on Wednesdays at 15:00-16:00 (under the auspices of NMBU).

    Interested? Anyone can join, no prior knowledge is required. You can borrow sticks for free, all you need is training clothes and training shoes for indoor use.

    Training times

    Monday 15:00-16:00, GG hall, Eika Sportssenter (arranged by NMBU-BIL)

    Wednesday 15:00-16:00, GG hall, Eika Sportssenter (employee training NMBU)


  • The group is a meeting point for employees who want to play disc golf, get fresh air and exercise and socialize with colleagues from across NMBU, the Veterinary Institute and Nofima.

    At regular intervals, an instructor is booked who gives an introduction to the sport and will give useful tips and tricks along the way.

    Members of NMBU-BIL also have access to free rental of discs, both putters and midrange. Contact: Lillian Sandås (lillian.sandas@nmbu.no)

    NMBU-BIL disc golf leader:

    What is disc golf and disc sports?

    Disc sports are sports where a disc is used. The two largest branches are disc golf and ultimate, where disc golf is the most widespread activity. Disc sports are generally a low-cost sport where it is easy to get started. Some disciplines are based on team play, while others are individual.

    There are a large number of disc golf courses all over the country, and new ones are being built at a great pace. A disc golf course is like a golf course, but with baskets instead of holes. You throw a disc from a starting field until it lies in the basket. This is considered a hole, and a course usually has 9 or 18 holes. It is important to have the fewest throws in total when the round is finished. The tracks' challenges are natural obstacles such as trees, water and differences in height, as well as the fact that weather and wind play a role in how the disc moves.

    Disc golf at NMBU

    After a great effort from the park unit and volunteer efforts from students, staff and residents in Ås, it is now possible to use the first 13 curves in NMBU's disc golf course. The course will be expanded to 18 holes in 2023.

    The course is in Google maps, Mazemap, in the apps UDisc and Discgolf Metrix.

    NMBU diskgolfbane
    NMBU diskgolfbane Photo: Lillian Sandås

    Updates about the courses can be found on the Facebook page «Diskgolf i Ås».

    In addition, you can easily find other courses in Norway on UDisc's website.

    NMBU disker til diskgolf.
    NMBU disker til diskgolf. Photo: Lillian Sandås
  • The Pilates group organizes courses with a very skilled authorized Pilates instructor (Ann-Elisabeth Solberg from RenPilates) twice a year. The start is August and January.

    The classes are arranged during working hours and this is therefore a great opportunity to use the one hour that all employees get for training during working hours each week!

    These courses are suitable for both complete beginners as well as advanced learners, as the exercises are adapted to the individual. Members of NMBU-BIL get a 25% discount.

    The courses are often fully booked, so sign up early. Contact the group leader if you have any questions or want to sign up.

    Contact info group leader pilates:

  • For more up to date information and details go to our official Facebook page, CampÅs football.

    Winter and fall: Trainings, 1-2 times a week inside Eika Sportssenter.

    Spring and Summer: Trainings, 1-2 times a week on Storebrand, the grass field beside Eika Sportssenter.

    For membership in NMBU-BIL, register here.

    The membership needs to be renewed every year. All members who is a part of folketrygden will also get a basic insurance in official NMBU-BIL arrangements.

    Contact information leader NMBU-BIL football:

    mailto:ola.tjaland@nmbu.noOla Tjåland, Tlf: 40905720

  • The climbing group meets every Wednesday 3 pm at EIKA Sports Center for an active and social climbing session. The center offers possibilities of both bouldering and climbing with ropes (and one auto bilay). Employees at NMBU, Nofima and the Veterinary Institute get free admission to the Sports Center (Wednesdays between 3 and 4 pm) by showing their employee card and/or a valid membership card for NMBU-BIL at the reception. Join us and feel free to bring a colleague, there is room for climbers at all levels!

    Bouldering started with climbing on large rocks, "boulders", outdoors. Indoors, bouldering is a form of climbing that takes place on low walls over thick mattresses and without ropes. The focus is on each movement. Bouldering has elements of sprint and acrobatics, and is a very social way of climbing. Here you only need climbing shoes to get started!

    Rope climbing (top rope or lead) is climbing on higher walls with ropes as protection in the event of a fall. Here you work in pairs together, where one person secures (bilays) and the other one climbs. Everyone can climb, but it is a requirement that the bilayer has the necessary competence.

    The climbing group at NMBU-BIL arranges technical and bilay courses. The dates vary from year to year as we adapt to the instructor's schedule. Please contact Silje if you have any questions.

    As a member of NMBU-BIL, you get a 25% discount on punch cards at Klatreverket (25 punches), Oslo Klatresenter (10 or 25 punches) and EIKA Sportssenter (10 or 20 punches). The cards can be purchased through NMBU-BIL by sending an email with your wish to bil@nmbu.no.

    Check out our facebook group to keep up to date on our trainings and events: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1981511505454062

    Contact Silje (leader of the climbing group) if you have other questions

  • The shooting group has great and long traditions at NMBU, and has members who have been active since the 70s! We train every Monday (during the season), and take part in series and individual competitions.

    The shooting group of NMBU-BIL actively participates in the series shooting in Follo, and contributes almost a third of the shooters there. In addition to the 10 series rounds, we usually take part in the Follo Championship and the Westlandsheimen Open.

    Training times

    We train on Mondays straight after work in the period October - April.

    Interested in participating or have other questions? Contact:

    Peter Sekkelsten, tlf 95961399, selaurit@online.no

  • The cycling group in NMBU-BIL has two main purposes; 1. Cycle trips in a generous environment, and 2. Contribute to increased provision for cycling to/from work. We do all this at our own pace: so that something happens on a profit-based method. So come along, either to ride on a trip, or make NMBU the cycling universe(ity)!

    Cycling tours

    With the Dutchman Ruben Erik Roos (tel: 95529084) as tour leader, it is ready for a new season. Ruben is a pleasant guy who also knows Dutch, in addition to Norwegian and English. We hope to set a fixed day of the week for trips, and then we will announce on the intranet when and approximately how long the trip is. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

    Cycling and facilitation

    Karen Sanden, Nofima, (tel: 95132795) is responsible here. A free bicycle service is organized one or two times a year, and otherwise we work sporadically with NMBU on better arrangements. And we must not forget the Cycle-to-job arrangement, even if it is not every year that it has been in full force. In this group there is room for people with good ideas, so that we can come up with concrete proposals at the central and faculty level for both bicycle parking and other creative proposals.

  • Although yoga comes from India and has roots several thousand years back in time, you can also practice yoga for the sake of fitness. In addition, there are more people who want to practice yoga to achieve less stress and a greater degree of inner peace.

    NMBU-BIL organizes weekly yoga classes at Eika Sports Center. Do you want to join? Or do you know a colleague who would like to try yoga?

    Eika provides an instructor, hall and all necessary equipment. We recommend that you bring a warm sweater or a blanket, at least on the coldest days.

    Day and time: Tuesdays 08:00 to 09:00

    Spring 2024: Start on Tuesday 23 January 2024. Breaks for the winter holiday (20 Feb) and Easter holiday (26 Mar). The last class before the summer will be Tuesday 11 June. EXTRA CLASS 18 JUNE!

    Autumn 2024: The first class will be 20 August. There will not be a class in the week for the Autumn holiday (week 40, Tuesday 1. October). The last class before Christmas will be Tuesday 17 December.

    Level: Beginner

    Place: Eika Sports Center, Hall A

    Price (Autumn 2024): 600 NOK for the entire semester

    All participants must be members of NMBU-BIL. Become a member directly at the Norges Idrettsforbund website.

    For registration, contact Tine Viktoria Aas. Registration is binding!

    Please contact Tine Viktoria Aas or Silje Modahl Johanson if you have any questions.

  • There is no formal agreement between NMBU-BIL and the other Campus Institutes, apart from NMBU. All full-time or part-time employees, as well as employee spouses/partners, children over 16 and retired employees can become members.

    NMBU-BIL offers both typical team/competition sports and more exercise-based activities.

    BIL currently consists of several different groups. The purpose of calling an activity a group is that it is easier to show when an activity has trainings so that others can join. For the football group, for example, it is important to be a part of BIL because it is necessary to be able to participate in the corporate sports league. For the cycling group, it is important to show employees at Campus Ås that there is a group that cycles regularly and is happy to welcome new people. It is entirely possible to be a member of NMBU-BIL without belonging to any particular group.

    We on the board will use this website as a dissemination channel, as well as to send out a newsletter on suitable occasions.

  • NMBU-BIL welcomes new members with open arms!

    Information about the membership

    • NOK 200 per calendar year (NOK 100 for the rest of the year when registering after 1 July, NOK 50 for registration after 1 October), and runs until terminated.
    • Certain groups / activities may have additional fees.
  • Good training together with pleasant colleagues is the best thing about joining NMBU-BIL. However, we also have some other benefits linked to the membership.

    Free entrance to the large training hall and the climbing section of Eika Sportssenter

    • Free entrance to the hall only applies to the training times of the football, indoor bandy and volleyball groups in NMBU-BIL. See individual groups for more info and training times.
    • Free entry to the climbing section of the Eika Sports Center only applies during training time for the climbing group (Wednesdays between 3 and 4 p.m.). To be admitted, members must show a valid membership card for NMBU-BIL in the reception.


    • NMBU-BIL organizes at (ir)regular intervals, for example, pilates courses, yoga courses, climbing courses and skiing courses. Members usually get a discount on the courses.


    • 25% discount on personal punch cards at Klatreverket (https://klatreverket.no/) and Oslo Klatresenter (https://www.osloklatresenter.no/). To order the punch cards or get more information, send an e-mail to bil@nmbu.no.
    • 25% discount on punch cards at EIKA Sportsenter (https://www.sias.no/idrett/) (max 100 cards/year). To order the punch cards or get more information, send an e-mail to bil@nmbu.no.

    Starting fee reimbursement for individual sports

    • You will be reimbursed after the event.
    • Ssubmit a receipt for the paid starting fee (send in within 2 months after the event).
    • Must be a member of NMBU-BIL.
    • Degree of reimbursement: 75%, limited upwards to NOK 200 per event.
    • Maximum NOK 1000 per person per year, and the total sum for individual sports reimbursement is set at the annual meeting.
    • Use the attached form (link below, only in Norwegian).

  • Do you have a sport you are passionate about? Or does the lunch group want to start a new group in NMBU-BIL?

    Is your answer "yes" to any of these questions? Contact NMBU-BIL so that you can practice your favorite sport with good colleagues. NMBU-BIL can help in several ways, for example, by getting in touch with other employees with similar interests, reserving time in the hall or training room, and offer financial support.

    Contact us as bil@nmbu.no!

    Karen Wahlstrøm Sanden


    Board member

    Ingrid Haug

    Norwegian Veterinary Institute

    Board member