Roland Kallenborn

Roland Kallenborn


  • Research groups, KBM

I am educated in biology and chemistry from the Technical University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) and was awarded the doctorate degree (Dr. rer. nat.) from the University of Hamburg (Germany) in 1993 for a comprehensive study on persistent organic pollutant (POP) levels in common eiders (Somateria mollissima (L.)). I am currently employed as a professor at the Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology, and Food Science, Norwegian University Life Sciences (NMBU-KBM) in Ås and affiliated with the NMBU Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology (MatInf), toxicology laboratory as an internal scientific advisor. In addition, I hold an adjunct Researcher position at the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT, PR China). I am also affiliated as UArctic chair for Arctic environmental pollution research with the University of the Arctic.

My research combines modern chemical analysis techniques and risk assessments for various types of organic contaminants (legacy and emerging organic xenobiotics) in food and environments. For this research work, I am applying modern trace analysis techniques including high-performance liquid and gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry and other relevant detectors. My current geographic focus is on Arctic contaminants research and contaminants in food.

During my courses but also for research projects, I am applying state-of-the-art organic analytical methods for the quantitative, trace-level identification of organic environmental pollutants in Arctic environmental samples.

Our research activities are a part of the NMBU research team in bioanalytical chemistry.


 Additional profile information  and publications can be found at

Research gate




  • Areas of Work
    • Organic analytical chemistry
    • Organic environmental Chemistry
    • Food Safety
    • Toxicants
    • Arctic environment
  • Publications
  • Teaching
    • STATUS: April 2024

                                        NMBU - Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (KBM)

      2012 - to date                      FHM 310 (contributing lecturer): Pollutants and Ecotoxicology (15 ECTS)

      2011 - to date                      KJM 310 (contributing lecturer): Chromatography (HPLC – GC, 10 ECTS)

      2011 - to date                      KJM 240 (contributing lecturer): Analytical Chemistry (basic course, 15 ECTS)       

      2011 - to date                      KJM 313 (contributing lecturer): Mass spectrometry (environmental chemistry methods, 10 ECTS)

      2012 -2017                         KJM 230 (contributing lecturer):  Physical Chemistry (practical exercises: lab-course)

      2012 - to date                      KJM 314 (course responsible): Applied Analytical Chemistry (NMBUpost-graduate course: 10 ECTS)

      2018 - to date                      THT 312 (contributing lecturer): Water management in cold regions (5 ECTS)

      2017 - to date                      MVI 393 (course responsible from 2019): Food Toxicology: 5 ECTS

      2019 -  to date                     MHI 300 (course responsible): Scientific Writing of Masters theses - elearning: 5 ECTS

      2022 - to date                    MUA310: Toxicology in urban Agriculture :  5 ECTS

                           HIT-Harbin Institute of Technology

      2022 - to date             Specialised lecture - Organic Environmental Pollutants and Climate change (16 h)


  • Research and projects
  • Misc and CV


    Professor, Faculty of  Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (KBM), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås, Norway; closely collaborating with the    NMBU-Faculty for Veterinary Medicine, Institute for Food Safety and Infection Biology

    Adjunct Professor, International Joint Research Centre for Arctic Environments, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), PR China    

    University of the Arctic (UArctic) chair for Arctic Environmental Pollution research , UARCTIC, Rovaniemi, Finland;


    NAME:                             KALLENBORN, ROLAND

    YEAR OF BIRTH:              1960

    NATIONALITY:                 German & Norwegian

    SEX:                                 Male


    CIVIL STATUS:                 Married (1997), 2 children (2004, 2006)

    EDUCATION:                  1986 MSc equivalent (1. Staatsexamen) in Biology and Chemistry, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany.

                                            1993  Dr. rer. nat., Institute of Zoology and Institute of Chemistry, University of Hamburg:

                                             Persistent organic pollutants in the food web of the Common Eider (Somateria mollissima (L.)) from North German coastal habitats.


    Fieldwork experience:       

    Oct. – Dec. 1993:  Participation in the Italian Antarctica expedition to Terra-Nova-Bay (Victoria Land), today Italia Zucchelli station.

    2005 – present:  Expedition leader and participant of several student- and research expeditions into the central Arctic, Northern Atlantic and the Barents Sea arranged by the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), on-sea, with the Norwegian research vessel “RV Lance”, on-land and to various research stations incl. Barentsburg (Svalbard), Hornsund,  Ny-Ålesund (North-Western Spitsbergen) and West-Greenland (Nuuk & Sisimiut).

     LANGUAGES:  German (mother tongue), English (fluently in writing and speaking), Norwegian (fluently in writing and speaking), French (fair/ basic in writing and speaking)

    COUNTRIES WORKED IN: Germany 1988 – 1993, 2018; Norway 1993 – 1995; Switzerland 1995 – 1996;  Norway 01.02.1996 – present

    PUBLICATIONS:  Approx. 130 peer-reviewed scientific publications, 15 contract reports, 4 encyclopedia entries, 3 monographs (principal author), 2 monographs (editor), Book Series Editor (Springer), 6 book chapters and, more than 250 oral and poster presentations at international workshops/ conferences/ symposia (since 2010: See CRISTIN, for details - see section PUBLICATIONS).

    SCIENTIFIC KEY QUALIFICATIONS:  Isomer-, congener- and enantiomer selective analyses of organic pollutants with GC-ECD, GCxGC/ECD GC-FID, GC-PND, GC-LRMS (EI and NICI) and GC-HRMS (EI and NICI) as well as GCxGC-TOF and HPLC-MSxMS (QqQ) related methods. Chemical-analytical and ecotoxicological considerations about the fate of organic environmental contaminants is a central scientific goal. The following research describes the main research focus of the Kallenborn group:

    - Method development for detection and quantification of emerging organic pollutants,

    - Environmental Risk assessment,

    -Climate change and contaminants in the Arctic and Northern Region,

    - Chiral pollutants

    - Micro- and nano-plastics in the environment,

    - VOCs in indoor environments,

    - Remediation of contaminated media,

    - Contaminants in food and biowastes, used as substrates for circular bio-economy strategies

    -Urban agricultural strategies



    01.01.2022 - 31.12.2026         Appointed as University of the Arctic chair (UArctic) for environmental pollution research.

    01.01.2020 – present            Professor in Organic Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (KBM), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), in Ås, Norway, Honorary Adjunct Professor at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), PR China

    01.01.2008 - 31.07.2022        Adjunct Professor, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Dept. of Arctic Technology.

    01.01.2017 – 01.01.2020           Professor in Organic Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (KBM), Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), in Ås, Norway  & Adjunct Professor, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Dept. of Arctic Technology.

    01.07.2018 - 30.06.2019     Guest Professor at the Institute of Applied Geosciences (IAG), Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany

    10.05.19 - 01.01.2020       External tutor and Ph.D. Supervisor at Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT)

    01.01.2014 – 31.12.2016            Professor in Organic Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Biosciences, Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), in Ås, Norway & Adjunct Professor, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Dept. of Arctic Technology.

    01.10.2010 – 31.12.2013      Professor in Organic Analytical Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (IKBM), University of Life Sciences (UMB), in Ås, Norway & Adjunct Professor, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)

    01.05.2010 –31.07.2011            Professor UMB , Adjunct Professor at UNIS (20%),  Adjunct Senior Scientist (20 %), Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), Kjeller, Norway

    01.06.2008 – 01.08.2010          Senior scientist I, NILU, Kjeller, Norway and Adjunct Professor, Arctic Technology, UNIS

    01.02.2007 – to date                Appointed Full Professor at the University Center in Svalbard (UNIS) according to the recommendation of the Royal Norwegian Evaluation Committee for Natural Sciences, Chemistry Section (Oslo, Norway)

    1.08.2005 - 01.02.2007                 Associate Professor, University Center in Svalbard (UNIS)/ Head of Department, Arctic Technology,  20% scientist position, Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)

    01.01.1998 – 31.7.2005              Senior Research Scientist I at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU)

    1.02.1996 – 01.01.1998              Research Scientist at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) in Tromsø (Polar Environmental Centre).

    01.04.1995 - 31.01.1996             Lecturer (Position for habilitation) at the Institute of Organic Chemistry, Dept. Analytical Organic Chemistry, University of Basel, Switzerland, in the Group of Prof. Dr. M. Oehme.

    1993 - 1995                        NTNF post-doctorate fellow (Royal Norwegian Council of Technology and Science)  at the Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU), NO-2027 Kjeller, Dept. for Organic Chemistry.


    01.08.2022 - today      Prof. Organic Analytical Chemistry, KBM/ NMBU in NO-1432 Ås, UArctic chair in Arctic Environmental Pollution Research  & Adjunct scientist Harbin  Institute of Technology (HIT)

    01.10.2010- 31.07.2022             Prof. Organic Analytical Chemistry, KBM/ NMBU in NO-1432 Ås & Adjunct Professor, Arctic Technology, University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS) in NO-9171 Longyearbyen.

    01.06.2016 - present            Treasurer; European Chemical Society (EuChemS), Division of Chemistry and the   Environment (DCE)

    2005 - 2008                        Head of Department, Arctic Technology Department at the University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), NO-9171 Longyearbyen, Svalbard

     2005 - 2007                                       Member of the Ny-Ålesund Science Advisory Committee (NySMAC)

    2003 – 2005                       Senior scientist I and strategic leader for the NILU research group in “Ecotoxicology” at the main institute in NO-2027 Kjeller (Norway)

    1999 – 2003                       Senior scientist I and group leader for environmental chemistry at NILUs department in the Polar Environmental Centre in NO-9296 Tromsø (Norway).

    1999 - 2003                        Principal investigator and co-ordinator for research activities in the centre programme ‘Ecotoxicology’ of the Polar Environmental Centre in Tromsø and NILU’s strategic institute programme for ‘POP Analysis in the Arctic’

    1998 - 2005                        Invited lecturer at University Centre at Svalbard (course AT-207: Pollutants in the Arctic).

    1998 - 2003                        Administrative leader of the ‘laboratory group’ and the ‘Ecotoxicology group’ in the Polar Environmental Centre now FRAM Centre in 9296 Tromsø (Norway).

    2001 - 2005                        NILUs representative on the board of directors for UNILAB analyse in NO-9296 Tromsø (Norway).


    2005 - 2022: University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS)

    2005 - 2009                      AT-207 (course responsible): Pollutants in the Arctic (UNIS graduate course: 15 ECTS)

    2005 - 2009                      AT-321 (course responsible): Fate and Modelling of Pollutants in the Arctic (UNIS postgraduate course: 10 ECTS)

    2006 - 2022                      AT-324/ 824 (course responsible): Techniques for the quantification of organic pollutants in Arctic environments (UNIS post-graduate course: 10 ECTS)

    NMBU - Faculty of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food Sciences (KBM)

    2022 - to date                  MUA310 (course responsibility): Urban and environmental toxicology (5 ECTS)

    2012 - to date                  FHM 310 (contributing lecturer): Pollutants and Ecotoxicology (15 ECTS)

    2011 - to date                   KJM 310 (contributing lecturer): Chromatography (HPLC – GC; 10 ECTS)

    2011 - to date                   KJM 240 (contributing lecturer): Analytical Chemistry (basic course; 10 ECTS)

    2011 - to date                   KJM 313 (contributing lecturer): Mass spectrometry (environmental -chemistry methods; 10 ECTS)

    2012 -2017                       KJM 230 (contributing lecturer):  Physical Chemistry (practical exercises: - lab-course, 10 ECTS)

    2012 - to date           KJM 314 (course responsible): Applied Analytical Chemistry (NMBUpost-   -  graduate course: 10 ECTS)

    2018 - to date           THT 312 (contributing lecturer): Water management in cold regions (5 ECTS)

    2017 - to date           MVI 393 (course responsible from 2019): Food Toxicology (5 ECTS)

    2019 -  to date          MHI 300 (course responsible): Scientific Writing of Masters theses- eLearning (5 ECTS)

    2022 - to date           MUA310 (course responsible) Pollutants and Food Safety in Urban Environments (5 ECTS)

    2023 - Today          Qingdao University of Technology (China), Specialised Bachelor level course on  "Instrumental Analysis", 8h

    2022 - to date         University of Stavanger (UiS) NorBra One Health Winter School

    2022 - to date         Environmental Pollutants and Climate Change ( Course responsible), Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), School for Environment

     27.06.–30.06.2011  RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, Cz: 7th RECETOX Summer School of Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology. Lecture on “ Fate and distribution of persistent pollutants in Arctic environments incl. biota”

    25.09.2011              Aarhus University “PhD Summer school: Pollutant Analysis and Effects”

    13.04.-17.04.2015:  RECETOX, Masaryk University, Brno, Cz:  INNOLEC innovation lecture (invited): Environmental organic analytic strategies: Method validation and technologies (12 h, 1 ECTS).

    17.06. - 24.06.2018: Summer school on "Water management in Cold climate" (co-organisor), University Centre in Svalbard (UNIS), Longyearbyen, 67 students

    10.09. - 29.11.2018: Analytische Methoden in den Geowissenschaften (6h lecture), Institute for Applied Geosciences (IAG), Technical University, Darmstadt, Germany (30 students)

    08.07. - 15.07.2019: International Arctic Summer School, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) co-organised with the  University of the Arctic (UArctic). 8h core lecture "Local sources for organic pollutants in the Arctic"

    03.06. - 19.06.2018: THT-312 -Summer school on "Water management in Cold climate" (co-organisor), Web-based arrangement

    06.07. - 17.07.2020: International Arctic Summer School, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) co-organised with the  University of the Arctic (UArctic). 8h core lecture "Local sources for organic pollutants in the Arctic". Digital - Web-based arrangement

    16.01. - 17.01.2021: International Arctic graduate-level Winterschool, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) co-organised with the  University of the Arctic (UArctic). 8h core lecture "Local sources for organic pollutants in the Arctic". Digital - Web-based arrangement

    12.07. - 25.07.2021: International Arctic Summer School, Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT) co-organised with the  University of the Arctic (UArctic). 8h core lecture "Local sources for organic pollutants in the Arctic". Digital - Web-based arrangement.

    Professional Memberships: German Ornithologists Society (DOG), Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE, 2000 - 2012), German Chemical Society (GDCh), German Polar Science Association, American Chemical Society (ACS), Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), Norwegian Chemical Society (NKS), Norwegian Polar Club (NPC).        

    Other Duties/Rewards:

    01.04.2023:                     Elected Titular Member and Norwegian Delegate to the IUPAC Division of Chemistry and the Environment (Div VI).

    01.1.2024:                       Chairman of the EuChemS Division for Chemistry and the Environment (chairman period 2024 - 2028)

    01.08.2022:                     Norwegian Delegate to the IUPAC Division of Chemistry and the Environment (Div VI).

    01.10.2018:                      Elected foreign member of the Specialized Committee for Polar Environment and Ecosystem in the Chinese Society for Environmental Science (SCPEE-CSES)

    01.01.2018:                      Senior advisor and counsellor for the International Joint Research Centre for Arctic Environment and Ecosystem (IJRC-AEE) at the Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT).

    2012:                                Elected foreign member of the Engineering Academy of Armenia (EAA)

    2007:                                Elected member of the Norwegian Scientific Academy for Polar Research                                    -        (2007).

    11/1992:                            Awarded with the “SDN North Sea Environmental Award 1992”.

    2001 – to date:                 Member of the Editorial Board: Fresenius Environmental Bulletin (FEB) and SETAC’s Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (2005 – 2008)

     01.07.2013 – to date:       Member of the Editorial Board: Environmental Chemistry and Ecotoxicology (2018), Chemosphere (2009), Fresenius Environmental Chemistry Letters (FEB, since 2000)

    01.01.1999 – 31.12.2010:  Member of the Steering board and information officer of the Association of Chemistry and the Environment (ACE).

    2005 – today:                      Board member: Norwegian Chemical Society, working group: Analytical Chemistry

    1996 – to date:                   AMAP national key expert for Norway on persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and on human health aspects of environmental contamination in the Arctic”

    01.07.2011 – to date:         Appointed member and international representative of the Norwegian Chemistry Society (NKS) in the Division for Chemistry and the Environmental (DCE) of the European Chemical Sciences (EuCheMS)                                  

    01.07.2013 – to date :         Editor “organic analytical chemistry” for the Journal “Environmental Science and Pollution Research (ESPR)”, Springer Publishers.

    2000 – to date:                    External examiner for ca. 30 MSc thesis at the University of Oslo, University of Bergen, Norwegian University of Technology (NTNU)-Trondheim,

                                                Technical University of Darmstadt (TU-Darmstadt, Germany), Aarhus University (Danmark), The Norwegian Arctic University/ University of Tromsø.

    2000 – to date                     Supervisor/co-supervisor of 45 MSc and 15 Ph.D. projects (since 2005)

    External opponent/ examiner for the defence of Ph.D. theses:

                                            Anneli Marklund: Levels and sources of organophosphorus flame retardants and plasticizers in an indoor and outdoor environment. Department of Chemistry/Environmental Chemistry;Umeå University, Sweden:12.09.2005.

                                            Karin Norström: Bis(4-chlorophenyl) sulfone and PCB methyl sulfone metabolites. Environmental Chemistry, Stockholm University: 12.05.2006.

                                            Liisa Jantunen: Sources and Fate of Organochlorine Pesticides in North America and the Arctic. University of Toronto (Canada): 12.11.2009

                                            Lisa GranelliChemical reactivity as a mirror of environmental transformation – method development and assessment of some selected organohalogens.

                                            University of Stockholm (Sweden): 10.06.2011.

                                            Line Småstuen Haug: Characterisation of human exposure pathways to perfluorinated compounds – comparing exposure with biomarkers of exposure.

                                             University of Oslo (Norway): 17.06.2011

                                            Ruma Gosh: Fishing for Semi‐volatile Organic Contaminants in McMurdo Sound, Antarctica: Trends & impacts on Antarctic Fish.  Otago University,

                                            Dunedin, NZ, 13.01.2012

                                            Ulrika Nordlöf: Levels of organohalogen compounds in White-tailed Sea Eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla) in relation to reproduction impairment in the Bothnia Sea.

                                            Institute of Applied Environmental Sciences (ITM), Stockholm University, 04.05.2012.

                                            Joseph M. George: Micro-extraction and detection/ quantification of trace pesticides in various matrices. University of Johannesburg (South Africa), 01.06.2012

                                            Xijuan Chen: Triclosan removal in wastewater treatment processes. Aalborg University, Department of Biotechnology, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering,

                                           Denmark, 19.12.2012

                                            Rafael Kühnel: Reactive Nitrogen: Transport and deposition at the Arctic site Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. Department of Geosciences,

                                            Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Unversity of Oslo,  08.02.2013.

                                            Gary Codling: The fate of persistent organic pollutants (POPs in Arctic ice and snow. Lancaster Environmental Centre (LEC), Lancaster University (UK), 23.04.2013

                                            Celine Degrendele: Fat and analysis of persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere. Masaryk University, RECETOX, Czech Republic (Cz), 10.12.2014.

                                            Matyas Rypszam:  Bioavailability of Organic Contaminants in a Changing Climate, Umeå University, Sweden, 20.02.2015

                                            Seth Newton: Legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants, particularly brominated flame retardants, in both indoor and outdoor environments.

                                            Stockholm University, Sweden (SU-ACES, 29.05.2015.        

                                           Jean Francois Froment: High-throughput EDA – automated approaches to directly link fractionation, biotesting and identification. University of Oslo,

                                           Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Insititute of Chemistry (UiO), 30.06.2017

                                           Jack Garnett: Investigating the occurrence and accumulation of perfluoro alkylated substances and other persistent organic pollutants in snow and ice of the

                                           Earth’s polar regions, Lancaster Environmental Centre (LEC) Lancaster University, 29.03.2021

                                           Jaromir Sobotka: Establishment of a network for long term monitoring of organic pollutants in aquatic environment on a global scale.

                                            Recetox, Masaryk University, Brrno, Cz, 16.12.2021

     Appointed Referee/ Reviewer for ca. 35 Scientific Journals within environmental Research incl. Analytical Chemistry, Journal of Environmental Monitoring (<2013), Environmental Science and Technology, Environmental Sciences and Pollution Research, Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Environmental Pollution, Environment International, Atmospheric Pollution Research, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, Chemosphere, Science of the Total Environmental, Journal of Chromatography, Journal of Geophysical Research, Geophysical Research Letter, Environmental Science and EcoTechnology etc. Accepted and completed reviews for 30 submitted manuscripts in 2020.

    02.03.– 05.03.2010:     Co-organiser and host of the Nordic Environmental Chemistry conference 2010 at UNIS in Longyearbyren, Svalbard.

    02.03. – 05.03.2015:    Co-organiser and host of the 2015 conference on “Ionisation principles in organic and  inorganic Mass Spectrometry”; Longyearbyen,

    12.04. - 14.04.2016:  Organisation team of ARTEK 2016: International Conference on Sanitation in Cold Regions, Sisimiut, Greenland

    18.06. - 22.06.2017:    Chairman for the 16th international Conference of Chemistry in the Environment (ICCE 2017), Oslo, University of Oslo, Campus Blindern.

    12.12. - 15.12.2018: Organisation Team: International Conference on Water: From Pollution to Purification, Kottayam, Kerala, India, Mahatma Gandhi University (MGU)

    17.06 - 21.06.2019: Scientific board for the 17th International Conference of Chemistry in the Environment (ICCE 2019), in Thessaloniki, Greece (at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)

    14.09.– 16.09.2020:     Co-organiser of the Norwegian Environmental Chemistry Symposium 2020 at Loen, Western Norway.

    Invited plenary speaker at various international scientific conferences including DIOXIN symposia, SETAC conferences (Europe & North America), ICCE conferences (2015 & 2019), ACES spring conventions (2016 San Diego CA  and 2018 New Orleans, LO), RAFA Prague (2017, 2019), ICAC (Tarragona 2014), Water Management in Cold Climates 2020 ( Harbin - HiT), Act now - LEgacy and emerging Contaminants in Polar regions (UBA & Hereon, Germany, 2022) and international symposia in Scotland, France, Italy, Armenia, Romania, India, China, Russia, Germany, Sweden, Island, USA, Canada, Spain.

    Scientific referee and evaluator for research application to funding programmes of the New Zealand Antarctic research programme, EU-LSF programme: ARCFAC V, Czech Research Foundation, Northern contaminant programme (NCP, Canada), National Science Foundation (NSF, USA), University of Antwerp (Belgium), European Science Foundation (ESF), FORMAS (Sweden), MISTRA (Sweden), ENEA (Italy), Danish Miljøstyrelsen (Denmark), Italian Research Council (CNR) and Programma Nazionale de Ricerche in Antartide (PNRA), NERC (UK), Israeli Ministry of Science, Technology and Space., Serra Hunter Programme (Generalitat det Catalunya), FCT-Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal), Al Baqka Applied university, Amman, Jordan.