Edvin Østergaard

Edvin Østergaard


  • Institutt for lærerutdanning og utdanningsvitenskap

My interdisciplinary field of profession comprises science education, musical composition, and research and teaching informed by phenomenology. After completing a Master’s degree in applied science in 1984, I studied musical composition at the Norwegian Academy of Music in Oslo and with Jan W. Morthenson in Stockholm. In 1998, I received my PhD in agroecology in a phenomenological study of conversion processes in organic agriculture. Presently, I work as a Professor in "Art and Science in Education" at RealTek.

Since my debut as a composer in 1988, my pieces have been performed in Norway and abroad. 2010, I received “Spellemannsprisen”, the Norwegian Grammy Award for the CD Die 7. Himmelsrichtung (LAWO Classics). In 2021, I was awarded "Work of the Year" for the composition Ørenslyd. Ritus V (2019) by the Norwegian Society of Composers. My second CD Ørenslyd (LAWO Classics) was released in 2023 and was nominated for the “Spellemannspris” in the category "TONOs komponistpris".

I was appointed "Excellent Teaching Practitioner" ("merittert underviser") by NMBU in 2020.

My research interests are: (i) The interplay between art and science, with an emphasis on attentiveness, teaching, and learning; (ii) the history and philosophy of science, with an emphasis on aesthetics and the diversity of forms of knowing; and (iii) phenomenological science teaching, with an emphasis on ontological and methodological aspects.

During the academic year 2008-2009, I was a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Boston. 2016-2017, I spent my second sabbatical at Humboldt University, Department of Philosophy, Berlin. In my third sabbatical, autumn 2023, I was a visiting professor at the University of Edinburgh, Moray House School of Education.

  • Fagfelt
    • Musical Composition
    • Art and Science in Education
    • Phenomenon-based Science Education
    • History and Philosophy of Science
    • Artistic research
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    Selected Publications

    Østergaard, E. (2022). Music-in-Becoming: Researching Processes of Disclosure. Phenomenology & Practice, 17(1), 137-155. DOI: https://doi.org/10.29173/pandpr29458

    Østergaard, E. (2021a). Music-in-Becoming: Close Attention! Exposition in Research Catalogue.

    Østergaard, E. (2021b). Tuning in on the Becoming of Music. Open Philosophy, 4(1), 198-210. https://doi.org/10.1515/opphil-2020-0168 

    Østergaard, E. (2020). Listening in Science Education: Fostering Students' Lifeworld Experiences. In Burnard, P. & Colucci-Gray, L. (Eds). Why Science and Art Creativities Matter, pp. 131-147. London: Brill | Sense.

    Østergaard, E. (2019a). Echoes and Shadows: A Phenomenological Reconsideration of Plato’s Cave Allegory. Phenomenology & Practice, 13(1), 20-33. DOI: 10.29173/pandpr29372

    Østergaard, E. (2019b). Music and Sustainability Education - a Contradiction? Acta Didactica, 13(2). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5617/adno.6452

    Østergaard, E. (2019c). The Attentive Ear. The Journal of Aesthetic Education, 53(4), 49-70.

    Østergaard, E. (2017a). Earth at rest. Aesthetic experience and students’ grounding in science education. Science & Education, 557-581. DOI 10.1007/s11191-017-9906-2

    Østergaard, E. (2017b). Den estetiske erfaringens plass i naturfag. Naturfag 1/17, 26-29.

    Østergaard, E. (2015a). How can science education foster students’ rooting? Cultural Studies in Science Education, 10 (2), 515-525.

    Østergaard, E. (2015b). Pendulum Dialogues and the Re-enchantment of the World. In Ø. Varkøy and F. Pio (Eds.). Philosophy of Music Education Challenged: Heideggerian Inspirations, 185-198. Dordrecht: Springer.

    Østergaard, E. (2013). Naturfag og kunst: berøringer med verden. Bedre Skole, 4/2013, 10-15.

    Østergaard, E. (2011a). Darwin and Wagner: Evolution and Aesthetic Appreciation. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 45(2), 83-108.

    Østergaard, E. (2011b). Naturfaglærerens doble blikk. Fenomenologiske perspektiver på elevers naturkunnskap. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 4, 314-326.

    Østergaard, E. (2010). Moon Music: A Composition of Art and Science in Dialogue. Leonardo, 43(3), 223-228.

    Østergaard, E. (2006). Composing Einstein: Exploring the Kinship of Art and Science. Interdisciplinary Science Reviews, 31(3), 261-274.

    Østergaard, E., B. Dahlin & A. Hugo (2008). Doing phenomenology in science education: a research review. Studies in Science Education, 44(2), 93-121.

    Østergaard, E., G. Lieblein, T. A. Breland & C. Francis (2010). Students Learning Agroecology: Phenomenon-Based Education for Responsible Action. Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 16(1), 23-37.

    Dahlin, B., Østergaard, E. & A. Hugo (2009). An Argument for Reversing the Bases of Science Education - A Phenomenological Alternative to Cognitionism. Nordina 5(2), 201-215.

    Francis, C. T. A. Breland, E. Østergaard, G. Lieblein & S. Morse (2013). Phenomenon-Based Learning in Agroecology: A Prerequisite for Transdisciplinarity and Responsible Action. Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems, 37(1), 60-75.

    Theilmann, F., P. Buck, L. Murmann, E. Østergaard, A. Hugo, B. Dahlin, U. Aeschlimann & C. Rittersbacher (2013). Phänomenologische Naturwissenschaftsdidaktik. Erkenntnis- und wissenschaftstheoretische Positionierung und erziehungswissenschaftliche Folgerungen. Zeitschrift für Didaktik der Naturwissenschaften, 19, 397-416.

  • Undervisning

    For tiden er jeg emneansvarlig for det fagdidaktiske emnet PPFD300 Fagdidaktikk i realfag (30 st.p.).

    I tillegg underviser jeg i de to masteremnene: PPUT301 Fordypning i realfagsdidaktikk (20 st.p.) og PPFO301 Innføring i pedagogiske forskningsmetoder (15 st.p.)

    Jeg er også emneansvarlig for PhD-kurset PPFO401 Å være forskende deltaker (15 st.p.)