Dejan Dragan Miladinovic

Dejan Dragan Miladinovic


  • Center for Feed Technology (FôrTek)
  • Fagfelt
    • Feed Technology
    • Extrusion
    • Pelleting
    • Rheology
    • Novel feed materials
  • Publikasjoner

    Liste med publikasjoner fra min forskning. (Cristin)

    1Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan. Vacuum dehydration for better feed pellets. Feed Tech. 2014 ;Volum 22.(9) s. 22-25 NMBUUntitled 
    2Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Salas Bringas, Carlos. Influence of various enzymes and lignosulphonate on power consumption during pelleting process and physical quality of pelleted products. ANNUAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORDIC RHEOLOGY SOCIETY; 2014-08-13 - 2014-08-15 NMBUUntitled 
    3Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Steen, Paul. Enzymes make the pelleting process less power consuming. Feed Mix 2014 ;Volum 22.(5) NMBUUntitled 
    4Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Sørensen, Mette; Svihus, Birger. Strenght and Durability of Feed Pellets Influenced by Different Particle Size Distribution, Pellet Volume and Dehydration Techniques. Annual Transactions of the Nordic Rheology Society, vol. 21, 2013; 2013-06-12 - 2013-06-14 NOFIMA NMBUUntitled 
    5Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Svihus, Birger; Mette, Sørensen. Benefit of Moisture Removal with Vacuum Technique. 6th Central European Congress on Food 2012; 2012-05-23 - 2012-05-26 NMBUUntitled 
    6Salas Bringas, Carlos; Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Isaksson, Tomas; Lekang, Odd-Ivar; Schüller, Reidar Barfod. Strength of wheat gluten pellets made at different temperatures, moisture contents and compacting stresses. Annual Transactions - The Nordic Rheology Society 2012 ;Volum 20. s. 253-260 NMBUUntitled 
    7Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan. A thousand blooming flowers through innovation matchmaking between the research institutions and firms: Barriers and Potential for Collaborative Networked Matchmaking Research Innovation. Universitetet i Oslo 2011 120 s. NMBUUntitled 
    8Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan. Miladinovic, D, 2011. Innovation and productivity in feed manufacturing, AllAboutFeed, vol. 2, No. 3. Feed Tech. 2011 NMBUUntitled 
    9Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Zimonja, Ozren. Miladinovic, D. and Zimonja, O. 2010. Influence of the die design, screw speed and filling grade on physical properties, processing parameters and output rate of the extruded fish feed. FP7, Feed to Food conferance REGPOT 3, Novi Sad, Serbia, October 2010. Feed to Food conferance REGPOT 3; 2010-09-29 - 2010-10-01 NMBUUntitled 
    10Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan. Miladinovic, D. 2008. Knife condition and its influence on the pellet quailty (FeedTech, 2008, Vol.12 No.8) reprinted by Afma Matrix - March 2009. Feed Tech. 2008 NMBUUntitled 
    11Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan. Miladinovic, D. 2008. Mastering in feed technology at Fôrtek. FeedTech 12.03.2008. Feed Tech. 2008 NMBUUntitled 
    12Miladinovic, Dejan Dragan; Svihus, Birger. Miladinovic, D, and Svihus, B. 2005. Optimising pellet press settings, FeedTech 09.05.2005. Feed Tech. 2005 NMBUUntitled
  • Undervisning

    HFE310 Management of Production, Risk and Innovation in Feed, Main lecturer

    HFE311 Leadership in Sustainable Feed Production, Main lecturer

    HFE305 Feed Manufacturing Technology -  GuestLecturer 

    HFE202 Concentrate Feed - Guest Lecturer 

    IND210 Industrial Management (LEAN) - Lecturer 


  • Mer om meg og CV

    With separate role at NMBU, except being the head of Center for Feed Technology, Dejan D. Miladinovic is also a reseracher at Faculty of Biosciences, lecturer at MSc and PhD level and extrenal PhD mentor for PhD student connected to BASF project at Realtek faculty.