IND210 Industrial Management
Credits (ECTS):10
Course responsible:Jesper Frausig
Campus / Online:Taught campus Ås
Teaching language:Norsk
Course frequency:Annually
Nominal workload:10 credits normally requires 250 hours of work.
Teaching and exam period:This course starts in Spring parallel. This course has teaching/evaluation in Spring parallel.
About this course
The course content is: Operation and efficiency, lean operating system / stability, basic principles for managing production, information, flow and layout, standardization / Just in Time, quality / involvement / planning, ERP / MRP, OEE, lean as operational management tool, digitization and lean. There will also be an introduction to six sigma.
Learning outcome
The students will have a basic understanding and knowledge of the operation of e.g. public sector, trade, industry, construction, hospitals, fish farming and finance. When the course is completed, the students should be able to manage operational operations, analyze, plan and optimize such processes. Students knowledge of specific tools will be emphasized. A main goal is for the students to gain a practical insight into the topics that are reviewed in the course.
Learning activities
Teaching support
Assessment method
Examiner scheme
Mandatory activity
Teaching hours
Admission requirements