Wageningen University








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Om studiestedet

I følge universitetsrankinger er Wageningen verdens beste innenfor landbruk. I tillegg ble universitetet i 2022 kåret av egne studenter til Nederlands beste universitet for 18.året på rad. Wageningen er svært internasjonalt orientert og har mange av de samme fagtilbudene som NMBU. Her er det mange muligheter for å få et lærerikt utvekslingsopphold med et godt faglig utbytte.

Wageningen er sammen med NMBU en del av ELLS - Euroleague for Life Sciences

  • Om avtalen

    Avtalen gjelder for ulike tilbud innen Life Sciences: landskapsarkitektur, by-og regionalplanlegging, utviklingsstudier, økonomi, plantevitenskap, vann og miljø, agroøkologi, husdyrvitenskap, aquaculture, matvitenskap, bioteknologi, biologi, økologi, miljøfysikk, fornybar energi, skogfag, geomatikk, miljøstudier, reiseliv m.m Avtalen gjelder både både bachelor*, master og PhD-nivå

    Lengde på opphold

    1 til 2 semester.

  • Hvem kan søke

    For alle Erasmusavtaler gjelder at man må ha fullført 60 studiepoeng før utenlandsoppholdet begynner.

    *For å søke på Wageningen må man ha fullført 120 studiepoeng før utenlandsoppholdet begynner.

  • Undervisningsspråk

    Engelsk. Alle kurs på masternivå og 3. års bachelorkurs undervises på engelsk. 1. og 2. års kurs på bachelornivå undervises på nederlandsk.

    Wageningen krever B2 i engelskkunnskaper. Det kan bla. dokumenteres med minimum 4 i engelsk fra VGS.

  • Semesterets varighet ved avtaleuniversitetet

    Høstsemester: Slutten av august til desember eller januar.

    Vårsemester: Februar til slutten av juni.

  • Skoleavgift

    Erasmus-studenter må betale semesteravgift og semesterregistrere seg ved NMBU for det semestret de er i utlandet, men slipper da å betale semesteravgift eller andre undervisningsavgifter ved avtaleuniversitetet.

  • Bolig

    Det er et begrenset antall rom som er reservert for utvekslingsstudenter, så man må være forberedt på å lete etter bolig på det private markedet.

  • Nyttige lenker

    Wageningen tilbyr en hel rekke kurspakker man kan søke på  (3.året bachelor). For en oversikt over kurspakkene (minors), se her.

  • Emner
  • Eksempler på emner tidligere studenter har tatt


    GEO-20406 Human Geography: Theory and Practice

    ENP-20806 Environmental Management and Industry

    CPT-22306 Environmental Communication and Responsible Innovation

    ENP-23806 Sustainability Transitions: Concepts, Issues and Indicators

    BMO-33806 Circular Entrepreneurship: Co-creating the circular economy

    ETE-10806 Introduction Environmental Technology


    GEN-21306 Introduction to Genetic Analysis

    GEN-30306 Genetic Analysis Trends and Concepts

    GEN-30806 Population and Quantitative Genetics

    GEN-20806 Plant Biotechnology

    ENT-21306 Insects as Food and Feed

    TOX-20303 General Toxicology

    MIB-20306 Microbioal Physiology

    FCH-21806 Food Related Allergies and Intolerances

    RSO-22306 Food Culture and Customs

    CBI-20306 Cell Biology and Health

    BIC-20306 Cell Physiology and Genetics

    SSB-20306 Bioinformation Technology

    BNT-50806 BioNanoTechnology; Introduction

    BNT-51306 BioNanoTechnology: Sensors & Devices

    BNT-30306 BioNanoTechnology; Nanomedicine

    CLB-30306 Cell Biology and Advanced Imaging Technologies

    ORC-50803 Chemical Biology: Exploring Biology with Small Molecules


    MST-55306 Principles of Entrepreneurship

    BEC-52306 Financial and Business Management

    BEC-51806 Agricultural Business Economics

    MST-24306 Management and Marketing

    AEW-22806 Marine Systems

    AFI-31306 Life History of Aquatic Organisms

    AFI-31806 Aquaculture Production Systems

    YEI-31306 Trends in Aquaculture

    AFI-32806 Marine Resources Management

    AFI-20306 Aquaculture and Fisheries

    AFI-32306 Nutrition, Welfare and Reproduction in Aquaculture

    Life History of Aquatic Organisms


    Basics in Food Technology

    Milk in Dairy Chain


    ENP-31806 Globalization and Sustainability of Food Production and Consumption

    PPS-30806 Analysing Sustainability of Farming Systems

    SDC-33306 Methodology for Field Research in the Social Sciences

    FSE-30306 Analysis and Design of Organic Farming Systems

    CSA-32806 Functional Diversity for Sustainable Crop Production

    SBL-21806 Soil Quality

    SBL-31806 Nutrient Management

    SBL-50806 Agrobiodiversity

    ELS-32806 Teaching, Learning and Capacity Building for Sustainable Development

    FSE-32306 Methodologies for Reading Sustainable Foodscapes

    FSE-21806 Introduction to Organic Production Systems

    FSE-50306 Ecological Design and Permaculture


    LAW-22306 Global and EU Environmental Law and Policy

    ENR-21306 Environmental economics for environmental sciences

    ECS-65600 Scientific Writing Skills

    LUP-35806 Mobility & network infrastructure

    ETE-22806 Principles of urban environmental management

    LUP-23806 Planning for urban quality of life

    YRM -20306 Research methods in environmental sciences

    EPN-36806 Governance for sustainable cities


    REG-31806 Ecological methods I

    REG-31306 Trends in forest and nature conservation

    FEM-22803 Agroforestry

    REG-32806 Wildlife resource management

    FEM-31806 Models for Ecological Systems


    MCB-20806 Principles of consumer studies

    AEP-20806 Institutional Economics and Economic Organisation Theory

    LUP-23806 Planning for Urban Quality of Life

    ENP-23806 Sustainability Transitions: Concepts, Issues and Indicators


    MAQ11306 Air Quality

    MAT23306 Multivariate Mathematics Applied

    MAQ34806 Atmospheric Composition and Air Quality

    INF22306 Programming in Python

    MAQ21806 Meteorology and Climate

    MAQ30306 Atmospheric Practical

    ENR21306 Environmental Economics for Environmental Sciences

    MAT20306 Advanced Statistics

    CPT50306 Environmental Philosophy and Ecological Restoration


    GEN-20306 Molecular and Evolutionary Ecology

    BHE-50306 Life History Evolution

    BHE-20303 Animal Behaviour

    BHE-30306 Behavioural Ecology


    GRS-51306 Geo-information Science for Society

    ESA-23306 Introduction to Global Change

    INF-51306 Big Data

    GRS-33806 Geo Scripting

    GRS-33306 Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Earth and Environment


    TOX-20303 General Toxicology

    FHM-20306 Food Microbiology

    ENT-21306 Insects as Food and Feed

    FCH-21806 Food Related Allergies and Intolerances

    FQD-21806 Milk in the Dairy Chain

    TOX-30306 Food Toxicology

    RSO-21806 Origin Food: a Market for Identity

    FHM-22806 Food Hazards


    CPT31806 Investigating Knowledge

    ANU30806 Animal Nutrition and Physiology

    ANU30306 Nutrient Dynamics

    RHI50506 Agrarian History

    ANU31306 Feed Technology

    APS-20806 Systems Approach in Animal Sciences


    LAW-22306 Global and EU Environmental Law & Policy

    DEC-32306 International Trade and Development Policy

    PAP-21306 International Policies and Institutions

    SCH-21306 Demography and Global Population Issues


    AEW-31306 Water Quality

    TOX-30806 Environmental Toxicology

    SOC-21306 Soil Pollution and Soil Protection

    SLM-21306 Subsurface Solute Transport

    HWM-21806 Hydraulics and Hydrometry


    MAT-20306 Advanced Statistics

    ENT-30306 Ecological Aspects of Bio-Interactions

    PHP-30806 Molecular Aspects of Bio-Interactions

    NEM-30306 Host-Parasite Interactions

    ENT-30806 Fundmental and Applied Aspects of the Biology of Insects

    SOQ-51306 The Living Soil

    SBL-31806 Nutrient Management

    SBL-21806 Soil Quality

    FSE-31806 Agroecology


    LAR-25806 Studio Site Design

    LAR-25303 Free-hand and Digital Visualisation 1

    AEP-22306 Landscape Economics and Politics

    LAR-28306 Studio Urban Design

    LAR-29806 Planting, Construction and Representation 1

    LAR-27806 Free-hand and Digital Visualisation 2

    LAR-37306 Reflections on Planning and Design Practices

    LAR-36806 Climate-responsive Planning and Design

    ENP-22803 Theories and Themes: Sociology

    ELS-65500 Argumentation Skills

    SGL-11806 Fundamentals of Landscape

    LAR-38303 Landscape Aesthetics

    LAR-37809 Studio Regional Design

    LUP-60309 Atelier Landscape Architecture and Planning

    CBI10806 Introduction to Cell Biology

    ETE10806 Introduction Environmental Technology

    ETE25306 Basic Technologies Urban Environment

    GRS10306 Introduction Geo-information Science

    WSG33806 Integrated Water Management

    ZSS06100 Laboratory Safety