The Euroleague for Life Sciences (ELLS) is a network of leading universities cooperating in the fields of Natural Resource Management, Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, Life Sciences, Animal Sciences, Food Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Rural Development, incl. Agricultural Economics or Rural Sociology.
Scientific Student Conference
The Euroleague for Life Sciences offers Scientific Students Conferences to give the opportunity for students to present their thesis to a broad international audience. The themes of the conferences are different every year, but can be seen from any discipline in the life sciences. Next to the possibility for students to learn from each other, scientific experts are present to give critique to the students' presentations and to give insight in their field of expertise. The conference is a way to formally and informally engage with fellow students and experts. Are you interested and would you like some more information? Go to the webpage for the Student Scientific Conference
NMBU students can apply for a travel grant for participating in the poster or oral session at the SSC. You can contact for more information.
Summer schools
ELLS organizes a Summer School program that lets you gain hands-on experience, learn cutting-edge knowledge in your field, engage in multicultural activities, and have fun, all while exploring a new country. Go to the webpage for Summer schools