Student organisations and social life


NMBU Immatrikulering 2022

NMBU offers plenty of opportunities to engage in a wide spectrum of social activities, student associations and hobbies.


Students are encouraged to become involved in the NMBU community. You can engage in both formal and less formal ways, besides joining clubs and student organisations (se below): Become active in SAIH, chat with the Rethinking Economics group, volunteer for the local ecological cooperative BUA, become a program committee member at the faculty, join the “Brains and Breakfast” series at the NMBU Library or the Thursday Lunches at the Sustainability Hub.

It is important for students to take the time to explore the options and step out of their comfort zone. There is something for everyone!

The diversity of student associations adds to the great student environment at NMBU. There are around 70 different student associations and clubs at the university. No matter what your interests are, you will be able to cultivate them: song, music, dance, politics, sports, food, photography and lots more are waiting for you here at Ås.

New students can check out a large selection of these during Buddy Week. In this introduction week, each association will introduce itself and you'll get an insight into how association life works and how you can sign up. By being part of a student association at NMBU, you get a network that extends across the entire student community and an enriching social life beyond academic studies.

Introduction and Buddy Week

Every autumn semester, NMBU organises Buddy Week (Fadderuka) for our new students. We welcome you to a fun, safe and social start to the semester. No questions are stupid. Everyone was new at some point!

There are many good reasons to take part in Buddy Week:

  • You get to know the people you are going to study with
  • You get to explore the campus together
  • You get to know the various student organisations at NMBU
  • It's fun, social, and inclusive

In addition to Buddy Week, Introduction Week is organized for all new international students one week earlier.

Find your interests and sign up

SiÅS - NMBU's student welfare association

Housing, sports, health, bookstore, food and drink

Student organisations with business collaborations:

Eik Lab

Urban Lab

UKA in Ås is Norway's longest student festival and is organized by students at NMBU. The festival takes place in even-numbered years. The next UKA will be in October 2024. Come along!

Published - Updated
