Guidelines for courses and education through NMBU’s Centre for Continuing Education (SEVU)
Set by NMBU's Director of Academic Affairs and SEVU's Department Director on 18 February 2014. Linguistically updated 01.08.2015.
Please note! This translation is for convenience only. The Norwegian text is the official and authoritative text.
I. Participants on continuing education courses at NMBU are obliged to familiarize themselves with relevant parts of Academic Regulations for Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU). As an addition to the regulations themselves, the guidelines mentioned below highlight important points for the implementation of courses held under the auspices of SEVU. Where there are differences and deviations between the regulations and the guidelines below on these points, the latter apply.
II. Time schedule for teaching, submission deadlines, exams and degrees in continuing education courses are determined by SEVU and the course supervisor. This also applies to degree theses for experience-based master's degrees organized via SEVU. The individual participant is himself responsible for keeping informed of current deadlines and times.
III. To be able to sit an exam/submit an assignment in a continuing education course, the participant must:
- be accepted to the course
- have paid the course fee
- have general study qualifications or have had their practical qualifications approved
- compulsory activities must be approved
- have registered themselves for the course within the stated registration deadline and in the manner determined by SEVU
IV. Participants who for health reasons must have extended time or special arrangements for the exam must apply to SEVU for this within the deadline for registering for the exam. Documentation from a medical expert must be submitted. If there is a need for special arrangements for the exam as a result of an urgent situation, SEVU must be contacted immediately.
V. Participants who need breastfeeding breaks during the exam must apply for this to SEVU by the deadline for registering for the exam. Breastfeeding time is added to the exam time.
VI. SEVU er ansvarlig for organiseringen av avsluttende prøver og langsgående vurderinger. Avsluttende prøve arrangeres og vurderes etter at undervisningen i emnet er avsluttet.
VII. SEVU is responsible for the organization of final exams and continues assessments. A final exam is arranged and assessed after the teaching of the course has ended.
VIII. Assessment deadline for continuing education courses is 3 weeks after the fixed exam date/submission deadline.
IX. The course supervisor submits the signed assessment protocol and censorship form to SEVU. The assessment protocol, together with the completed assessment form, is forwarded to the Department of Academic Affairs, which enters the grades into FS. SEVU announces the grade of the individual course participant.
X. Participants who have valid absence from the ordinary exam, or who take the exam and do not pass, can sign up for a new exam the next time the exam is held, or take the exam at another time determined by SEVU. Documentation from a medical expert must be submitted and a new examination fee may be charged in such cases.
XI. Participants who, due to illness, are prevented from submitting project assignments, semester assignments, reports and the like, can apply to SEVU for a postponed submission deadline. Documentation from a medical expert must be submitted.
XII. Participants who are prevented from taking the exam, or who wish to improve their grade, can normally take the exam the next time the course is held. In such cases, a new examination fee may be charged. After that, the right to take the exam in the course ceases. The right to take the exam expires if the subject ceases or is substantially changed.
XIII. Business-specific information included in submitted assignments and reports cannot be used by NMBU without agreement with the course participant(s). Unless otherwise agreed, submitted works such as project assignments, term papers, reports etc. used by the author(s) after the work has been assessed.