GreenSmart - Masterstipend

NMBU Bærekraftsarena GreenSmart
NMBU Bærekraftsarena GreenSmartPhoto: Illustrasjon

NMBU's Sustainability Arena "Green and Smart Cities" - GreenSmart, announces six scholarships each year, worth up to 8,000 NOK per scholarship, for students writing an MSc thesis at NMBU. Funding is awarded to master's theses that connects participating students from two or more faculties.

What does the scholarship cover?

  • Travel expenses
  • Accommodation expenses (food not included)
  • Research expenses (e.g., a translator)
  • Equipment costs
  • Course or conference fees
  • Other (can be a scholarship to publish the master's thesis – both review articles and popular science articles – during or after final evaluation*)

How much can you apply for?

GreenSmart awards a maximum of 48,000 NOK per year in master's scholarships, divided into at least six scholarships of 8,000 NOK each – or more with a smaller amount.

How do you apply?

The scholarship is awarded once per semester, with deadlines on March 1st and December 1st. Submit an application by sending an email here.

The application must include:

  • - The students name, study program, department, and faculty.
  • - The supervisor's name.
  • - A brief summary of the MSc thesis (and explain why you are applying for the GreenSmart scholarship)
  • - An overview of the estimated costs.

    What happens after applying for the scholarship?

    The student will be contacted within 4 weeks after the deadline (March 1st and December 1st) and informed whether the application was approved and the amount they are eligible to receive. The student must present expenses (receipts) to receive the scholarship afterward.

    If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us here.

    Published - Updated
