Exams and assessments
Good luck!
Before taking your exams or having an assessment
Remember to register for your exam/assessment in StudentWeb within the deadline.
Not taking your exam/assessment? Remember to withdraw from exam/course in StudentWeb within the deadline.
You find the deadlines in the academic calendar
WISEflow - Learn more about NMBU's digital exam system
NMBU uses the WISEflow exam system for digital exams and submissions. Below we have gathered useful information about the system.
WISEflow - digital exam system
If the WISEflow system is to be used in your course, a so-called "flow" will automatically be created for the individual assessment. You will receive an e-mail notification when the flow has been created and a reminder before the exam date/submission deadline.
Submitting an answer in WISEflow is an active choice, remember that you must always press the submit button. If you answer the assignment but do not submit it, you will not get a grade in the course.
In WISEflow you will encounter different types of flows:- FLOWlock is a traditional long-answer exam on campus in locked mode. You get access to the assignment set as a separate document and a text editor with the most common tools for formatting that you know from, for example, Microsoft Word, including spell check.
- FLOWmulti is a multiple-choice exam that is answered directly in WISEflow. Such exams can consist of different types of questions; multiple-choice ticking, filling in fields, classification and matching, text responses, etc. FLOWmulti can be completed with or without locked mode, so they can take place either on campus or at home.
- FLOWassign/FLOWhandin is file upload. Ordinary submission requires the main answer to be a PDF file, other file types can be uploaded as attachments (FLOWassign). For some assessments, it may be relevant to only upload other file types such as Excel or video (FLOWhandin).
Log in
Login to WISEflow using your FEIDE login. It is important that you remember your username and password both for exams at campus and at home. You can administrate your user-account and password.
Contact the IT-department for assistanceInstall the LockDown-browser
FLOWlock is usually used for exams on campus. FLOWlock ensures that the PC is locked for use of the internet and content on your own PC. Before each exam, you must check that you have installed the latest version of the program. You download this from the profile page.
How to check and install the lockdown browserDemo
There are various types of demo exams in WISEflow. Use the demos to familiarize yourself with WISEflow functionality and test that the LockDown browser works on your computer.
See especially "FLOWmulti - Advanced" which is customized for NMBU.There is a button for "Demoflows" at the bottom of the front page in WISEflow.
Link to WISEflow demo pageAppendix manager with non-textual material
Some exams with lock-down on campus require design with drawing and modelling. It is often easiest to use pen and paper, take a picture of it with a webcam and then link it up as an attachment. You should familiarize yourself with how this can be done in WISEflow. You will be given scratch paper at the hall. Remember stationery.
Using the appendix mandager in WISEflowGroup submission
Assignments are often submitted individually, but group-based submissions can also be arranged. Then one of the students must create the group and the others must accept membership. As a rule, one person can upload a file and deliver on behalf of the whole group.
How to create groups, upload and submitLovdata PRO and access to external resources
Access to external resources, for example Lovdata PRO, will be available on certain exams with a lock-down mode on campus. You can find the resource via a separate button. The resource opens in a separate tab so that you can navigate between it and the exam answer.
Even if it is a digital exam, you can bring the book Norway's laws and any special editions of laws and regulations. Copies or prints of laws/regulations/judgments etc. are not permitted. Remember that the book Norway's laws etc. has not been updated to possible recent changes in laws.
Read more about external resources and WISEflow
Examination at campus
It is important that you prepare thoroughly for the exam, both academically and practically. Here you will find information about the practical aspects you need to remember
Please control the following in due time of your exam
- the time and venue for your exam, see Studentweb and below Where and when should you arrive?
- information from course responsible in the course room in Canvas
- for digital exam at campus please make sure that you:
- install the last version of the program that locks your computer (the LockDown-browser), see information under the section about WISEflow- - take a demo in WISEflow to ensure that your computer is ready for exam, see information under the section about WISEflow
- make sure that you have access to the wireless network Eduroam
- e-mail from WISEflow sent to your @nmbu-address
- contact the IT dep. if you need technical help with your user account, PC, network etc.: it@nmbu.no/ph. 67 23 05 55
- - take a demo in WISEflow to ensure that your computer is ready for exam, see information under the section about WISEflow
Where and when should you arrive?
You will find the exam time both in the time schedule and in Studentweb. You will find your exam location on the Studentweb around 1-2 weeks prior to your exam.
You must be present in the examinatio venue 30 minutes prior to the start time for your exam. This applies both to digital exams and exams on paper. When the doors open, find an empty seat, place the permitted items on your desk, and put the rest of your belongings in the designated area. Follow the instructions of the exam invigilators.
- Use the map service Mazemap if your need help finding the buildings and rooms.
What you must bring for your exam
All examinations:
- Physical valid photo ID (student card / Passport / driver's license) with signature
- Stationary (scrap paper is available in the exam venue)
- Food and drinks
- Permitted aids - see the course description online and in Canvas
Digital examination:
- Portable PC/Mac with power supply.
- Remember your FEIDE username and login
- You may bring:
- external keyboard / mouse - must be wired (not wireless)- - noise-cancelling earplugs without sound or internet access
- You can not bring:
- - wireless external keyboard / mouse
- - extra screen,
- - extra PC, Pad, Kindle or similar
- - digital notes / digital curriculum / e-books
Permitted aids for exam and bilingual dictionary
It is important that you as a student know what the permitted aids for your exam / test are and only use these. The course responsible must via Canvas explain the permitted aids for the exam in question. The aids must also be stated in the web based course description. Read more about permitted aids via the link in the green box above. There you will also find information about the use of AI (artificial intelligence).
You can always to bring a bilingual dictionary between your first language and the exam language. The dictionary may not contain any personal notes.Portable computer - PC/MAC
As a student at NMBU, you are required to have access to your own laptop for use both for teaching and assessment.
If you have a PC/MAC that is not working, please contact the Data Service (IT) that can assist you. IT is located at the Servicedesk in the Veterinærbygningen lobby https://link.mazemap.com/7pfsp9nqnq or you can contact them via it@nmbu.no / Ph: 67 23 05 55
We have some exam computers (PC) available on-site during on-campus exams, during the central exam period (see academic calendar), for emergency loans. Unfortunately, these computers cannot be used for home exams or other assessments.
In the examination venue
Digital examination:
- make sure log in to WISEflow and start the exam, to see that the lock-down browser works.
- aids that are not permitted including bags/back pack, mobile phone, watches and outerwear must be placed in the designated area
- technical support will be present for any technical inquiries. The password to access the examination will be written on the board
- scrap paper will be avilable if needed
- no one can end the exam or submit a blank answer before 30 minutes have passed after the exam in question has started
Examination on paper:
- you will be provided with the examination papers and cover sheet to be used. Only paper provided by the examination guard(s) can be used during the exam. You will be assigned an examinee number (also available at Studentweb)
- use a ball point pen and make sure your handwriting is legible
- aids that are not permitted including bags/back pack, mobile phone, watches and outerwear must be placed in the designated area
- you cannot submit your exam answer or submit a blank answer before 30 minutes after the exam has started
- an examination guard must always control your submission before you can leave
- rough notes cannot normally be handed in as part of an answer paper
- when the examination is over you can use up to 15 minutes to ready the papers for submission i.e. number the pages, write examinee number, place the sheets in the correct cover
- if you continue to write on the answer after the examination time is out, this will be regarded as an attempt at cheating
- where possible, you can keep the exam paper and the pink copy of your answer, all other paper, used or unused must be handed to the guards
Illness and valid absence
Withdraw during the exam/submit a blank examination
If you show up for a written exam, but during the exam wish to withdraw/submit a blank answer, the following applies:
Withdraw/submit blank - exam on paper
- You must deliver a completed white and yellow cover sheet. Remember to check that you write the correct candidate number.
- You can hand in the cover sheet and leave the exam hall 30 minutes after the exam has started at the earliest.
- You will be registered as "met" for the relevant exam with a result of F or Not passed. If the conditions are met, you can register for a new exam (account) in the subject.
Withdraw/submit blank - digital exam in the WISEflow exam system
- For the WISEflow exam, you must bring your own PC, also if you plan to submit a "blank"/withdraw from the exam during the exam.
- If you want to submit a "blank answer"/withdraw from the exam you must contact one of the technical guards who will help you.
- The earliest you can withdraw/submit a blank answer and leave the exam venue is 30 minutes after the exam has started.
- You will be registered as "met" for the relevant exam with a result of F or Not passed. If the conditions are met, you can register for a new exam (account) in the course.
Oral examination
Information about time and place etc. for your oral exam is given by the faculty.
Home examination or assignments at home
Exams, tests or other assessments carried out at home are usually submitted in WISEflow or Canvas.
Prepare for home exams and hand ins
- WISEflow
Are you having av home examination or submission in WISEflow? Learn more about WISEflow - see the section above about WISEflow. The date for a home exam/an assignment completed or submitted via WISEflow will usually be published at Studentweb. You should also receive a e-mail from WISEflow up front. - Canvas
Please note that for examination or assignments submitted via Canvas the information about the assignment, the date etc. will only be available in Canvas, not at Studentweb. - Aids and AI
Learn more about permitted aids for home exams and submissions, including use of artificial intelligence (AI) and more. See the green link button below. - Illness or valid absence
If you cannot take your exam/submit your assignment due to illness etc. or if you were to become acutely ill during the exam? Read about how you can apply for a valid absence. See the green link button below.
- WISEflow
Important to remember
- Your own computer/MAC
You must have your own computer. NMBU does not have any spare computers you can borrow for home exams. - Your answer must be written on a computer.
There are only drawings and possibly calculations that can be done with pen and paper and uploaded as an attachment to the answer. Handwritten answers will not normally be censored. - Communication
Communication of any kind between fellow students or other people during the exam is not permitted, unless otherwise specified. - Mobilephone
Have your mobile phone available during the exam. Important information can be sent via SMS. - LockDown
The LockDown browser is not used for home exams. - Examination time
The time displayed in WISEflow is always the final time. It includes time for uploading and any extra time for accommodation of special needs. - Withdrawal from exams
If you want to withdraw from your WISEflow exam/submit a blank answer, you must log into WISEflow as usual, and then press the blank answer button. You will be registered as "met" for the relevant exam with a result of F or Not passed. If the conditions are met, you can register for a new exam (account) in the course. - Taking the exam abroad?
You can take a digital home exam even if you are abroad. It is the stated exam time for the Norwegian time zone that applies.
Submitting your answer
Remember that it is your responsibility to control that the answer paper and any necessary files are submitted and uploaded before the examination is over. It is also your responsibility to control that you have submitted the correct file within the correct time. Please note that the examination system closes once the examination/the deadline for submission is over.
- Your own computer/MAC
Should you experience any problems when submitting your exam in WISEflow please contact us via the support-form immediately.
If you have problems with the support form, you can call exam help on 400 00 825 (only staffed between 08:00 and 18:00 during the exam period).
If the submission is in Canvas or in another way, questions should be directed directly to the course responsible.
Contact the IT department if you need technical help with your user account, PC, network etc.: it@nmbu.no / ph. 67 23 05 55
After exam
You will receive an e-mail when your grade is published in Studentweb.
Assessment for your course should will be available within 15 working days after the exam or 15 working days after the last day of teaching for assessments held during the teaching period. For degree theses, it is 6 weeks after the student's submission deadline. If the examination deadline that appears in Studentweb is more than 15 working days, this means that a postponed examination deadline has been approved.
Explanation and appeals about a given grade or a formal error
You may request an explanation for a grade given, you may also appeal a given grade or appeal about a formal error. Please note that a grades may be changed in the appellant's favor and disfavor, it may also stay the same.
Read more about Explanation and AppealsRe-examination (konte)
Does your course have a single assessment, combined assessment or portfolio assessment? Here we try to explain the differences and what it means for your possibility of a re-examination (konte).
Courses where a re-examination (konte) is offered
A course with a single assessment, i.e. only has a final written and oral exam during the exam period which counts for 100% of the grade in the course, offers a re-examination (konte).
Courses where no re-examination (konte) is offered
A course with two or more independently weighted assessments has a combined assessment. It could be, for example, a written exam, assignment(s) and portfolio assessment(s), etc. Each independently weighted assessment must be assessed separately and given an independent grade. Each part must count with a specific weight, e.g. 40% and 60%.
There are no re-examination for courses with a combined assessment. Nor is a re-examination (konte) offered in courses that consist of a portfolio assessment or a home exam during the teaching period. If you have valid absence or fail such an exam the next possible chance to sit for an exam is the next time the course is scheduled.
When will a re-examination (konte) be offered?
Re-examination for courses are arranged in the following autumn/spring parallel. This means that exams that were normally offered in the Spring parallel, June block and August block are arranged in December/January, while courses with ordinary exams in the January block and the Autumn parallel are arranged in May. This means that it is 4-8 months between the ordinary exam and the re-exam (konte), depending on the period in which the ordinary exam was arranged.
Valid absence or fail
If you have failed or have valid absence for an exam and a re-sit exam is offered you may register for the re-examination yourself via Studentweb, if such an exam is offered for the course.
Read more about valid absence from exam
Documented illness or other special personal circumstances can qualify for valid absence. The documentation/doctor certificate must be submitted to NMBU no later than five (5) working days after the exam in question.No show for exam
If you do not show/turn up for your exam you cannot register for re-examination, but must register for the ordinary scheduled examination in the course.
Registration and withdrawal deadlines
Registration for re-examination autumn semester
- 1 October - for courses with ordinary exams in the Spring parallel, June block and August block. Re-sit examination will be held either a few days before Christmas or prior to the semester start in January.
- 1 November - withdrawal deadline
Registration for re-examination spring semester
- 1 March - for courses with ordinary exams in the Autumn parallel and January block. Re-examination will be held in the end of May/beginning of June.
- 1 April - withdrawal deadline
How to register for re-examination
- Log in to Studentweb
- Click "Results"
- Scroll to the course you want re-sit for and choose "Take the course again (or something similar)"
- Register for exam and choose the correct time (there should be no possibility to register for teaching in the course).
Number of examination attempts in the same course
At NMBU a student may normally have three attempts to be assessed in the same course.
Three attempts
You have a right to be assessed in the same course up to three times provided that the course in question still exists, certain exceptions exists.
What counts:
- You have registered for an exam, but don't show for the exam, it will count as one of your three attempts to be assessed in the course.
- You do not show for an exam, but have valid absence (submitted and approved application), it will not count as one of your three attempts to be assessed in the course.
Retaking a passed exam
If the course and/or examination has been passed, you have an opportunity to be assessed in the same course again. Exceptions:
- students are not permitted to resubmit a degree thesis that has been awarded a pass grade.
- students taking the veterinary medicine and veterinary nursing programmes do not have a right to resit an examination they have passed.
Please note that you can only register for the ordinary exam in the course not re-examination (konte), and that students who are permitted to take an assessment in a course they have previously passed do not have the right to follow teaching in courses with limited teaching capacity.
Best grade counts
If a student has been assessed in a course more than once, the best grade achieved shall count, and only this grade shall appear on the transcript of grades and the diploma.
Application for a fourth attempt
If you have not passed a course after three attempts you may, by submitting an application stating the grounds to the Department of Academic Affairs, be granted dispensation to attempt an assessment in the course for a fourth time.
Application for a fourth attemptThe right to be assessed in a courses that are discontinued
If the course changes significantly with regard to scope, syllabus or similar or the course is discontinued, the opportunity is given to be assessed according to the previous arrangement once. However, the student is not entitled to tuition under the previous arrangement.
In courses with portfolio assessment, the work in the portfolio will normally be an integral part of the teaching in the course, so that it will not be possible to be assessed according to the previous arrangement.
If the course is discontinued or changed significantly the faculty will usually contact the students who was registered in the course the last time the course was offered.
How was your exam?
How was your exam? Whether it is praise or criticism please let us know and send an e-mail to the Examination office.