SUPRA.NO: Accelerating Sustainable Innovation in Norway

By Nikolaos Tsakoumis

Upscaling infrastructure for Sustainable production of fuels, chemicals and feed
Upscaling infrastructure for Sustainable production of fuels, chemicals and feed Photo: Shutterstock

SINTEF and their partners NTNU, PFI, NMBU, and NIBIO, all Bio4Fuels stakeholders, have been awarded a new infrastructure project called SUPRA.NO.

SUPRA.NO will create the tools to support rapid deployment of sustainable processes technologies. The project will address gaps in the national R&D infrastructure by targeting research at higher Technology Readiness Levels (TRL).

The sustainable production of fuels, chemicals and feed from underutilized renewable carbon sources is the main goal. The project builds upon existing biorefinery research infrastructure (NorBioLab I & II), while aims to reach a broader range of feedstocks, including municipal and industrial solid organic wastes, plastics, and gaseous emissions.

Challenges SUPRA.NO will work towards solving:

  • Large amounts of sustainable carbon-based feedstock remain underutilized
  • Novel sustainable technologies take a long time to reach the market
  • Overall Technology Readiness Level (TRL) is defined by the weakest link in the value chain
  • Investments in new technology demonstrations at scale often stops due to increased costs of risk.

SUPRA.NO project objectives:


  • Adding value to underutilized carbon sources
  • Give access to higher TRL of sustainable processes to de-risk potential deployment
  • Enhance interdisciplinary collaboration
  • Obtain holistic control over value chains from feedstock to product


  • Competence creation and education in sustainable processing
  • Advance the existing national analytic infrastructure
The new infrastucture project SUPRA.NO
The new infrastucture project SUPRA.NO Photo: Nikolaos Tsakoumis, SINTEF

Published - Updated
