Student participation in school is important for sustainable development

By Johanne Høie Kolås

Bildet viser Ane Eir Torsdottir 
 Fakultet for realfag og teknologi 
Seksjon for Læring og Lærerutdanning NMBU

Student participation in school is important for sustainable development. This is the conclusion in Ane Eir Torsdottir's doctoral work, where she investigates how various forms of student participation affect students' perceived action competence for sustainability.

"By facilitating student participation in a whole-school approach and encouraging students to positively influence society, schools can strengthen both themselves and their local community, while students get to experience democracy in practice," says Torsdottir.

Ane Eir Torsdottir defends her doctoral thesis "The role of student participation: Fostering students’ action competence within a whole school approach to sustainability" on Friday 1 November 2024. Read more about the event here.

Published - Updated
