Welcome to Skatteforsk- Centre for Tax Research's first of two June seminars!
We are excited to host Mona Barake who will present her work on "Compliance and cryptocurrencies". Barake is a postdoctoral researcher at NMBU. Join us on the Tuesday 11th of June either on campus or through the teams link below. The seminar is open and everyone is welcome to join.
Venue: Tårnbygningen, room T451, NMBU. Time: 11:15-12:00. Contact person: Benjamin Gøtestam (benjamin.gotestam@nmbu.no)
Title: Compliance and cryptocurrencies
Abstract: Cryptocurrencies present a significant challenge to tax enforcement due to their anonymous nature, which limits the tools available to tax authorities. This paper provides the first direct evidence of cryptocurrency tax compliance by linking transaction data from cryptocurrency platforms with tax records. Our findings reveal a tax non-compliance rate of 93%. Furthermore, we observe that non-compliance does not disproportionately occur at the top of the distribution compared to the bottom, which may be related to the size of transactions; as larger transactions tend to show higher compliance. Additionally, our analysis provides insights into the demographic profile of crypto investors, highlighting that they are predominantly young and span various wealth groups.
Authors: Hjalte Fejerskov Boas (University of Copenhagen), Mona Barake (NMBU).
You can join online here. Meeting ID: 331 223 414 377 Passcode: xdUnAk